Last 10 Years in Nasuverse


Movies were selling like bread, after the first movie I gave them to theaters for a fee and people had to pay for it.

Not that I need the money but it would look weird if I didn't earn something out of it.

Most stuff was about the lives of the Heroes, like Artoria, Jeanne D'Arc, Herakles with a lot of Jason bashing. I have access to the whole history as it is after all.

To the whole non-magical world these movies were fun and had a connected universe that came together as the movies came out like MCU, they lauged at Merlin's antics got mad at Gods for screwing over Tiamat, there was a lot of sympathy for Medea, but moonlit world was shitting themselves as they realized my wish may not have been simple.

Of course they have no idea what my wish was. The last I heard I apparently wished for an altered history ? they are refusing female heroes like saber who was thought to be males.

At some point I even made a Live Action Fate/Apocrypha based on the novel while changing the names of the characters related to Mage's Association to make sure they didn't go ham on me.

Katsuo Akihiko is already a wanted man throughout the moonlit world. I don't need extra.

They already somehow found out about the hair color change wish, so I don't know what's going on in the tower.

I am just training the girls and making Magical Girl★ wands for some reason... Huh weird.


During these 10 years a lot of weird stuff happened, for example we woke up in the middle of the night to find Scathach cooking while laughing out loud.

Scathach: I have finally reached perfection. hahaha!

Not gonna lie that dish was good but she still can't pass Joichiro. So we had a very grumpy Scathach for the next week.

We had invited Zelretch during one Halloween and he met Merlin... The only reason the house is not covered in toilet paper is because Fou knocked them out.

It's just too dangerous to get them in the same room.

Lady Vivian kidnaped Merlin to the New world afterwards because she was afraid he would "Comfort" the grieving widow...

To be honest he did try before, Yeah... Good going Vivian.

In Merlin's place Ace started to get close to the widow, thank god he has a human transformation but Aoi doesn't know about it yet.

Fou has become something of a mascot of the house after Merlin was "Disposed" and Zelretch was too afraid to step in the house so, Fou generally chills on the porch as girls swoon over him.

It allowed the girls to not to focus too much on their loss, not that they forgot but I have been teaching them for 2 years they also understand the dangers of magecraft.

They started to study even harder, determined to not lose anyone else.


There was this one time I invited Joichiro alongside his son to have him meet Sakura.

They have regular cook offs now, I think it's going well.

I will make sure "Shirou" X Sakura happens.

I also have disclosed the existence of Magic to them and Soma got his circuits awakened/Given chakra.

Joichiro just got chakra due to not possessing circuits, he said he could make better dishes with his new powers.

Best investment I ever made.


Irisviel: So, we're going to another world after the training of the two girls is finished ?

Currently I am at my workshop while I was working on something, Iris and Tsuna came to ask this question.

Chris: That's the plan but I didn't think of a destination, I just wanted go out of here since they're going to be transferred to my world.

Tsunade: How's that going by the way ? It's my world that's getting transfered after all.

Chris: They have surpassed this world in technology(20th century here) and with being familiar with Chakra, they are doing good the whole world should be transferred in 10 years. Most people that can't use chakra mostly have other skills that allows them to pass.

Elemental Nations rocks, they are really good even crime is nearly finished but of course you can't stop it all.

Tsunade: Good then. So where are we going ?

I stopped my hands, I was making a model cars for Iris and Tsuna, they strangely have a love for cars while we can fly on our own anyway back to thinking seriously, where should we go ?

Chris: Honestly I have no idea.

Irisviel: Is there a world made that has bunch of easy to marry women? it would benefit all of us.

Yeah... that has been a problem, I can't enjoy sleeping with them because of power difference not that I am complaining but I never thought I would have a problem like this.

A shiver ran down my spine while I was thinking about what Iris said, am I going through that land of perversion, *Shakes head* no use of thinking about it right now.

Although I can understand the temptation...

Chris: Just go and buy novels and stuff let's see if we can find somewhere that suits our needs.


Currently I am having a conversation with Rin, it's about chakra, while Sakura was just accepted the whole deal, Rin is curious about it.

Rin: So you're saying this chakra is a energy that didn't exist here before and it can be used to create anything if the corresponding elements are mastered ?

Chris: Yes.

Rin: That's just broken...

I ruffled her hair while getting a blaming look from her.

Chris: Understanding the elements aren't that easy look at Tsuna she's been mastering it ever since she was four it has been*Tsunade breaks something in the distance* What I mean she was training all this time and she's yet to master them, so it's not that easy.

Rin: You almost stepped on mine by mentioning her age.

Chris: I am older than her it's ridiculous.

Rin: Females are mysterious creatures even someone who can theoretically create a universe can't understand them.

That hit too close to home Rin...


