Why so mad bro


The day of the treaty have arrived, I already had Ophis arranged a meeting with Riverzm and she killed him bastard never saw it come and she kidnapped Grayfia's brother.

He was sent to Lucifer and got converted to my side...

Dude is a fanatic believer of Lucifer line why kill him when you can get him on your side.

That even earned me a special bedroom ticket from Grayfia.

Anyway Hero Faction is already marked, Old Satan Faction will end tonight and Qiliphoth has been disbanded with Riverzm's death, right now Alaya is marking all the baddies from DxD including all the "Evil Gods".

I'mma erase them all tonight and we're pretty much done with DxD.


Getting in the conference room with Alaya I draw many eyes, since they can't sense my power they focused on Alaya but it was their undoing.

Now I have bunch of Faction leaders and Vali pissing themselves.

Alex: Well let's start.

With this the conference started I explained my identity and my powers, Alaya and Counter Force and especially how God fucked over Terra.

Alex: To be honest I would have destroyed the three Factions right after the great war but your leaders swore eternal servitude.

That did it Michaels halo broke and his wings went pitch black but he couldn't move, I wasn't going to push him too hard but he didn't bring Gabriel like I asked.

With a flick of my wrist God and Satan appeared.

God looked disappointed at Michael and Michael broke down, even Azazel had tears in his eyes but I can see that he understood my position.

On the other side Lucifer was messing with Sirzechs since he got his title after his death.

After everyone calmed down they signed the treaty and I actually turned Michael back to being pure angel to mess with him even more.

Michael: Why...

Alex: You didn't bring Gabriel *Snaps*

Gabriel: Father!

Well it was a nice reunion. On the other side Lucifer approached Vali. As they were talking I sensed that Valerie and Shirone are killing some magicians, they're coming.

Lucifer: Hey boss, is this the one you said?

Alex: Yeah.

Lucifer's eyes flickered red and he used his new skill "Devil's Whisper"

Vali said something about his mother that only three people heard but it pleased Lucifer.

Azazel: So now that everything is done what next?

Alex: There are some pest extermination business left after that I will take over ExE and FxF then I am going to laze around for an eternity.

As we were talking rooftop blew out and Katerina Leviathan entered only fall on ger knees.

This is the second extra skill Lucifer got "Authority of The Devils" since he's the father of the devils he can control them however he wants.

God also has similar power over Angel types.

Lucifer spread his wings scaring Katerina as she realized her death is near.

Lucifer: A mere bug that calls devil *spits* Leviathan must be turning in her grave as she looks at you go ahead and kill yourself.

Well it was easy in the end.


Today three Factions made peace, today God and Satan came back to life and Today every god that dared to call themselves Evil died.

There's no way to stop evil but I will kill the trouble makers.

With the newest developments I was naturally invited to the young Devils gathering I didn't accept but I popped in to turn Diodora and that other annoying devil into women and their peerage into males and threw some aphrodisiac grenades.

until then I decided to visit certain pantheons and snip some buds before they become annoying.

First Hindu pantheon, the Author of the book implied they're going to be final boss type in the light novels so they will be cut off from others but they will not be killed, they're needed for stability otherwise there would be too much pressure on Alaya since she doesn't have Chibis of her helping out.

Second, same was done with the Olympus to just to be sure, I sent Ereshkigal to the underworld since it's her domain she's making the residents there behave.

Third I teleported Siegfried and Jeanne to France with and info note saying Hero Faction "disbanded".

Well they're dead so it counts.


Rin: If you were going to quickly handle them why wait all these years?

Alex: What happened at New World threw me off I don't have the motivation to go on.

Irisviel: How about some cosplay ?

Alex: No let me quickly conquer ExE and FxF and let's go to our Heaven and have some kids.

Hearing this everyone got excited, I will be raising the children here since New World got fucked over.


I started with FxF the only thing I know about this place is that it's about fairies.

Coming down I can see bunch of Tinkerbell sizes fairies flying about and some human shaped elementals arming.

Titania: Hold stranger I am Queen of This land what is your purpose.

I summoned Artoria her gear is Fae made and it worked now they're bowing and praying to her.

While that's going on I found a little crystal pearl that controls this world.

???: Are you going to take it like that?

Alex: I was thinking of feeding it to my daughter so she will have complete control of this world

???: Fine then.

Is that it?

I took the pear and threw it in a portal that leads Alaya's real body and got a notification.

[Now you own 2/3 of this world]


The next stop is ExE they have evil gods that can kick full powered Ophis like a stray dog but they fell under me like the rest.

I took the broken etherial looking sphere and fed it to Alaya, now It's time to see Chichigami.


Breast Goddes was a surprise to me since she looks like Kiara Sessiyon but she didn't have horns and she was just wearing panties.

Chichigami: My, lord handled all the baddies should I give you myself as reward.

I just teleported her to Avalon I will screw her later.

I took her part of the world authority and gave it to Alaya...

Now she has three horns first one is a dragon horn second one it etherial horn third one is made of crystal.

She also became minor creator god under me, it's fine since I won't be merging DxD with New world that place is messed up as it is.



*Picks up the phone*


After I was back we made portals to the other two world which was regulated by breasts goddes who I just named Kiara and Titania who deiced to join the harem.

Since the troublesome dudes have all died I kept living here while I looked after the New world but after 200(DxD time) years humanity blew themselves up again at that point I just ejected the whole world out of myself fuck that world I am too lazy to fix it and strong enough that I don't need a world like that.

The End
