
Rei was currently sitting on a bench waiting for a bus. He had just finished his shift at the university her worked at. He taught chemistry to graduate students even thought he was only 19 years old. Rei had a slight smile on his face as today he was on the verge of a breakthrough in his work.

As Rei arrived at his apartment complex, he was about to walk inside, when a bolt of black lightnining crashed into him and everything went black.


5 Minutes Earlier.

A nameless god was currently trying to stabilize the creation of a new realm. This was a trial for him to rank up in the godly rankings. He was about to finish stabilizing when it suddenly became 5 times more volatile and blasted him away.

His project exploded and it shot lightning across the realms. Shockingly ( I'm not sorry) it only caused one casualty, Rei.


Rei was currently sitting in the void for what felt like an eternity. Then out of nowhere a light enveloped everything. He couldn't help but compare this to all the novels he had read that talked about reincarnation and such.

Out of the light came a man. He had an ethereal glow to him and Rei couldn't help but be impressed by how imposing he looked.

The man spoke "I'm sorry for my mistake. it ended up getting you killed. I'm here to offer you three wishes and to reincarnate." After the man said that, Rei now thought his life had just become a cliché.

Rei spoke up for his wishes because he didn't feel like giving this cliché any more of his time. " I wish to have a system" Shit. He just contributed to the cliché. Rei shook his head at that little bit of irony. "My second wish would be to be reincarnated into Danmachi and earn triple excelia than normal."

The ethereal man spoke up once again. " All wishes are possible. Once again, I'm, sorry for my mistake. Have a nice journey"


After the man spoke those words Rei found himself in the middle of a dungeon holding a sword. Looking at his appearance he was currently wearing a black longsleeve shirt and black sweatpants. What intrigued him the most was that his body had gone back in age to being about 15.

Rei heard a noise and turned around. He turned around to find a green ungly monster that was just haphazardly charging at him. Rei sighed at the monsters clear lack of intellegence. Rei looked at the monster examining the weak-points before he swiftly cut the monster across the neck, decapitating it. Rei quickly picked up its magic stone before thinking to his system to put it inside his inventory.

[Goblin Slain : 10 Points added in each stat]

20 Points? That should be quite alot of points. Rei smiled to himself before running deeper into the dungeon. On his way he slayed goblin after goblin.

Arriving at the staircase, Rei encountered a new enemy. Rei recongnized this as a kobold. Rei quickly once again looked for weakpoints and found that he could just slice into its eyes and cut up its brain. And thats just what Rei did. Rei picked up the magic stone and got two new notifications.

[Kobold Slain: 15 Points added in each stat]

[Host has killed 25 Monsters. Sell Monster Stones to System?]

'Sell 15 Stones to System'

[Sold Stones, aquired 150 System Points]

Rei smiled at the gaining of System Points and went back onto his slaughter.


Rei had been grinding in the dungeon for about 4 hours now. He had killed an extra 27 Goblins and 23 Kobolds.

Rei was about to head to the top when a monster party had spawned on him. He cursed in his mind because he would have high stats after joining a familia, but right now, it was only at 10 each. He was currently fighting for his life when suddenly a blonde woman had come into the fray and instantly slain all the monsters. Rei had already been on his last legs because he was tired from all the monster slaying he had done before and was already out of stamina.

Rei was panting heavily when he addressed the stranger. " Th-ank Y--ou....I don't actually know your name, but thank you." Rei actually did know who this was, it was Ais Wallenstein. Rei just decided not to say that becuase he felt it would be wierd to know her name when she hadn't introduced herself.

"Ais. Your Welcome." Ais spoke. She helped him up and lead him to the surface. She would fight the monsters on the way to the top. Rei, even just watching Ais kill monsters was entranced. He had only ever seen it on the anime and to say that it didn't do her justice was an understatment.


Arriving at the top of the dungeon, Rei walked with Ais and they left towards the Twighlight Manor.

They arrived at the manor and Rei was impressed. It was not a mansion in his opinion. He wouldn't call it a castle either. It was like a mini-fortress.

As they walked in the building they were greeting by curious stares from random people form the familia. They were no doubt thinking about who the new person next to their Sword Princess was.

They made their way to Ais' goddess, Loki's office.

Openingf the door they were greeted by Ais getting pounced on by Loki. Ais only side-stepped and Loki landed on the ground . She stood up dusting herself off. Once she realized that it wasn't only Ais in her office, she invited them in whilst sizing up Rei. Coincidentally, Rei did the same.

"Who's this?" Loki asked with suspiction. She didn't want people getting to close to her 'precious Ais'.

"I'm Rei. I was leaving the dungeon because of exhaustion when I got jumped my a monster party and Ais saved me" Rei answered. "I was actually wondering if I could join the familia." Rei decided to direct the conversation that way so that he could try and get a falna as quick as possible. This would be helpful so he could actually gain the stats he has.

