Legend of Console Ghost

Some tell the story of Console Ghost like we are nothing but a Cyber Gang. Like the stories they heard about us weren't just made up in a Golden Lion Enterprises circle jerk to make us look bad. You probably don't know this, because you're just another security drone like all the others, but we actually help people.

We're not trying to pry them away from their screens like everyone says. I can't think of anyone here at Console Ghost that cares if someone is looking at their screen or looking at the depressingly brilliant world we've built for ourselves.

Personally, I'd rather everyone use the Network as an escape from reality because the world is inexorably screwed. There is solace and rest on the Net, that's why we fight for it. If you believe the lies that Golden Lion and all their friends say about us, why would we call ourselves a Cyber Gang?

Why in the world would any Cyber Gang want to take people of the Net? If we were the devil, if we were just criminals, well… I could drain everyone's bank account in the blink of an eye. That's the problem though, who would believe me?

You? You're an unconscious Security Force drop out. If you were awake right now, I don't think that you'd believe me and I'm pretty sure that you killed those guys before I knocked you out. Sorry about that by the way, you had that whole… way of the gun look in your eyes.

Well, hope you wake up soon, the drugs were supposed to wear off hours ago and you're still out. Switch said to leave you alone until the morning, he said you looked like you could use rest.


A knock at the door caught Blink's attention, her brother's voice called out, "Blink, are you still monologuing to the guy you overdosed?"

Blink sighed, got up from the chair by the bed, and opened the door to find Switch smiling down at her. "I didn't overdose him. That dosage was crafted specifically for his body type, caloric intake, and level of physical activity. If anything, it should've ran short because of the… physical assertion before we got there."

"Well. The boss said to leave him alone. So… leave him alone." Switch looked over Blink's shoulder at the unconscious man on the bed. "... and call a medical drone, he looks like hell."

"Already did." Blink smiled, "I did the examination myself. Service bot is on the way, so you won't have to worry about him looking like hell when he wakes up."

Switch led the way down the tin halls of Console Ghost's headquarters, "What was the result card?"

"Perfect health."

Switch stopped, lowered his voice and asked, "The guy jumped out of a two story window, killed four guys with his bare hands, and he's in perfect health. Not even a sprained ankle? That was not a good landing."

Blink nodded.

"Body and mind?"

Blink nodded again, "I did the full work up twice. Nothing abnormal going on upstairs or downstairs. He's got less hardware than your average security drone. How long did you say he's been in the service?"

"I didn't." Switch shook his head and continued their journey, "I want to talk to the boss about this. Something doesn't feel right."

Blink hurried ahead of her brother, "I'll show you the way."

Switch sighed and followed. They both knew where their boss would be, the fact that Blink hurried ahead gave away her curiosity into their recent acquisition as more than just professional courtesy. She was a Net-guru, there was nothing on the Net about this guy, except that he had been blacklisted by Golden Lion Enterprises' CEO.

Nothing would have made Console Ghost look into this guy anyway, not without the intel from Marshall. The fact that he was personally blacklisted by the most powerful woman in Clifton was icing on the cake. The fact that he was in perfect health after what they saw him do… that was the cherry on top. There was no way that Blink could resist pressing for more information and Switch felt bad for anyone in her way, especially the boss.

They found their boss sitting in front of an old school Atari, not playing it but looking at it as if it were a piece of art. While he was not their father, both Switch and Blink up to Legend as if he were. His silver hair was styled up into a faux hawk and he was a light dusting on his face to prove that he hadn't shaved in a few.

If anyone looked like an Old World Commander, it was Legend. He was Nick Fury, John 'Hannibal' Smith, Race Bannon and Roy Mustang.

Legend stood up from his chair and frowned as soon as he saw them come through the door. "You were bothering him, weren't you?"

Switch was smart and kept his mouth shut. Like most things, Blink could not help herself, with a smile she said, "Technically, he's out cold, so talking at him doesn't really bother him, does it?"

Legend shrugged, "That depends. If he's actually out cold, sure you probably weren't bothering him. However, what if your miscalculation in dosage sent him into a fit of sleep paralysis and he's just been laying there with nothing but your voice. Do you think that would be bothering, Switch?"

Switch rubbed his head and looked anywhere but at Legend, "I would prefer to be left out of this one boss."

"Fair enough." Legend smiled, "What brings you two by?"

Blink cleared her throat, "As it happens, I was running the medical testing on the priso-... subje-... on Mr. Bassett and I figured you'd want to know what I found."

"I would."

"Good," Blink pulled the report card from the medical drone from her pocket and handed it over to Legend. "Completely healthy. Body and mind. Perfect shape."

Legend turned the report card over in his hand, not phased by the news. "And his condition, what do you make of it?"

"I think he's exhausted, boss." Blink shrugged, "No other reason for it."

"This report card says he has some replaced parts? Any reason we should worry?"

"The bones in his right arm were replaced with cobalt-chromium. If we had his file, I could probably tell you why. Other than that an a titanium nanite hip, there is nothing wrong with him." Blink took a breath, "Before you ask, yes, I triple checked the coding on the nanite hip. There is no way those nanites are doing anything other than being a hip. It is an older model, he's lucky it's still working and managed to grow with him. Scarring suggests it was implanted when he was young."

"Good work, Blink." Legend nodded, "Now go wake him up."

"You had us come all the way here just to tell us to go back there?"

Legend shrugged his shoulders, "What if you'd told me the drugs were still in his system and that was why he was out? Then I would've sent you out on a run. Instead, he's in perfect health without a drop of that stuff in his blood. Wake him up, I want you to have a specific conversation with our guest."