Chapter 13

The female ghost looked at the master of the voice, and saw a 18-year-old boy, holding an oil-paper umbrella, watching her with a smile.

"You ate such dregs, aren't you afraid of diarrhea?"

The female's face was sinking, she was a little scared, but what happened, she just had to eat him to relieve her hate.

"Don't eat, get up, I'll send you to the underworld." Tang Yuan said impatiently. Since living with Xie Yu, his routine has become very regular, so if he doesn't sleep at this time, he will be a little sleepy.

The female ghost didn't move, and it looked like she would stick to it.

Tang Yuan no longer talks nonsense. It is a messy fight directly. He has strengthened his spirits and gained fighting experience, so he can cope with this female ghost. After a while, he has the upper hand.

But the female ghost was very persistent. Even if he could n't beat Tang Yuan, he still had to persist. Tang Yuan could n't. He could only take out a fire symbol to seal her action, and then opened the oil-paper umbrella to read the method of collecting ghosts.

The female ghost is struggling madly, and she will continue to resist when fighting against her soul. Tang Yuan sighed and said:

"I will send him to jail. He has no leg, and it 's better if he doesn't die. You can't afford to give up your future for such scum."

I don't know if what he said makes sense, or if his distraction distracted the female ghost, and the female ghost was directly taken into the umbrella by him.

Tang Yuan glanced at Wu Chi in a pool of blood, called the emergency call indifferently, and then woke Wu Chi up.

Wu Chi's first reaction when he saw Tang Yuan was to ask for help, but Tang Yuan just looked at him indifferently and didn't speak.

Zhao Zheng, who has been hiding not far away, came up and "stunned" a little and cursed: "Scum." Actually, he didn't know why Tang Yuan said he was scum, but most of Tang Yuan's words were right, so He firmly believed that this man was scum.

"I'm not, I'm not scum, save me, save me." Wu Chi crawled towards Tang Yuan, trying to grab Tang Yuan's trouser legs, Tang Yuan stepped back and said:

"I'll tell you a story."

Wu Chi shook her head frantically, "No, don't, save me first."

"Rest assured, I have already called an ambulance, and the female ghost has also been accepted by me." Tang Yuan said with a smile.

This reassured Wu Chi, no longer calling for help, and the whole person was lying softly.

"There is a man in our school. He fell in love with a girl from high school. However, in the process of falling in love, he relied on the girl for his love and demanded the girl. The girl could not satisfy his desire, so he asked him Broke up.

And this shameless man even asked the girl for a breakup fee. The girl naturally disagreed, so he hated him and prepared to murder the girl while courting the girl. "

When he said here, Wu Chi's face turned white, but soon his eyes darkened, making people wonder what he was thinking.

Tang Yuan continued to say, "The girl's love for him has become a habit, and she has great trust in him, so he took the girl out on the day of his birthday and said he would give him a surprise as a birthday gift.

But when the girl stood on the street and called him, he seduced the girl into the middle of the highway, so he drove the car and hit the girl severely. While he was not dead, he got out of the car and said something to the girl. "

He approached Wu Chi, squatted down, and said softly, "Do you like this birthday present?"

He smiled when he said this, but Wu Chi was cold all over. He looked at Tang Yuan's face as if he had seen himself before, because he had treated Wang Huan like this.

Zhao Zheng suddenly realized, "Oh, he actually killed his girlfriend by driving?"

Before, they couldn't figure it out for a long time. If he killed his girlfriend, how could he kill it?

It's not good to buy fierce people, because he has no money and he can't push his girlfriend to be hit by a car. After all, he has proof of absence.

Now thinking about it, he should go get a car and directly kill someone, and then drive to a place he designed in advance, leaving the proof of absence.

He didn't have a car, so no one could think of the first time that he had hit his girlfriend, coupled with the fear of school, there were many interventions in this case. And I'm afraid he borrowed money not for his girlfriend's family, but for the follow-up problems of the car.

"Scum." Zhao Zheng cursed again.

An ambulance came, Wu Chi was rescued, Tang Yuan and Zhao Zheng also reported the case, and told the police in detail what they knew. If Tang Yuan analyzed it correctly and the police forced him, Wu Relaxation should be punishable.

P/s: None of these are mine.