Ais spoke up before Loki could get a word in. "His technique is very good. Each move was improvised yet it always struck a weak-point in the monsters he fought." Rei and Loki were surprised that Ais had spoken up for him. Rei because he didn't think she saw him fight. Loki because he was supposedly very good at fighting.

"Well, If Ais speaks well of you, you must be good. off with your shirt." Rei didn't really like the way Loki said that but he let it be. He took off his shirt revealing a toned set of abs on his lithe figure. Rei layed down on the couch, letting Loki sit on top of him and prick her finger. She began the entrance ceremony to enter Rei into the familia.

Loki nearly shouted out when she saw his stats and how improved they had been from before.

[Rei Hayate

Lv. 1

STR: 10 -> 870

END: 10 -> 870

DEX: 10 -> 870

AGI: 10 -> 870

MAG: 10 -> 870

Innate Skills: [Nameless Blessing: SSS] [Triple: SSS] [Balance: S] [All Elemental Affinity: A]

Skills: [Calculate: SS]

Magic: [Spacial Magic]

Triple: Triples the amount of Excelia gained from any monster.

Balance: Chooses the highest stat of user and sets all stats to that value.

Calculate: Increases Processing Speed of user.]

After Loki had entered Rei into the familia, Rei got a notification.

[Quest: Enter A Familia.

Higher Rank, More System Points

Reward: 1500 System Points.

Bonus Reward for #2 Familia: 10,000]

This brought a smile to his face. Rei truly didn't care about what his status said as he had already seen it when walking to the twilight manor with Ais. Now that he had some a lot of System Points, he was hoping to be able to buy something like a Mythril Sword. This was so he could use his

[All Elemental Affinity] and channel it into the sword. Doing this would allot his to sharpen the sword with wind, or ignite it with flames.

Rei was really excited for the prospect of using his magic to add elements to his sword. He had always thought that infusing a sword with elements was a super cool thing to be able to do.

Loki just handed him the sheet and began to get excited. She had a new source of entertainment, Rei. The man in question was a bit disturbed by how Loki began to act after seeing his stats. Loki handed Rei the sheet who looked at it with a smile on his face.

"Why are you so excited?...." Ais asked with confusion. Loki simply took the sheet from Rei and handed it to Ais. She read the sheet and after finishing she looked slightly impressed. Of course, this was about the highest amount of emotion Ais was able to produce.

"Ais, could you take Rei to go get some equipment for the dungeon." Loki asked Ais. She simply nodded before gesturing for Rei to follow.


Arriving at the vault they picked up the standard equipment funds for new members, 50,000 Valis. Ais simple left the vault and found a waiting Rei. Ais and Rei left the manor once again.

They arrived at Babel and entered it. The duo swiftly went to get him some armor. They left on the 8th floor to browse some armors from the Hephaestus familia. Ais had made Rei put on over twenty different sets of armor before they settled on a pitch black set of light armor. Rei liked the black because it went with his only pair of clothes. A black long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. Ais was about to take Rei to a sword shop even though they barely had any money left.

Rei stopped Ais from taking him to a weapon store and said that he had a weapon he could use. She simply stated that there were better weapons here. This caused Rei to say that he was fine with the weapon he currently had. Ais simply nodded and they left Babel.


Standing out of Babel, Rei was wearing his armor next to Ais. They had just left and he had handed the money back to Ais. He told her he was going to farm in the dungeon for a while and Ais should head back. Ais simply nodded once more and Rei headed into the dungeon.


While Rei was walking down the stairs he to the dungeon, he was also looking through the shop for a good mythril sword.

Rei had walked the stairs slowly for a good ten minutes and when he was about to be in monster territory, he finally found a good weapon.

[Compounded Mythril Sword (Black/Black)

Cost: 10,000 System Points

A Mythril Sword reforged hundreds of times making it extremely compact and durable. Highly conductive of Magic]

( The (Black/Black) is for the color of the sword and sheath respectively)

Rei quickly bought the sword before entering the dungeon. He ignited the sword with flames to test it out and also test his use of magic. He found it was actually pretty easy to conduct his mana. He quickly stopped the mana flow and tried using wind to sharpen it. This created a wisp of wind around the blade. Rei stopped the mana flow for that aswell.


Rei made his way through the floors, barely getting any excelia because of his already high stats. He was currently on the fog infested floor 10. Rei went around slaying Orcs getting stats finally.

Rei had been slaying orcs for about an hour when he heard a roar come from infront of him. He got excited because this was what he knew to be an infant dragon. He ran towards the infant dragon enchanting his sword with both wind and flames. This increased the sharpness aswell as adding flames to the blade.

Rei arrived at the dragon before jumping at it and cutting a nice slice on its face. He quickly dodged the dragons enraged attack from its tail and made ran under it to stab it in the stomache. The dragon tried to slam on him only to find that Rei had already made his way onto the dragons back. He ran up from the tail to the head dragging his sword into the dragon. After that gruesom attack, the dragon split in half before evaporating into dust. Rei quickly went to grab the stone before desending to lower floors.