The Graveyard / 1 /

"For those in Clifton, everything outside the city was dead. The buildings had all fallen down over the years, even the giant skyscrapers of the past were not strong enough to withstand the storms that came. Layer upon layer of rubble and dust made the surface completely unrecognizable. Anyone who ventured outside of the city without clear intentions, a plan on where they were headed, and plenty of supplies would not survive the trip. There were rumors of bandits, of marauders, of deranged people who tried to live outside of the city. Anyone who paid attention, anyone who understood how the world outside of Clifton worked would know that those kind of people did not survive for long.

Gangs rose up time and time again. People sick of how the world worked within the walls of cities like Clifton would risk everything to try and build something for themselves. They would survive for a while, whether on the supplies they brought for themselves or on things taken from the bodies of ambushed caravans, but eventually they always died out. Whatever it was that killed the Old World, it left the earth sterile. Plants cannot grow in, the sun does not even provide nourishment. Without technology, it is impossible to grow food. So when Those On High figure out what is going on, they switch up the routes and starve out the bandits."

A deep voice called out from the back, interrupting the monologue. "That's enough Blink."

A room full of students glared back at the voice. It came from their shaggy haired teacher who had to step out for a moment. Blink had used that as her opportunity to step in and answer a few questions. "I was just answering a question, Professor. You should teach your kids a little better, then maybe they wouldn't assault every stranger that passes through with questions."

Professor did not say anything, instead he tilted his head toward the door and Blink took the hint. With a sigh she picked up a case sitting by her feet and stepped away from her audience, "I was about to leave anyway, I'm just here to drop off the package that Marshall ordered."

Professor returned to the front of his class and decided that since Blink had thoroughly interrupted whatever lesson he had prepared. He might as well make sure she had not misinformed anyone. Blink was brilliant, but she often overlooked the finite details in favor of the big picture. "Does anyone want to know more about what Miss Blink was talking about?"

The entire classroom raised their hands. Professor smiled, "In that case, how about a little question and answer? What would you like to know?"

All hands still raised. One boy near the front decided to speak up instead of waiting to be called on. "Blink said that there is no life outside of the city. Yet, here we are. What is different between us and the gangs that Blink talked about? She said they always starved."

"Great question, Joshua." Professor smiled, "To answer that, we need not even expand upon what Miss Blink said. Can anyone tell me what she said about the methods that those gangs used to survive?"

Half the raised hands went down. Professor pointed out a bright young girl named Morgan. She cleared her throat and answered, "They brought supplies with them and raided caravans."

Professor nodded, "Exactly. Then what did the cities do in response?"

More hands went down. Professor pointed to a boy in the back who still had his hand raised. He was new, his parents came from DevTown and this was his first day in class. Professor was sure his name was something like Dylan. "They starved the gang by holding back the caravans until enough time had passed."

Professor whistled, "My, I wish that you all paid this much attention when I spoke. I might as well retire and get Miss Blink to take my spot."

The rest of the hands went down and the classroom filled with giggling. Professor smiled and let the laughter die down before he continued with the lesson they had found themselves stuck on.