Does this still count as a war ?


After we stopped Artoria killing Merlin by dispelling the illusion, she was rather confused until she saw the photos of her face, i must say the transition from serious to dead to rage has a rather artistic taste to it due to Artoria's charisma.

Much to say Artoria wasn't happy with the situation and destroyed the photos with Invisible Air, jokes on her i have digital copies.

After learning that i am her master she relayed the issue she was having with the current situation.

Artoria: You summoned me to Grail War! not horse play! get serious!

Akihiko: How about no ? ...relax, Artoria we already won the war even before summoning you.

Artoria: What do you mean you won before summoning me !

Akihiko: First of all i have Merlin here who could probably take you down if he had prep time, second of all, you see that maroon spear lady... Yeah she can kill gods! let alone heroic spirits, you just got summoned because i needed to have a servant to validate as a master.

Telling a warrior they just got summoned as an accessory can be quite rough as evident by Artoria shaking my shoulders at forces that would have killed a normal human while yelling stuff that i can't understand. To be honest it reminds me that scene a frantix Aqua is shaking Kazuma for front seat.

Akihiko: By the way give up on the grail as well. It doesn't work as you hoped it to be.

Shaking stopped and she processed the information that's been given. Then...

Artoria: WHAT!

Irisviel: Dear, i thought you were going to tell her gradually, this is just too sudden, is there a reason ?

Seeing Irisviel looking at her with pity in her eyes Artoria slumped as she tried to make sense of what's going on. Her hated teacher is here with some god slayer and this man supposed to be her master is weird as hell.

Akihiko: *Sigh* Tsunade got bored and played the VN's, so we're better of getting over with it.

I pulled out a PC containing the VNs and the anime series.(Fate Zero is not included no one likes spoilers)

Akihiko: If we start now we can get over with this in a week or two, come on.

Artoria: What...

Merlin: Ohhh, movie night, I'll project the screen with magecraft.

Artoria: What screen ?

Irisviel: I'll get the drinks!

Artoria: What's going on ?

Scathach: I'll get some popcorn.

Artoria: ...

Akihiko: I'll wait until everything is ready.*thumbs up*

As you can guess this wasn't the first movie night in Einzbern Castle.

And yeah... Artoria's not feeling good...


Artoria is currently discarded her armor and sitting on the ground while holding her knees.

Irisviel: Dear, i think you guys broke her, you should apologize.

Scathach: She shouldn't have been a king if her mentality is that weak...

(*Arrow Piercing Saber)

Merlin: I trained her to the best i could but i can only interfere with human affairs so much before harming myself after all i am not a pure human...

(*Another Arrow)

Akihiko: Not that she was a bad king, it's just that she didn't think of all the people that lived after her death while wishing for a do over that pisses me off.

(*FATALITY) (That really pissed me off, like we know time travel in fate wouldn't just wipe out that timeline with a snap, they would die a slow agonizing death not that she knew but still made me mad)

Irisviel: You guys...

After we roasted the lovable and hungry lion i showed her my worlds while feeling like i have been doing this stuff a lot lately.

Hearing my offer she rejected to rule again which is fine but she's allowing me to move Avalon to the New World and she will become the protector of humanity.

I could probably create these stuff like Avalon instead of stealing but who has time for that, just making the Throne of Heroes was bothersome enough.

In summary we got Artoria updated and i have informed her that she will be fighting her old knight in the war.

Arter the war she's going back to the Avalon and stay there... i have failed the dreams of thousands of people.

Artoria: By the way why did you joined this war, you clearly don't need it.

I pointed Irisviel.

Akihiko: It allowed me to meet my wife.

I think that may have been a extra damage there since she discarded her emotions in her life but here i am joining wars for love.


Akihiko: Remind me, why are we taking the plane instead of teleporting like we did with the car and the motorcycle.

Currently we are at the airport in the capital of Germany, we have our tickets ready baggages are in spatial items and we're going to board a flight to Kyoto and drive to Fuyuki.

Irisviel: I really wanted to board a plane.

Merlin: Yeah, my clairvoyance would always show them crash, i am really interested in them.

Yeah... He's here too, Merlin is rocking a black shirt, scarf and a pair of glasses he really looks like Camelot&Co version right now.

Scathach: I voted for teleportation.

Scathach is wearing a soft looking black dress that's reaching her knees. I was on the same side but i couldn't reject Iris.

Artoria: It looks like our flight is here we should proceed.

Of course i had her dress in a black suit.

After our boring flight where only Merlin and Irisviel enjoyed we have arrived at Kyoto and i summoned our vehicles, Artoria got the motorcycle while i took the wheel from a pouting and unwilling Iris.

Akihiko: You can ride after we reach Fuyuki i don't want to get pulled over.

Her pout intensified.


Hello there this is clone number 4, i fortified the defenses of the house and put a big magical sign saying "Sixth Magician Lives Here!" to scare people off

Rin: Old man why don't you help father for the war ?

Chris: Because outside interference is frowned upon and it's not allowed that's why the church is watching as the third party, for example Zelretch can win it for anyone but he doesn't interfere even though he was here when the grail was built.

Rin of course now knowing her father is cheating decided to keep silent.

After all even the magicians are not helping anyone to cheat.


Getting off the car i guided my company to a certain restaurant, i have promised Iris to get something to eat here after she heard Tsunade's review.

Artoria: I thought we were going to our base why are we going to a restaurant ?

