Going Back and Setting Up The Stage


After i did another line of explanation about how i became a god after she just left and my use of Wood Release, the subsequent anti climactic ending of the war even before the said war starting, hearing my explanation Tsunade finally cracked and just said this.

Tsunade: You know what. I don't give a fuck anymore. I am going gambling and you're going to pay for it.

Yeah. I think she took it well, can't say the same about my account balance tho.

Can't i just make shit now though? yeah it's fine. I'll just make "Money Release" jutsus.


For the rest of my time here i just accompanied Tsunade while my clones "fixed" the world.

You know modern technology mixed with chakra, chakra metals came in pretty handy, asphalt roads between villages, modern traveling options getting rid of Daimyos and killing the occasional Stone and Lightning village Shinobi that thought they're too smart. The usual.

During that time me and Tsunade traveled the world, seen many things, unearthed the old kingdoms that was built after Sage of Six Paths died, i found many types of chakra integrated it into myself to upgrade the world.

We finally had our first night after she lost a bet(So sad that i had to gamble on it) and honestly there was this sense of relief from being in the control of the world.


The chibi me's and my astral projection(Takes half of my focus to keep him) handled everything behind the scenes.

Those researchers keep getting depressed if they don't have anything to research but thankfully book Akasha gave is ridiculously long.

The purification side turned into faith center after my ascension, now they have a statues of me doing random stuff.

They're apparently writing a book about me that will spread to the world that will be created inside me... Creepy but it's fine i guess let's hope there won't be false information in it.

My divine weapon on the other hand is a bit tricky, somehow it both has divine attribute and anti divine attribute ?

It looks like a snow white Spear/Sword with gold accessories covered with red veins, i must say it looks like a weapon that jumped out of an anime but i can't change it now that i have it.

On the topic of divinity... I'mma be honest i know i have creation and destruction divinity but there's something else as well but i can't understand what it is, it's not harmful so i didn't dwell on it.


Now that i had time to think about it, i can understand my predecessors advise, why bother amassing power while you can live happily, not like other ROB's would give a shit as long as i don't piss them off.

I was relaxed to that point, i even told myself about to Mito, then me and a certain tsundere orange fox talked about what's going to happen.

It's not like i will stay here forever.

I got him out of Mito without killing her and elevated Kurama into a minor god.

I, then decided to do the same to other tailed beasts they had enough power for to ascend into minor gods anyway, they will look after here while i am traveling but i can't shake the feeling i am forgetting something.


It has been two years since my hostile take over the elemental nations... no that sounds wrong, i re acquired the places that already belong to me and revamped the whole world, now they even have democracy alongside, 9 Beast Gods council for whenever they can't decide stuff.

Apparently a version of the book, faith division wrote got released to the world, so tailed beasts are being called Beast Gods under the "one true god" honestly where they are getting these stuff.

The books apparently self updated, so more shit i do more epic over exaggerated chapters will added i can only sigh in relief to see there's no false info, sure the guy i gave a hearth attack with lightning release turned into, me striking him with thunder in his sleep but i can live with that, at least i am not being painted as someone i am not.


Currently i am on the Hokage monument with tailed beasts(they can change their size and take human form now) and Tsunade, they are here to send me off.

Haru: You really want to stay here, i know that we can keep in touch since there's not much distance but i figured you'd want to see other worlds ?

Tsunade: Nope! not until you finish your job with that other world then we can go to somewhere else.

Haru: So you just don't want to get in my way while i get that women.

Tsunade: Just go already so i can rest, not even strength of a thousand seals can keep up with you.

Haru: You do realize that, it won't be more than a week for you before i return right.

Tsunade looked horrified at the new information poor girl had to endure years of pent up libido.

Ace: Don't worry boss i will look out for her

Haru: Now i am being really worried.

Ace: Oi! don't look down on a brother.

Why is this dude's personality is all over the place ?

Kurama: Just go on already we don't have all day, unlike a lazy god.

That's actually true, they have been working their asses off while i roamed around like a scoundrel.

Haru: Then i'll be going.

Saying this i opened the portal to void where every one could see the Sage of Six Paths rocking that turtle bondage... So that's the thing i forgot.

I quickly turned around to Kurama holding my index finger to indicate i have something to say.

Haru: I can explain.

After couple hours of explaining stuff to both sides, i remember that i have yet to set him free so, after freeing the Sage i made him the major god of peace and justice to be the third party among the beasts and shinobi then i left the Naruto world... more like it got sucked in or my projection dispersed i don't know.


[Dimensional Travel]

[Destination: Akasha/Type-moon

Arrival: 10 Minutes]

Getting back i notice that i am not a soul like before, it seems being a god merged my body with my soul as well.

Akasha: My, my you actually did it, you even got a new shiny divinity different than before, did you recover your memories as well.

So she knew, no wonder she asked a piece of me.

Haru/Chris: No

Akasha: That's unfortunate but it seems like you turned yourself a human god more like High Human God along with a matching divinity, i have never seen one.

Huh? what now am i like Human god of humanity ? that actually sounds lame.

Akasha: Ahem you see previously you ascended by becoming a Buddha and this time you were becoming a Yellow Dragon but to think you'd managed to change it.

Chris: Is it bad ?

Akasha: You will require a reincarnation after going through the 4th war to stabilize yourself but no. You must know high humans from New Gate, now imagine god version of it, it's quite good along with that humanity divinity, it would keep you alive as long as humanity exists.

