Tower Things, New and Shiny Stuff


Looking over London, i see that not much has changed from the time i left, after all it's been barely 2 years since i left. Quickly going over to the bank i withdrew as much as i can without causing a commotion (I have millions, it's ridiculous) and ordered myself a check book, i didn't have enough money for it back when i opened my account *sniff* they grew up so quickly.

Going to the bank might have been fun but going back to the Tower is not, going in, i reported for my contracts on the two dead apostles filling the forms ect. and walked away before the guy at the counter could realize who i am, while i was lucky on that encounter, people have started pointig at me like i was some endangered animal, i definitely wasn't lucky with the letters stuck on my dorm room. The first letter informed me that i have been promoted to the rank of Fes, well that was quick if you think about i have no family backing me, not even my big brother has reached the rank of Fes yet, but the second letter is really pushing my temper.

[Signed by Evans Family]

[Our family has recognized your mighty efforts in raising our family name higher amongst the others, due to your great contributions we, as your family have took the liberty to invite you back to our ranks.

With love, your father Edward Evans.]

I stayed there mortified for about five minutes like who the hell are you to say something like that, i have the copy of the Geis signed years ago, they need both sides agreement to break off the contract, like hell i am going back to that shit hole, what's up that "with love" bullshit...

???: Hello Christopher i came to see you after hearing you came back but it seems it's not a good time.

Hearing the voice behind me i turned around ahh it's her, i didn't really care about relationships before going out so i didn't mention her she's the sister of current heir of the Sophia-Ri family, Mary Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri, We were on the same class in Spiritual Evocation, she started calling me by name ever since i told her that i was kicked out.

Chris: Just Clock Tower things, one day they kick you out, other day you suddenly become a savior. *Sigh* anyway how have you been Mrs. Sophia-Ri ?

Mary: I would have been better if you stopped calling me like that but i am fine thank you, so what are you doing now that you're back, want to go for a drink.

This is the part where my brain just sends out warning bells, if i didn't understand the politics wrong she should be on the side of the aristocrats well i am sure i can bore her out with runes.

Chris: Why not, after this letter i could use a drink.

She looked genuinely surprised that i agreed but went along, i have never accepted her invitations before, if i were to guess she's checking me out for anything new and shiny i was always good at Spiritual Evocation, i mean you invent something that was never seen before and people start treating you like a gold mine.

Going to the bar section of the Clock Tower(Yes there's a bar in here) we ordered some Scotch then she started talking about how troublesome her brother is how much she has improved in spiritual surgeries and i talked about my travels and runes ohh lots of runes after about two hours she was tipsy and i got nothing, i need something stronger to get drunk, after pointing out she's getting drunk i send her off to her brother and went to my room and wrote a nice and clear letter back to my would be family *sigh* i know they care about profits and i would have gone back if i had seen my mother even once, alas the only family members i have seen were two assholes so, they can go kiss someone else's ass not like i care about my prestige i don't mind going through the mud.


Next day i located the local Fraga Enforcer, it appears that there's always a Fraga family member working as a Enforcer to keep them updated and i asked her if she has free time where we can talk and got appointment for tomorrow at breakfast? (Why tho) to be honest i have a theory that all Fraga is look alike each other because if i didn't know that Bazzet wasn't born yet i would have mistook her for Bazzet, anyway i have enough time to do what i need to do.


Going to the cursed room i enter without knocking he already knows i am here.

Chris: Good day Wizard Marshall.

Zelretch: Good day ehh *Snaps* right Chris come on sit you've been talking about the update to RuneOS but no one's really using it other than that Fraga Chick i heard you got a date with her *Winks*.

God i really want to punch him and yes i never went out of my way to write or call Zelretch but he has been writing me every week ever since i left for the job what am i supposed to do ignore him ?

Chris: I wanted to ask her advice on Scandinavian relics and possible Primordial Runes nothing personal.

Zelretch: Did you run into Primordial Runes in east ?

Chris: No it's something i had for a while but couldn't make it work no matter what i try, so i wanted to ask her.

Zelretch: Well let's hope you take her to bed as well hehehe, but you wouldn't have come to me if you just wanted to talk so what are you showing me today ?