Akihiko: I promised Iris and this is the best food you can find in modern age come on, i guarantee satisfaction.

Getting in i had the four seated and while they're choosing their dishes, i gone over to Joichiro.

Akihiko: Hey man, i heard good things about this place but you see i have a request.

Joichiro: Sure go ahead.

Akihiko: You see those two, the blonde and the maroon haired ladies, they have a bit of trouble expressing their emotions, so if you could work your magic.

Hearing me like i know who he is, his eyes sharpened following that softened once more.

Joichiro: Sure i'll whip up something.

Akihiko: By the way cook for 16 people blonde literally inhales food.

He had a shocked face but nodded after i paid in cash.


Currently Artoria is crying while she keeps eating, she sometimes says stuff about Camelot and her sister then keeps eating and Scathach has found a cookbook from somewhere and reading it with a serious expression that i have never seen before...

God, what have i done...


After finally calming down the crying king and buying some food for later, we left.

Irisviel: That food was rather nice, you should learn cooking like that as well dear.

Akihiko: I tried, didn't work out as i hoped.

Merlin: So where to now ?

Akihiko: First we let these two pull themselves together then we'll go to Einzbern Manor here in Fuyuki. After we're settled and the cameras are ready you three will sit back and enjoy the show.


After we arrived at the Einzbern Manor, me and Merlin quickly set up the systems that will allow them to watch us while me and Artoria went out to fight.

Once we're done i had Artoria drive us to beach knowing where the lancer is going to be, i gave her the Avalon so she won't have to worry about curses from that pretty boy.

While Artoria was getting ready for the fight, i was preparing my guns. I won't need them probably but better be prepared.


Hi, this is clone 2, watching the psycho summoning his servant, it was actually a bit anti climactic with him under genjutsu, he did this speech about demons in the original now it's boring.

Anyway, after he summoned his servant the explosives turned magical bombs in his head exploded taking Caster with him.

Goodbye blue beard you will not be missed.

*Poof*(Clone dispelled)


This is clone 3 reporting for duty, currently i am watching and following Kariya around, he's out if it, worms messed with his head all right.

I even cut off the connection to Zouken but he didn't even notice, well i will keep watching let's hope number 1 can kill that worm quickly because those worms are disgusting as hell. I have seen prettier shit.


Hi~★! This is clone number 1 desu~★ and i took over %80 of the worms and they're ready to BLOW~★ like glitter bombs god i wish i was a magical boy~★...

Aaaand with a glittering swing of my wand Zouken got eaten opps~★




I have spent too much time with this worms and got compromised not like we can be corrupted but this experience made me realize there's something horrible deep inside me, this wood clone shall self destruct after the job is done, i can't bring these stuff with me to boss.

(Rest of this log is not available due to magical★ suicide scene)


I saluted for the clone number one, he had sent a message before his sacrifice. I don't know why he killed himself but he won't be forgotten.

Artoria: What are you doing ?

Akihiko: Saluting a hero's passing.

Artoria: My condolences ?... by the way are you sure this is the place.

Akihiko: Lancer should spike his mana at the docks, it would be suspicious if we were to go there directly.

Artoria: If you're going to spoil it why didn't you let us watch the anime ? You even gave me the names of the other servants.

Akihiko: That's a question i have no answers for unfortunately.

Our talk got interrupted by the mana spike coming from the docks and we took off.


Coming to the docks Saber met with the pretty boy and started their duel while i was using Elemental Sight to find and mark Archibald.

I am not going to kill him like Kiritsugu did but he won't leave this war in one piece. After finding him readying a spell towards me i marked him and watched Saber's fight until we got interrupted by Rider.

While Rider was flaunting his Kingship and such i sensed Archibald's magic spell, it's a necrosis curse that would have made my arms rot but he really messed up by using curses against me and he messed up by interrupting the talk of "three" kings.

Just when Rider was going to berate Lancer for his master's cowardly ways, the container that housed Archibald got shit on by countless weapons and the voice of the King was heard.

Gilgamesh: A mere mongrel dares to mess up my timing!

It seems Archibald survived, following his scent Lancer picked up whatever remains of him (He just has a body now all limbs but one blown off) and left after apologizing for the disgraceful act of his master.


With him leaving Gil declared his rule above all and proposed to Saber which he got rejected, i have never seen Artoria this angry even with us trolling her, i guess she still got affected by the VN's.

When Gilgamesh was going to attack and be done with it, Lancelot came in like a wreaking ball and chased off(Tokiomi summoned him back) Gilgamesh.

Then Lancelot attacked Saber while they were fighting, i have claimed up to Riders carriage to get a better angle i just gave him some wine and gave some popcorn to Waver as i filmded this stuff.

Waver: You're not afraid that i would kill you ?

I turned to him and lauged as if i heard the funniest thing i've ever heard, while Rider gave Waver a talk about honor.

As Artoria killed Lancelot he thanked her for her punishment confusing the duo, after i cleared the confusion one could see deep respect in Riders eyes as he watched Berserker disapear.

After that Saber looked around for me only to find me with the enemy she facepalmed.

Artoria: Master, what are you doing there ?

Akihiko: Getting a better view ?

Rider: As much as i enjoyed the company we should continue this later, you must be drained from fighting two fights today.

This guy is really cool.

After Rider got me down me and Artoria went back home allowing Rider to see where we're going.