Chris: Okay... it's like Beast IV then

Akasha: Exactly like Fou-chan. By the way i made some alterations to the test world to make it so that servants won't change in the 4th war you can kill Ryuunosuke early though.

Chris: You really want a piece of me real quick don't you but i will save Sakura though.

Akasha: Why of course go ahead i will make something else to make Kariya join in but you will have to keep Zouken alive until the war.

Chris: Why...

Akasha: Because i like the dead look you're giving me.

After our talk i entered the test world in to the date i have left.


Getting here i quickly made my plans, there's exactly 60 years, Akasha said servants would be the same even after i said i would save sakura that means i can basically go wild on changes, i need prestige to adopt her.

Tokiomi is a standart douchebag of a magus after all. He wouldn't give his daughter to some random magus.

On the other hand to get hired by Einzberns i need to work as a freelancer they won't hire someone from the association and i must have great fame by the time of 1980's because Illya was 8-9 when the 4th war started meaning Kiritsugu got hired at least 10 years before the war to have a kid with Irisviel and gotten ready in those 10 years.


I will go back to clock tower to gain prestige as Christopher Evans until 1960's where i will create a fake family with wood clones and backstory ect. other stuff and built up reputation as freelancer in another identity while a wood clone of me will keep working at the tower and adopt Sakura when the time comes.

With chakra working here without problems it's only a matter of time before my reputation as a magus sky rockets.


First thing in order, how to get famous. Sure i am rather known for my inventions but that's not a "here have my daughter as disciple" type of fame.

Easiest way for me to build up prestige is to disguise my use of chakra as "True Magic"

It's decided and thus, on the year of 1935 "Sixth True Magic: Manipulation of Reality" made its debut and Christopher Evans became the Sixth Magician.

Well it was a shit show, i had no other way to name it since if i named it something lesser and did some bullshit OP stuff, it would raise questions and so i put it as reality manipulation, even Zelretch was shitting bricks while he watched my demonstration of Izanagi(Non sharingan version able to be used on others) as i killed people then brought them back.

I did not dare show them Regrowth it's basically practical immortality without becoming a dead apostle.

Mage's Association especially got pissed off me naming stuff in Japanese and using Eastern terms to explain stuff but they can't offend me easily.

After all the flair and show was done i killed ORT as a show of power that made everyone halt their schemes, not even Zelretch dared to fight that spider, after that i lived my life normally casually inventing stuff.

While i was seemingly doing inventions on the Tower, i was building a version of Throne Of Heroes for the worlds that's going to form inside me, i just have bunch of stars blowing up inside right now, there's yet to be anything resembles a planet on the lower dantian but we'll get there.


On 1960 a boy named Katsuo Akihiro(Victorious Shining Prince, chuuni AF) was born, he came from a normal family and happened to posses magic circuits, after losing his parents to some Magus related Dead Apostle accident, he awakened his origin of *deconstruction and reconstruction*

Then, he started working as a freelancer while pursuing his origin, using his speciality to understand magecraft to it's last bits and making it better than before, he utulized his abilities to do his job not for research but for killing evil, being a "Hero of Justice"

He breached many bounded barriers without their owner even realized. He nullified many magecraft on the spot after taking a look at it.

He reconstructed modern weaponry into stuff nearly reaching Noble Phantasms, determined to kill every Dead Apostle and Evil Magus. He was called "Bane Of Magi" his fame overshadowing Magus Killer by a large margin, only reason he wasn't given a sealing designation was because his abilities seemingly didn't reach family traits and Family Crests.

This man that happened to be Sixth Magician in disguise and he just got an invitation from Einzbern family during the winter of 1983, to fight for them during the 4th Grail War.

Akihiko: About damn time i was getting bored of killing people and it's sucks when your fake identity has better background story then yourself.

Generally, i hunted Dead Apostles but i always kept an eye on Kiritsugu, first i made sure his first love didn't die, then he still met Natalia but this time taking Shirley with him...

Which caused major headaches because i had to watch over the trio to make sure they lived relatively happy. Happy as they could be as freelancers.

After all i am going to "Meta NTR" him, he will lose the wife he never knew he might have had... Fuck that sounded horrible.

In the end i made white zetsu spores type clones that stuck to them to watch them and help them if necessary.

The fact that i had to save Natalia and Shirley over 35 times all these times is not funny, it's like dude is destined to lose everything he has.


Following the address on the letter i have arrived at a small cottage on a mountain base in Germany.

Getting in the first thing i had to do was dodge and fire back to my attacker, after my opponent was incapacitated i moved towards her.

It's an Einzbern Homunculus a battle maid version...

Akihiko: It's not nice to invite someone to attack them.

Maid: I was tasked to evaluate your combat power.

I wish she'd give me more info but i guess this is all i can get without clarifying.

Akihiko: Did i pass ?

Maid: Yes.

Akihiko: Then, now what ?

Maid: Unit is incapable of movement, unable to proceed.

Ahh sure, after i freed her, she pulled out one of my tablets and send a message to someone and gone to a corner to wait.

Maid: Another maid will be here shortly to accompany you to Einzbern Castle, please wait patiently.

Will the rest of them are going to be this monotone ? can i awaken their sense of self with some stimulation or a powerful genjutsu without them imprinting on me ?

Why do i bother with Acth anyway i should just take control of him using non-sharingan kotoamatsukami. Yeah that's a good plan.