I just said it wasn't personal dammit. *Breathes in and out*

Chris: I made some armor with alloys that i made mixing eastern and western alchemy, i wanted your rating on it.

Zelretch just raised an eyebrow, i told him to send a fiery punch at a slightly above human strength at my torso and the results were my shirt and jacket disintegrating, that was solid D rank attack WTF Zelretch.

Zelretch: Well it seems quite durable but why is my hand stuck. Ah it got out let's see.

Zelretch took out a pair of glasses and started inspecting the armor even tore my pants while i just stayed still in shock, he totally over shot his punch, note to self don't mess with the Wizard Marshall.

Zelretch: Ahh it's steel and gold but mixed with ether and it's a good attempt at making a affordable armor at low levels, what kind of advice do you require.

Chris: Better metals to replace the Gold and Steel ? you're master at Mineralogy might as well ask.

Zelretch: Hahaha it would be bad if i took your opportunity to experiment with different metals, sorry.

In summary he won't help.

Chris: Worth a shot, well then if you don't have anything to say i have something to build.

With my reminder the jovial old man who told me about his embarring memories was gone leaving only the experienced Magician.

Zelretch: What are you going to do with your family ?

Chris: I already politely told them to "kiss someone else's ass", i don't really care about my image as long as i am alive.

Nodding at my answer he teleported me back to my room, i still have a day i better start building that gun.


Going and buying myself some steel some gold and thanks to my luck i found a Mithril tube and a small Mithril ring which tore thorough my cash funds, i was going to inscribe the runes on the steel but Mithril is better suited for the job, i probably shouldn't be able to use alteration to change the shape of the metals as i am able to but at this point i don't care as long as it works, i created my Qi Steels putties and Qi Gold alloys and shaped them according to blueprint while i melted the small Mithril ring and re casted into a thin sheet while infusing with my Qi, then inscribed some runes that will make this sheet the perfect portable stove that will detect when the popcorns are done popping and lightning it up for a test, IT'S ALIVE!

After setting some popcorn on the stove for later, i went to recast the tube into something like a muzzle for the gun, inside of the it filled with numerous runes creating a crest that will apply "Ice Bomb" spell into any fireball that's shooting out of the barrel. Now, the weapon itself is easier to make i decided with a Desert Eagle design that will fit in the holster nicely and able to charge through the barrel and the handle, now that i made it like this i should add a transfer points in the palms of the armor as well.

Finishing the gun i set it aside for future testing i am not firing that in my workshop, i got my armor out so i could add some more alloys and materials to make it look like an actual clothing, just in case i got my suit destroyed again, at least it doesn't look like it came out of a comic book now.


Next day i took a nice shower, wore my armor under my suit while putting the helmet and the pistol to my necklace and left for my appointment, who decided breakfast would be a great time to talk (I told her like i am free for the next decade and she chooses this) going over i was surprised to see the cafe we're meeting empty, only with Aine at the counter with an apron while cooking ?.

Chris: Good morning ?

Aine: Good morning sit down and don't worry the shop is mine, clean of anyone who might be listening and the breakfast will be ready in a minute so let's talk while eating.

Right... i guess this why people call me naive since i don't care if people listens or not.

Chris: Well i didn't expect you'd be the one cooking but sure.

After a minute Aine came back with a classic British breakfast.

Aine: Knowing how to cook helps on the job now what can i do for the savior of modern runes.

Could they come up with a lamer name ? better not tempt fate.

Chris: Not like i saved it, people just threw it to side and kept buying my spell extension mystic code. Anyway actually i had this Ansuz rune for a while but i can't seem to get it right.

I showed her the only rune i saw Lancer using on screen she's Fraga she probably has more Primordial Runes then i have.

Aine: Did you saw it from someone else ?

Chris: Yes.

Aine: Well you can't use the Primordial Runes like that even if you saw it and draw it perfectly you need to keep drawing until you get the feel it, it's hard to describe, the runes like this are finicky unless someone taught you *Sips coffee* is that all you want to ask ?

Well that answers most of my questions.

