New partner and Stealing Treasures


After the whole funeral stuff Tsunade became more docile and caring towards her friends and family, don't get me wrong she was already very loving girl but the amount of punches me and Jiraiya got decreased.

On the other hand she started to spend less time at home leaving Nawaki to Mito most of the time but i doubt she'd stay like that for long since she keeps saying how guilty she feels for leaving him to her grandmother, bad part of this that she keeps coming to my house.

Haru: Why are you here again ?

Tsunade: Orochimaru's place is creeping me out and Jiraiya is a pervert.

Haru: Alright those are some solid reasons.

Tsunade: So what's up with all the eggs ?

Haru: I am trying to fertilize them.

*Crack* Hearing the sound i turned around to see Tsunade backing away towards the exit with a disgusted expression on her face. The egg is on the ground and cracked, poor egg. Thank god it wasn't fertilized.

Haru: Wait, you got it wrong, i mean i was trying using Yang release to see if i can do it.

She rose an eyebrow, she learned medical jutsu from Hashirama while he was alive of course it took her interest.

Tsunade: Explain.

Oh, dear i never heard her sound this emotionless before.

Haru: Yang release said to "Breathe life into things" sure, we can heal and even make a flower bloom but i wanted to see if i can pull that off.

Tsunade: *Sigh* That's just weird.

Haru: *Shrugs* That's not the weirdest thing i have done and you know it.

Tsunade: True.


After Tsunade left i look at the broken egg on the floor and thought about it.

Haru: Even if it got fertilized how the hell am i going to know ?

This, ladies and gentlemen is testament of my intelligence, right after thinking that i figured something else, if i can't sense life itself how am i going to breath into something else ? Do i need senjutsu to master Yang and Yin-Yang release ?

Thinking about this i sat down and meditated to sense nature chakra but not drawing it, just observing it, this energy is life itself i need to know it's properties.

Life is essentially "Vitality" or "Physical Energy" even without soul, since plant life doesn't have souls or a body can live without one, for example Hashirama clone made by Madara said to be alive but didn't have a soul.

Thinking about all of this, i slowly opened my eyes looking at the white chakra in my hand i mustered a little smile before pushing it in an egg, right after that egg glowed and cracked revealing a little black colored Chick yelling in joy of it's birth wait, yelling ?

Right after that i started to feel faint. Note to self don't create life before you have good amount of chakra reserves, last thing i heard was a female scream before i was gone to dream land.


I woke up with something pecking my face opening my eyes i almost got scared by the close up look of this chick.

Chick: You really scared us there.

Did he just talk... and why his voice is so deep. He sounds like All Might and it's weird as hell.

Tsunade: Did that chick just spoke!

Chick: Hold there lady you're looking at the chick that will be the strongest crow this world has evee seen, Believe It!


Orochimaru: Interesting...

Haru: Orochimaru, please don't dissect my chick.

Jiraiya: *Sigh* i always knew you'd get a chick before me but this wasn't what i was thinking *Gets smacked*

Chick: By the way Aniki can you give me a cool name being called Chick kinda deprecating.

Haru: First why are you calling me Aniki ?

Chick: Would you rather something else ?

Imagining this deep voice calling me mother or father *Shivers*

Haru: Just call me Haru it creeps me out otherwise but let's see, how about Ace i think it's sounds good.

Ace: Nice.

Now he just needs to get buffed and wear sunglasses it will be perfect.

Tsunade: Can we come back to the part where this chi... Ace come from.

You accepted that name a little too quick there.

Ace: It's the life's greatest mystery, was it the egg that came first or the chicken, even i don't know.

Tsunade: You know that's not what i mean! and you're a crow damn it.

Haru: Can we talk about how i ended up here ?

Tsunade: Well i forgot something in your house, so i came back but you weren't opening the door... So i broke the door then saw you doing something with white glow then you passed out and Ace was already there.

Ace: It wasn't a good memory for my birth, please don't do reckless stuff.

While i was getting my head around Ace somehow having a full personality upon birth Mito came in.

Mito: Children stop asking questions and let him think*Points at Ace* that means you as well.

Haru: I was practicing Yang release then got that white chakra then pushed it in the egg then it's all black.

Mito: *Sigh* Please don't try dangerous jutsu alone and i hope you'd take responsibility of that Chick.

Ace: I have a name lady it's Ace.

Not gonna lie Mito looked really amused at his response.

Orochimaru: So yang release can make life but it appears the cost of it is great, must research.

Great i must have got him on a new path.


After i was checked and determined to be just exhausted my chakra which is a ridiculous concept for a Uzumaki let alone me who cultivates, i made it back home with Ace and fixed my door.

Ace: That girl really packs a punch.

Haru: Yeah that she does.

Ace: So Haru what am i going to do ?

Well i have no idea, he's intelligent he should be able to use Chakra why not train him. Even better why not teach him cultivation

Haru: I'll teach you some stuff after checking your body, then both of us will train


Checking Ace's body with structural analysis i was pleased to see he has chakra pathways and mapped them out, for now he's just eating the chakra i give to him i need to see how his pathways distributes the chakra to determine a method for him.

Maybe to my luck, it appears tht his pathways roam around his body and merge in his heart and they don't do extra movements unless he guides his chakra by watching the reactions i was able to determine he has fire affinity and come up with cultivation method for him by using a variation of phoenix series moves.

Ace: So i just revolve around like this until i am tired and be done with it ?

