The Sun

Ciall was shocked when she entered the room and found it in such disarray. Yet she held onto her composure.

"We need to move quickly." The Keeper said to her staring out the window.

"We wouldn't want a repeat of last time though." Ciall replied carefully.

"No, we cannot afford to have more losses on our hands." The Keeper replied moving away from the window and motioning for Ciall to sit at the table.

"We need to trap them they are too powerful to capture on their own."

"That is the truth; nonetheless, will be hard to make them walk into a trap." The Keeper sat down gracefully examining a scroll sprawled out in front of her.

"And if we trap one the other could rescue them."

"It is a terrible nuisance having them together, what if just separated them?"

"How would we do that?"

"I am sure there are ways."




"Feel the sun on your skin. Think of the power of that fire. To be so far away and still capable of burning your skin." Yaatra encouraged Sionna. Her cheeks and hands now bright red. Caith was doing some fancy trick way beyond anything Sionna could do. His body was calm and steady his face expressionless.

"Caith, you are not saying the incantation correctly." He said before bounding over to him.

"Remember, Aag ka gola. Not Aag ka galla." Caith nodded and he returned to Sionna.

"Why does he use incantations and I don't?" Sionna asked curiously, letting the fire melt off her finger tips.

"Words help direct the magic, what would your relationship with Caith be if you could not communicate? Incantations allow you to communicate with the magic but first you must get to know it. Build a relationship then you can speak to the magic."

"Is that how humans learn?"

"No, they usually learn words first. It's one of the reasons they struggle with magic so much. Less chit chat more magic."

Sionna let out a sigh willing the fire back into her hand.

"Remember for every element of magic there is an emotion. Rage and passion are Fire. Sadness and contentment is water. Anger and joy is air. Grief and love is earth. The emotion you choose to take over determines if it is used for life or for death. That is why you need to learn control."

Sionna continued to connentrate on the fire, then a strand of red hair came loose from the ribbon almost getting singed but the flame. Putting the fire out we went to readjust her hair.

"Is that why you won't break the curse?" She asked untying the ribbon and summoning her hair back into it.

"Unfortunately, yes. I can see some of Caith's memories. The ones he willingly shows me. He showed me the memory of you loosing control. It was only out of concern for you safety. He has never see that before. But I have. I know the absolute damage and destruction it can lead to." Yaatra let out a sigh, he seemed old and tired as he sat down besides her.

"I have been on this planet for a long time. I have seen things. Things I am not sure how to prevent and thing I knew how if I had just acted differently. I apologize for the way I have been treating you. I have been cold towards you and that is because I do not know how to protect you from yourself." He reached out and took Sionna's hand.

"Caith has been telling me you are a good person and I can see that. I believe in my heart you are good, but this world can turn the most pure hearted people evil. I wish I could stop it all. The death, the greed the hatred. Unfortunately that is beyond my control. People have the freedom to choose their own paths. All I can do for you is try to point you in the right direction." He offers her a feeble smile and she returned it.

"I will help the both of you break the curse but right now I am too afraid of what could happen."

"I understand Yaatra," she replied and he let go of her hand.

"Now let's get this magic under control so that you can be freed from the curse." He replied.




From them on they only took breaks during the nights since the sun was no longer there to help them. Finally the moon rose considerably smaller in the sky and Yaatra announced that it was time to move onto the next element.




"I know where they are going to be headed. We will meet them there by taking another way." The Keeper spoke to Ciall at the table.

"How do you know?"

"There is a sea, it's called the sea of darkness. It is the way to break the curse. I hope we are not too late, but on this mission no shifter can come. If they enter the water they can be freed from the curse."

"So are we planning to trap them when they go to the sea? But how will we know what part of the sea they are going to? We can't just cover the whole coast?" Ciall replied, an ounce of frustration and confusion in her dark eyes.

"We won't have to." The Keeper said with a smile gracing her thin lips. She brought an old text over to Ciall and began to explain the plan she had been forming over the past few weeks.