Chris: Yeah i was able to have some insights during my travel to east i was wondering if you can recommend places around the north, figured i ask someone who lived there also do you know a place where i can try more explosive spells.

She gave me some locations that wasn't on the tourist guides and a secluded spot where she tries more explosive stuff (I could have tested the gun in the Tower but i don't want them to see it and Magi abhors modern weapons)

Aine: So now i have some questions of my own, can you answer ?

Chris: Sure.

She generally asked about the RuneOS and the rune sequence simulator which i just updated her to RuneOS V2 and left the cafe while she lost herself in playing Solitaire.


Arriving at the location Aine gave me i found a abandoned castle that wasn't on the map, using structural grasping on it i learned that it actually a new castle that was built 5 years ago and has been demolished and repaired with magecraft over 10 times damn girl, she did say she used it for stress relief i can't blame her.

After checking for anyone watching and ect. i pulled out my gun, i aimed at the walls, i did serve in the army in my past life.... well it was mandatory, anyway i know how to use a gun and this guy basically has no recoil, taking some shots i was pleased to see that it works like it's intended not like i am going to attack servants with this and it's powerful enough thanks to the Mithril muzzle to take down anyone who doesn't know what this gun does and the gun practically has no prana input limit, well excess power shall be reabsorbed to the gun so yeah, there's a limit to the output but i don't want to fire it at full power since that would leave me vulnerable for a minute or two, i should work on prana storage as well, i keep delaying that since Jewels keep breaking after use and it's irritating and i don't like the other storage methods none of them has the same convenience of jewels.


For the next four years i had regular visits to North of Europe not that i expected to find anything, so i put up some orders for relics around the Northern Europe everyone knows i am a rune guy no one thought i was planning on joining the 3rd war, i am planning to summon Cu Chulainn as Lancer to make him taste victory since he keeps dying in bad ways, i want to defy his luck and overcome the obstacles and maybe have him teach me the Primordial Runes he knows, i can summon him two months early.


I cracked the jewel part of the Jeweled Sword, you see when you use a Jewel to store prana, it breaks after use or when you drain it completely but the Jewel on this sword doesn't, i managed to crack how that works and presented my findings to Zelretch because shit hit the fan really fast at the tower and i needed backup ASAP, whole aristocrat faction took offence at me, due to me rejecting my familes invitation to come back, they probably had some backdoor agreements to marry me off i guess, after showing my results Zelretch told me that i started at the wrong end, the Jewel part apparently had to come in last(Didn't Rin got Shirou the trace the thing first as well?) but agreed to protect me from the life threatening folk, i still got to ice some people's heads off in secret, my Ice Bomb proving itself to be a good killer move but things calmed after that, While Mary straight stopped talking to me which is, to be honest i didn't even notice until Aine pointed out during one of our talks she was nice to talk but there's some Fraga bullshit going on with relationships so that ship sunk before sailing.


Now that i have a way to make virtually unbreakable Jewels that could store about 100.000 Units of prana, i put one on back of my right hand that will power the "Night King"(Yes my naming sense sucks) so that i don't have to use my own reserves, while firing the gun uses minimum of 15 units even if i don't have heat stored, i feel better not using my own reserves and i put six Jewels on back of my left hand Infinity Gauntlet style that holds 600.000 units in total for bigger spells, considering i can't use all of it at once before i lose control of it, i think i have a good amount, of course i had to fill them up over the time.

Also during these four years something happened, remember the four little lights that's orbiting the star in my dantian, yeah turns out they were 4 Divine Beasts but i was expecting a outcome like this ever since leaving the temple, now they have their little planets inside my dantian still orbiting with the same pattern, i cultivate and the Qi i cultivate gets absorbed into the star then the star sends it to the 4 beasts in return they just shoot it upwards like they're trying to reach somewhere but they have to open the way, i am assuming that they're trying to reach middle dantian where the hypothetical mana core is going to be i am quite curious how that will go.

For the end, in the last year of my travels someone offered to sell me a purple "V" shaped old blade claiming that it came from a expedition, after checking it with structural grasping i realized that i got played for another servant with E rank luck and i bought it right away. Well played Akasha well played.