Haru: you're still too young to fly so i will carry you around, i shall take you to my missions as well so you can see what i am doing to live.

Ace: Got It!


After the addition of Ace my life got livelier this guy is just like a ball of sunshine.

*Ace literally bursts into flames*

Yeah... he had some control issues at the start but i got him to do control exercises and got it under control he always came to my missions but generally got passed around Mito and Tsunade while i was in village.

He didn't do much in missions but the "Sound Manifestation" Proved itself to be rather OP since it's not genjutsu, other shinobi would check to see if they're under genjutsu then seeing they're not, they would spread out to investigate what's up which gives me time to snuck around.

On the transformations like i said the elements were easy enough i never tried mixing them to try and see if i can create kekkei genkai stuff but i was able to mix Yin Release with other elements to create battle armors and such although i never used it due to being too flashy.

I didn't make an attempt at Yang release again, i am not trying again until i open up my middle dantian even then i am just going to try it in healing.

At fourteen years of age Ace figured out flying and Jiraiya accidentally got himself summoned at Mount Myoboku which reminded me to put more work into Cultivation. I need my middle dantian for usage of natural energy without drawbacks.


Today me and Ace came back from a A rank mission it's my first one and it involved the son of Lightning Daimyo.

Dude was just too well protected, i had to send Ace flying in and setting up a fire to open up a hole in the security even then it was hard, not that i am weak but i had to make it look like it was an accident.

So the son of Lightning Daimyo died because he didn't look where he was going during the initial panic and fell from his balcony.

Now we're going to Akimichi BBQ shop to celebrate we even called the trio...

Haru: Where's the others Tsunade ?

Tsunade: They got things to do, you know Jiraiya with his frogs and Orochimaru found Snake summons.

Haru: I see, well let's order then.

Ace: Ahh i want chicken wings.

Tsunade: You're a bird too.

Ace: Who cares *Shrugs wings* I don't.

Haru: Ignoring the weird imagery what's up i was gone for months anything new ?

Tsunade: Yeah!...

After our meal i escorted Tsunade to her house and got back home to meditate. Today i am opening my middle dantian completely.

It is needed for both power and for the trick i am going to pull on my next mission.

Haru: I would probably fine but if something seems amiss just punch me across the room Ace.

Ace: *Salutes* Got it boss.

Smiling at his joke i sat down quickly, meditating i reach out for the nature energy and draw it in the yellow star in my dantian where it gets refined by it and the surrounding planets then straight to my heart.

When it reaches the heart it just breaks through the whirlpool seal and to the blue star where it gets refined by it and the 4 beasts after they are done with taking the useful parts for them, i use the extra pathways to spread it around my body to get it to adapt the higher tier Chakra then back to the yellow star where it gets mixed with more natural energy.

With each circulation i can feel my reserves getting larger their quality getting better, my body growing stronger, my senses getting sharper and unlike normal sage mode these changes are permanent.

I repeated the circulation till i got tired and stopped, waking up i see that it's already evening and poor Ace fallen asleep while watching me.

It seems i don't need sleep anymore as long as i cultivate so i will replace my sleep with it and sleep on the weekends because why not, just because i don't need to doesn't mean i don't want to.


Next day i got up from meditation and made some breakfast for me and Ace, after that's done i wore my anbu outfit and left for the Hokage Tower.

Hokage: Dragon, come i have a mission for you in the land of bears here's the scroll.

Nodding at him i took the scroll and left, looking at it's contents it seems there's a bandit group there suspected to be funded by one of the villages, i am to just wipe them out and collect their information.

Land of Bears is a two day journey even with my speed, during the road i keep trying to incorporate my teleport marks into this world.

It's not like i can just ask for the second Hokage's jutsu i have to develop one myself if i want teleportation.

It has been slow going but now that my senses are better it's getting easier to sense space around.


Getting to the location i scout using Ace we have been able to share senses with each other so he's just flying around the cave to see if there's another exit.

While my partner is doing the scouting i sense the presences inside the cave 15 people 5 of them has jonin level chakra...

Should be easy enough they don't seem to have sensor ninja not that those guys can sense me anymore now that i upgraded to nature Chakra.

After Ace finished his scout and came back i use one of the new applications for Yin Release.

"Yin Release: Silent Killer"

This one erases the sound 1 meter around me and makes me and anyone touching me transparent, yeah i have invisibility!

Once you have something like this if it's especially being powered by nature chakra stealth mission becomes parks in the walk.

So i killed the fodders and screwed with the Jonins minds to get the info i need, then i cleaned out the cave and left.


My destination however is not Konoha, oh no if am at the Land of Bears i can't leave without that chakra meteorite.

Getting to the Hoshigakure was easy i just snuck in got the mysterious peacock technique to see if there's anything could be salvaged.

Then i snuck in to Hoshikage's house to stole the meteorite, normally this would poison anyone who doesn't have the technique and proper chakra control even then it's just slows the poisoning.

Getting over to the stone i purify it, leaving a black stone with white spots reminiscent of stars, stone got reduced half of it's previous size and radiating a nice soothing chakra that's feels more powerful than nature chakra.

Since it's already cleaned of it's poison i just swallowed the whole thing. While i was going back i kept an eye on the changes to my body.

I figured this guy would get assimilated into my chakra but it lodged itself into to blue star the beasts got really excited when they saw the stone.

It seems like the chakra it's emitting is higher tiered than mine, so my whirlpool seal once again limited the amount i can draw.