There was a sad realization that came with my discovery that this world is no longer connected to Throne of Heroes of Akasha.

It connects to mine which is empty because it's collecting the Heroes from the New world... Which doesn't have heroes nor legends other than mine.

I can't summon anyone except the people that are still alive like Artoria and the Grand Servants but Artoria is already at the New World.

Too bad only Merlin and Gramps Hassan decided to stay with me the rest of the Grand Servants choose to pass away.

A minute of silence for this sad moment...

I was going to have them play their roles instead of wood clones.


Sakura/Soma: Old man, rate my food!

I am facing two plates with the same food, the two started to make lunch sets for themselves and for the free loading Rin but they couldn't agree on who's going to cook regularly.

This is their solution, which I am not complaining at all, Sakura quickly reached Soma in cooking skill even surpassing Scathach in cooking.

Scathach made a new obsession of cooking but she never managed to reach their level because she didn't put her feelings into it.

Taking some bites out of their samples, Soma wins clearly but how am I going to tell this to Sakura... they are children after all, one must know how to talk to them without causing trouble...

Chris: Soma wins.

Soma: Yes!

Sakura: Traitorous old man!.

Chris: Haha I can't pick sides Sakura.

Sakura: You should have!

I got punched by a 14 year old Sakura. It hurt, you know like from the inside... she must be in her rebellious years.


Merlin: WE GOT TROUBLE! *Out of breath*

Chris: What happened ?

Merlin: Some gods and divine spirits passed the filter.

Chris: I know.

Merlin: You know! and you let them. I thought you weren't going to let them through.

Chris: I said, I will throw them to the dungeon, if they pass they deserve to be there.

Merlin: Which gods have passed ?

Chris: Ishtar, Ereshkigal, Quetzalcoatl, a random jaguar divine spirit, Amaterasu... there was some more but I didn't look at the whole list.

Merlin: Well that's not bad as I thought, although don't you think they would want revenge.

Chris: Their new divinities tied to me, I can take it back whenever I want, I won't make the same mistake as Tiamat.

Merlin: You know,*sigh* not being able to use clairvoyance is really getting to me.

Chris: That's just withdrawal symptoms, look I can't see the future of my worlds neither, do you see me freaking out.

*Meanwhile research chibis are freaking out there are file cabinets on fire some chibis are being fired*(Imagine that Sponge Bob episode where his brain is a office but it's burning and people gets fired)

Merlin: I guess you're right, I should take a vacation.

Wait this guy was working the whole time ? I thought he went to have some time off with Vivian.

Chris: Well have some time off with Vivian then.

Merlin: NO! *cough* I will work *Teleports away*

What did she do to him...

I guess it's one of those things it's better if I do not know.


Currently I am in the middle heaven ( The name of the realm keeps changing girls couldn't decide), in front of me are a group of gods and divine spirits.

I have explained them in a way they could understand better.

Chris: In summary your old world was given to me and I decided to move people to here.

That's simple enough.

Quetzalcoatl: So you have the ownership of our previous world and you wanted to move everyone who's worthy to here and the this "Dungeons" chooses who's worthy.

Chris: Yes...

Quetzalcoatl: And we're keeping our divinities while merging under a single pantheon that has you as it's chief god.

Chris: Yes.

Quetzalcoatl: I am fine with this.

I don't remember her character from FGO but she doesn't seem like troublesome goddes(god ?) i am not sure of her gender since she's in the shape of a green serpent (Dragon?)

Jaguar Man: I am okay as well there are plenty of forests and many prey, we're not even tied to single planet.

It's really weird to see him in his own body. I was too used to Taiga's body.

Amaterasu: I was trapped before, so I am thankful for this chance.

Right she was sealed in her bunrei, also Tamamo already seduced Kurama, so there's not much problems with her.

Now there's this two that's been awfully quiet.

Ereshkigal: You're saying I will be the watcher of the underworld again but I can leave for surface whenever I want ?

At my nod Ereshkigal started to get teared up while Ishtar was awkwardly trying to comfort her sister. She can finally have friends.

Ishtar: Let's hope there won't be anyone prettier than me showing up Hmph!

Really, that's what you're worried about.

After they got their places sorted out in the middle heaven I gave them their authority and they got to work since there's people coming in from Elemental Nations.


Hi, it's my ninth year here everything was peaceful and bam! I am in front of a magus who's got trapped in Tsukuyomi.

A vengeful Rin is standing behind me clutching my shirt, while looking at the magus with hatred, but one can see that she's holding on to the now broken pendant.

This particular magus thought he could kidnap Rin or Sakura to extract the secrets of Sixth Magic or have me give it up for the girls.

She should have been able to fend him off but she got attacked in broad daylight, which magus would risk themselves getting seen ?

