Uncover her schemes

It was the young prince of Hinon Dan, Isagani able to decipher the bae's intention of her panubok. He looked at it as if it was the greatest and finest panubok among all, felt the scarlet thread in his fingers. Interesting, he thought as he looked the warfare scenery as if it was trying to wage war any daring household whoever picked intentionally her panubok. He has always regarded having bad judgment about women in their place as he usually never took interest in a woman. He was too bored to choose whining women until he spotted his great match. He had a hold tight of the panubok as he was trying to know whose household could the owner of the panubok belongs. 

Some of the noble mocked him for not choosing the panubok of the Pinath Yanai princess, who was known for her excellence and beauty all over Mahar Lica. He just give up the thought of having ties with the court whom he despised the most. As he drew nearer the emperor's hall to have the audience to know where could his future wife belongs, all of the noble lords fixed their gaze on him and a personal air of grudges from the royals. 

He bowed to the earth as he is before the emperor who founded the Mahar Lica, he presented the panubok in his hands as in tradition and put it on the ground. 

" Greetings to his majesty,"  he giving his respect and the emperor signaled him to straighten his stand. He smiled before the ruler as he began to speak like the noble lords did ahead of him.

"Your Majesty, I am well aware of the custom and traditions of the Kasa Buya and even chose already a maiden to be arranged for me as well, determined to getting ties with this certain maiden, may I know whose household this panubok could be?" 

His majesty was astounded by the panubok he picked. The emperor perhaps able to know behind this threads. The emperor signed the highest daya- the royal governess who was able to determine the panubok presented.

"It came from the Suli Household your majesty," politely replied to the emperor. "I heard the Bae was in great distress from having a nightmare that she could not even try to embroider a beautiful scenery and weave her terrible dream instead."

She sure is cunning, Prince Isagani thought hearing explanations from the daya. 

"You heard him, my Hinon Dan prince. The maiden of your choice is from the Suli province. I believed it was their lovely eldest daughter participated this year. No one heard of this lady, unknown for its beauty as she was carrying mask all her life. Tell me, will you from the royal birth really pursue this maiden who is estranged from you?" riddled from the emperor as if he was trying to get Isagani confused