
Battle of Pride

As the demon had vanished from Azrael's final attack.

The area was still filled with black shadows and the sky keeps on being darker.

Azrael still continue to keep on rampaging thru the whole area.

even though there are no enemy remaining, he just keeps of destroying things because of his remaining anger.

When he was about to swing again his scythe,

The Angel Michael tried to stop and trying to return him back to his consciousness

Michael: "Stop it Azrael! The demon had been destroyed! Your already win"

Azrael: "You! You are the reason why My Uriel had been killed! its you!"

Azrael pointed his weapon to Michael and starts to attack.

Michael used again his barrier to protect himself by the attack of Azrael.

Michael: "Azrael! listen to me! this will not bring Uriel back. you need to come back to your senses!" Michael's barrier will not last long because of the heavy damage from Azrael's weapon.

He starts to draw his sword that shines as bright as the sun.

"I want to fight you Azrael. but this is not the way that I want to do this." Michael said while preparing to engage in combat.

"HEAVENLY SWORD SLASH!" Michael shouted upon his attack that turns his weapon into a giant sword going to slash on Azrael.

Azrael barely blocked it using his weapon but he's being pushed backwards because of the impact from the giant sword.

"Surrender now Azrael! You cannot win against me!" Michael said.

Azrael was not responding and just keeps on holding his weapon.

The huge sword attack from Michael has been slowly changing its color from yellow bright sun turning into black.

He looked at Azrael and he saw that he was chanting some spells that he cannot understand.

"No Azrael! stop! you cannot use forbidden spells like this! this will turn you into a devil just like the Princes of hell!"

Azrael's eyes turned into pure black. it already covered his red eye color.

and his wings were extending.

He flew above and shouted a really loud war cry.


"No No No! This can't be happening. he is turning!" Michael said while talking to himself watching Azrael being devoured by darkness because of too much rage, anger and hatred.

Suddenly, Lucifer appears and he was laughing very loud.

"HAHAHAHHAHA This is it! Azrael! You will be one of us now! HAHAHA!"

Every time a new demon will be created from a fallen angel; a high ranking demon is always summoned to guard the transition so that no one can disturb or distract the transition of Angel into a demon.

"That's it Azrael! don't fight it! Be hateful of everyone.

Keep turning! HAHAHA" Lucifer was getting a lot of excitement while watching the transition.

"THOUSAND HEAVENLY SWORDS!" A series of swords with lights was coming upon hearing those words and Lucifer saw that Michael summoned a lot of swords to interact with the transition.

Lucifer also draw's his sword to protect Azrael and guard him from converting.

Lucifer: "NO NO NO Michael! I don't need you anymore so don't interrupt with us!"

Michael: "I won't let you convert Azrael into a demon!"

Lucifer: "Pathetic! You are no match with me! daydreamer angel. I will show you the power of seven hells!"

Michael flew using his light wings and he was covered with circular light swords. while having a protection barrier.

"I can definitely defeat you Lucifer. Hand of Satan!" The sky was slowly being filled with a lot of swords with different types and all of it was glowing as the sun.

Lucifer covered Azrael with a blood red barrier to protect the transition.

Lucifer: "Phew! that was really intimidating Michael! I guess I got nowhere to hide now."

Michael:"Surrender Azrael and prevent his transition and I will let you live!"

Lucifer: "I'm sorry to say this Michael but I don't have any ability to turn him back. I'm just here to guide him. He did this to his self. He was devoured by his own darkness HAHAHAHA"

Michael: "If you haven't killed Uriel in the first place, this won't happen to him you devil!"

Lucifer: "Whooahh whooah! so you are full returning back to the Heaven's side after doing a lot of evil things. HAHA I feel pity on you daydreamer angel!"

Michael: "God provided me with another chance after all that I did. He talked to me and I will prove myself worthy by his grace!"

Lucifer: "Then bring it on!"

Michael releases all of the swords that he had summoned. each of the swords that totaled a million on the sky was rushing to attack Lucifer's location.

Lucifer dodges every sword that is thrown to him and he wasn't even countering the attack from Michael.

As the series of swords keeps on raining to Lucifer, the demon started to notice something. He barrier that he used to protect Azrael's transition was being slowly destroyed.

The swords damage was not meant to attack him. It was to interrupt Azrael and destroy his barrier.

"You Filthy Daydreamer Angel!" Lucifer shouted while moving with a full force speed to attack Michael.

The demon uses his sword to smash on Michael. but Michael also summoned a shield that is covered with a really shining light.

"I'm still the strongest angel so don't underestimate me Lucifer! show me what is the Prince of Pride's power!" Michael said to provoke Lucifer and lost his focus on Azrael.

Sword of light from Angel and Sword of darkness from the Demon clashes on the sky. Lucifer starts to get annoyed by realizing that Michael is parrying with him on this battle. His pride cannot accept that an angel can fight with him fairly on a battle of strength

"You are slowing down Lucifer. Are you afraid that you will lose? Show me what you are made of with that pride of yours. Lucifer was really annoyed by what he heard from Michael.

"I'm done playing daydreamer angel!" The devil shifted himself into a much bigger demon and his aura has change and becomes more fearful.

"BRING IT ON DEMON!" As long as I can feel Gods presence in me. I will not lose! Michael speaks with full of confidence.