Oh boy I have been passive aren't I, snapping my fingers I got him out of the genjutsu. Let's just call him trash for now.

Trash: What was that, where's the girl ?

After he came to himself he looked at me, sheer arrogance and disgust in his eyes making me excited to torture him.

Trash: Who are you old man pass that chick over here if you know what's good for you.

Oh they even forgot how I looked like. Good, by the way I am young looking but my hair and stuff are white so it's not hard to discover that I am old.

Chris: You don't seem to know me young man I never thought the day where people from the Clock Tower wouldn't recognize me.

Trash:*Sneers* If you were important I would have knew you, now piss off or you will incur the wrath of Barthemeloi family.

Chris: Good, thank you for giving the name of your employer, I didn't even have to use torture.

Trash: Didn't you hear me old man have you gone senile.


I watched him with interest as he got burnt by the black flames to Ashes.


Trash: WHAT!


After right about 10th time he remembered who I am, I was going to continue but Rin asked me to stop.

Trash:*Crying* Please I will do anything let me live.

Chris: You know what, there's a new spell I wanted to try, if you survive, you survive if not. Meh.

"Mist Dispersion"

Rin: Didn't know you'd be this cold hearted.

I ruffled her hair she's 16 this year looking much like her anime counterpart.

Chris: I am only cold to my enemies, here for the broken one, try not to get ambushed they are not candies.

She blushed, after all the training, she got caught in an ambush that even a genin could handle.


While Rin gone back home with a Wood Clone I straight broke through the Clock Towers bounded field exposing it to the world.

Every one gathered around me, most not recognizing me.

I just put everyone not related to Barthemeloi to sleep those who were related got erased out of existence.

I didn't have to do the all the show but I want to give them the sense of false hope that they could fight back.

After going through the literal army of fodders, I have arrived at the arena where Zelretch's waiting.

Zelretch: Did you really had to break the Bounded field my friend.

*Snap* I closed off all true magic except fifth since she's not here today. Also I really like that girls temper.

Zelretch looked horrified at the discovery.

While we were talking Lolerei came in fully geared for fighting.

Chris: I owned the world from the beginning Zelretch but none of you realized, if dogs bite the hand that fed them they can only be put down.

Zelretch: Please you can't go around killing all magi.

Hearing the Zelretch himself begging Lorelei came to realize they fucked up and fell to her knees. Although purple hair surprisingly looked good on her she's going to die.

Chris: Don't worry only those who has connections to Barthemeloi dogs will be erased out of existence, rest of you will just lose the control of your magical energy. It seems like you guys got really arrogant thinking you're above the rest.

Before they could protest I snapped and moonlit world seized to exist. The souls of the ones that got erased went to Ereshkigal, she has a special place for scums like that.

After that event I created seeds that would create chakra pathways inside humans and it will come with information packages.

They will switch to chakra anyway, it seems I got too optimistic due to Elemental Nations working out perfectly.


This is the last year I am spending here, moonlit world crashed, I saved Zelretch by sending him to timeless zone of the dungeon to get him a head start that's the least I could do as his friend.

On the other hand the rest of the Magi are shitting themselves except the people I know that are good like Waver, Luvia, Gray, ect. are given early seeds of their own.

I have alerted the governments on what's up so they made adjustments to make sure there won't be public panic when people get their seeds.

The pathways themselves will be determined by their own talents so it's mainly based on the person.

Things you can make people do when you destroy the moon for show and put it back where it was again.


Sakura: wasn't this a bit overreacting Old man ?

*Looks over to the world crisis on TV*

Chris: Nope. *Shrugs*

Rin: So creator god huh... If you're the owner of the place why are we going through the dungeon ?

Chris: Do you want to cheat ?

Rin: No! but what about mom.

Chris: The dungeon has multiple sections, you don't have to be strong to pass, even Joichiro and Soma would pass and Ace won't let Aoi die easily.

Rin: That piece of shit Avian took advantage of my mother.

After explaining and giving Rin some head pats they relaxed, Rin is giving me very dangerous vibes ever since the ambush but it seems she's keeping her confession after the dungeon to prove she's worthy or something, she really had a distaste for cheating after loosing her father because of it.

Today, I am sending them to dungeon they're going in before the world does, they will pass so I am not worried.

After sending them off I looked towards my two wives... They are holding a light novel in their hands... Why does that exists in this world... Why didn't I checked before telling them to choose.

Irisviel: Let's go to this there are bunch of girls you can get your hands on just by being a relatively good guy.

Tsunade: Considering your hardships with love this place is the best, women here are just painfully easy.

I don't know if I should thank some ROB that are more powerful than me or just curse my luck.

Chris: Fine we're going there. Let's hope this won't be my end.
