
The smoke user

Azrael, Mirai, Gabriel and Uriel walk altogether to gather some information about the Mistess soul that they were looking for.

Gabriel is a little bit irritated because he can see the reaction of the two ladies wanting to get Azrael's attention.

So, he comes up with an idea.

Gabriel: "Hey Everyone, I just have an idea to make our search become a lot faster and we can gather more information."

Azrael: "What's your idea, Gabriel?"

Gabriel: "Let's split into two groups. then later in the evening, we will meet at this location and were gonna share whatever we found."

Azrael: "Hmm. I think that's a good idea."

"I WILL BE WITH AZ!" accidentally Mirai and Uriel said the same thing at the same time.

Mirai: "I'm his servant so I need to be always with him to protect him! "

Uriel: "I can protect him also and I'm an Archangel more powerful than you."

Gabriel: "Hey hey! cut it out! Neither one of you will accompany Azrael because he is coming with me. and both you will be together."

"Huh??? No!" the two ladies said the thing again.

Azrael: "I know that it is difficult but I believe that this is a good idea, and maybe you two will become close to each other after this."

Mirai: "But Az...."

Azrael: "Mirai. Uriel. Please?"

Mirai and Uriel just accepted because they cannot reject that please from Azrael.

And Gabriel is happy at that moment because his plan works.

Gabriel and Azrael decided to walk first and they came to a place that is called the market.

there's too many humans out there buying different things.

While walking, Gabriel notices that they are gaining a lot of attention.

"Oh my God, are they artists? look at that boy. he's very cute.

And that hot guy with him, He's too handsome!"

Gabriel is smiling while hearing those words. but Azrael is just ignoring it.

A girl approach him and asked. "Hi are you new here?"

Azrael replied and tell her that he is here to check if something wrong is happening in this place.

"I can give you information but you need to tell me your name."

Azrael told his name and he also introduce Gabriel.

He just said to that girl that they are just checking the area since they are new. and the girl also told her name which is Anna.

Azrael: "I'm really sorry to bother you but we really need help since we are not familiar with this area."

Anna: "So tell me. what exactly are you looking for?"

Azrael: "We are looking for any person that might know if there is any strange happening in this city."

Anna: "That's difficult, but I think I know a person who can answer you."

Azrael: "Nice. Can you please introduce us to that person."

Anna: "I can answer you, but in exchange you need to have a date with me."

Azrael: " Huh? date?"

Azrael looks at Gabriel but Gabriel is talking with another girl.

He calls Gabriel to come because he needs to ask a very quick question.

He whispers to Gabriel and asked. "Gabriel, can you tell me what is a date?"

"Mhmm. date??? hmmm. how do I explain this." Gabriel is also having difficulty thinking about how he can explain the word date to Azrael.

Gabriel: "It is like going out with your friend but only two persons."

Azrael: "So, just like me and Mirai? like that?"

Gabriel: "Hmmm. kind of..... yeah like that"

In Gabriel's side, he thinks that he explained it well to Azrael because he knows that Mirai has feelings for him.

But in Azrael's side, He is thinking that date is just like going with a friend and nothing else.

Azrael return to Anna and accepted her offer to go on a date with her.

"Great! This is awesome! I can't wait what my friends are going to tell when they saw me with this handsome guy!" Anna was very happy with the response of Azrael.

Azrael and Gabriel both followed Anna to a place that she said that they can meet a person who knows everything in this city.

After a few minutes of walking, they went to a club.

a lot of people were inside the club, dancing singing and it's too much crowded. Azrael is still focused and getting cautious if anything happens. but Gabriel seems like he is enjoying himself since there are a lot of beautiful ladies in that place.

Anna stops walking and tells both of them that only a single person can enter the room that is in front of them.

Anna: "Mr. Gabriel can you please just wait here? only a single person can enter and I think Azrael will be enough."

Gabriel: "Is this OK with you Azrael?"

Azrael: "Don't worry Gabriel I will be fine."

Azrael enters the room and it was filled with smoke and the smell of cigarettes was very strong inside that room.

Anna introduces Azrael to a man sitting in a chair while holding a cigarette.

Anna: "Mr. Alastor, this is Azrael I bring him here because he's looking for some information that you might know."

Alastor: "If you have money then I can answer you. If not, then leave."

Anna: "I will pay for his question."

Alastor: "Well, If you have money then I don't care whoever will pay. Now tell me what do you want to know?"

Azrael: "I know this is strange to ask but did you ever happen to notice some strange things happening here? or maybe some person were being followed?"

Alastor: "That's too much question but as a summary to my answer, I notice some creepy monsters wandering around HAHA I know you won't believe but that's my answer. now give me the money."

Azrael: "I see, so demons are already moving to find the Mistess soul."

Alastor stops after he heard those words from Azrael. And he was shocked.

He told Anna to go out and just wait at the front door.

After Anna goes out of the room, he snaps his hand and all the smoke surrounding inside the room suddenly disappears.

Alastor's face becomes serious and he asked Azrael

Alastor: "Tell me, what are you and what is your purpose on investigating this place?"

Azrael: "I'm just here to investigate this area."

Alastor: "You said something about the Mistess soul! so that means that you are not just an ordinary person."

Azrael is not responding and just remain calm because the aura of Alastor is getting different from that moment.

He is just preparing himself if there will be a combat that might happen.

Alastor: "Damnit! Well I don't care anymore just get out of here and don't ever come back!"

Gabriel enters that room because he also felt that aura from Alastor.

When Alastor saw Gabriel he suddenly scattered all the smoke through the whole room and hide because he identified the energy coming from Gabriel.

He disappeared on their sight but Gabriel and Azrael can still feel his presence.

"I don't want to be included on any trouble with you angels! get out of here now!" Alastor said while he still hidden with all the smoke.

Azrael: "Alastor, we don't want any trouble with you also, we are just here to gather some information."

Alastor: "No! If ever they notice that I'm helping you I know that they will come to me."

Azrael: "What are you saying?"

Alastor: "My father is a demon! and even if I don't want to be like him I still don't want to be included in your troubles.

Gabriel: "Ow, I think we just found another demon Azrael."

Gabriel releases some of his energy to intimidate Alastor.

Gabriel: "Azrael! don't lower you guard!"

The smoke gets bigger in that place and Gabriel decided to fire his arrows to remove those smoke.

Upon removing all the smoke, Alastor is already gone.

Gabriel: "He already scaped! tsk! It is the first I encountered a smoke user demon like that."

Azrael: "That's fine, Gabriel even if that one is a demon, I don't feel any bad presence from him lets just continue our investigation."