Chapter 3: Arctos

"Hmm, this taste will not appeal to those guys. It's too light," Steve said after taking a drink from the cup that is now sitting on the table. Steve then took a pen and started to scratch some words in the paper near the cup.

He started to tap the pen on the table deep in thoughts, "I wonder what is best to put in this drink aside from human's heart."

A few minutes late, Steve finally gave up thinking of what ingredient to put for the drink. He took the glass then floated towards the sink. He threw the contents of the glass on the sink and started to wash the glass.

After washing the glass, he slipped his hand onto the counter then pulled out his hand. On his hand was a piece of cloth to which he used to wipe the glass slowly. After wiping the glass, he placed it gently on the cabinet which is behind him.

Steve sank on the floor to access the basement underneath him. On the basement was a lot of wine racks. You could say that his basement is actually a wine cellar. Just that the wines on the racks are vastly different from human standards.

You could see on the wine racks names posted, stating what kind of wine is it. There is one named Bloody Dream. Underneath the name was a list of ingredients. For the Bloody Dream, it consists of a virgin's blood, vampire's saliva and vodka.

Steve walked towards a rack that has a plastered name "Werewolves' Bane". Its ingredients are mistletoe, silver dust and whiskey. Steve took a bottle and opened it. He took a whiff, closed the bottle then place it back on the rack.

"Well that smells good. Still, I never thought that mistletoe could not hurt them, and these drink is still a top towards them," Steve said with a smile as he floated towards a stack of barrels.

These barrels are filled with beer, ready to be served towards the customers tonight. Steve continued roaming around the cellar. Sometimes uncapping a bottle to whiff or to take swig.

Steve spent the whole morning to check on the alcohols on the racks and on the barrels then he started to float upwards to appear behind the counter. He passed by the counter then started to get a broom so that he could clean the whole bar.

With the whole afternoon spent on cleaning, Steve is now ready to open his bar for his customer.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The door opened with its usual creaking sound, entered a skinny man who walked slowly towards the counter. He sat down then looked around. Noticing that no one is around, he tapped his hand gently on the counter. A few seconds later, the man is now facing a pale face that has a smile.

"Good evening Arctos. It's nice to see you again. What would you like," Steve asked.

"Hello Steve. I would like a glass of Werewolves' Bane thank you," Arctos replied.

Steve disappeared for a moment than reappeared with a bottle in hand. He took a glass on the cabinet behind, filled the glass with some ice and poured the content of the bottle till the glass is half full. Then he placed the glass in front of Arctos with a smile. "There you go a glass of Werewolves' Bane. Enjoy."

Arctos raised the glass towards his lips and took a sip. He smiled, "I'm so happy to be able to taste a glass of this after being away for a whole month."

Steve continued to float, happy that Arctos is enjoying his drink.

The door suddenly opened and came in the beautiful Emily still in her laboratory coat. She casually walked towards the counter when she stopped and saw Arctos enjoying his drink.

"So when did you start serving dogs Steve," Emily asked while looking at Arctos with a mischievous smile.

Arctos turned his head towards the location of Emily and was actually happy when he saw her. "If it isn't Emily, come, sit beside me and tell me what happened this past month."

Emily's mischievous smile broke and reluctantly walked towards the stool beside Arctos. "You're not following the script Arctos," Emily said when she sat down on the stool.

"What script," Arctos asked after taking another sip from his glass.

"You know, after I taunt you, you will taunt me back then it will turn to fight between the both of us, and because we are very immersed in the fight we will destroy this bar and continue fighting until the progenitors will come to stop us," Emily excitedly spoke towards Arctos.

"Haha, I have enough of that experience with your father Emily," Arctos laughed as he was amused of what Emily told him. "Besides if we destroy this bar, a lot of beings will go after us."

"Please don't go on thinking of destroying my bar Emily," Steve said as he put a glass of Bloody Mary in front of Emily. "Here you go a glass of Bloody Mary."

"Thank you Steve. I was just joking you know," Emily smiled as she took and drank all of the contents from the glass in one go. "Another one."

"Joking. See that mark over there. You did that while you were drunk the other night," Steve pointed towards the mark on a wall. After pointing, he prepared another glass of Bloody Mary and placed it in front of Emily. "Here you go. But please don't drink too much."

"Well she is quite a handful right Steve," Arctos smiled as he placed an empty glass on the counter. "May I ask another glass?"

"Sure. Wait for a while," Steve answered as he went and get the bottle and poured the contents on the empty glass of Arctos.

The whole night continued with the three having a nice conversation.