Bloodline Cleansing, New Power, Joker

Ari- Lina? I thought you were asleep…

Lina- Is that really the first thing you say to me when I wake up?

Ari- You had a very cute sleeping face.

Lina- I-Idiot… that's not what I meant...

Lina's face turns tomato red at my teasing. But I know what I have to say to her though…

Ari- Lina, Thank you. I would be dead if you weren't here.

Lina- Thats more like it, partner. So back to what i was saying you wont be a devil for too long as your Dragon God bloodline will purify weaker bloodlines.

Ari- Ok, so what about the Evil piece inside of me?


Ari- Lina?

Lina- Weeeeeelll, actually i don't know. This piece wasn't in the series so i don't really know about it. But what i do know is it's not similar to any normal evil piece. From what I can see evil pieces have the aura of the person who puts it in you. Yours doesn't have that.

I ponder about what Lina says while rubbing Ophis' head. She makes a weird purr sound but i guess she likes it. We stay like this till she falls asleep and then I gently put her on my bed.

Lina- Oh yeah, before i forget i had to mess with your system a bit so it's currently being updated. But that's not what's important, let's test out your new power.

Ari- New Power?

---4 hours later---

Right now a red glow could be seen in the night.

Ari is right surrounded by a giant red rib cage with two arms.

Ari- So this is the Susanoo. I should have watched Naruto this pretty cool.

Lina- Oh this is nothing. The Susanoo will get even bigger but I gave you a unique Susanoo. The only problem is usually Susanoo's get weapons but I forgot to add some… but that shouldn't be a problem we'll just have to make some.

Ari- If i'm going to make a weapon it's going to need to be pretty big… guess i need to find some materials…

----Next Day after school----

Rias- Wait for a minute Aries-kun someone wants to meet you.

Rias caught Ari walking in the halls after school.

Ari- So? What does that have to do with me?

Rias- Well it's about the evil piece inside of you and now that you're a part of my peerage…

I tuned out everything else she said although I am interested in the chess piece.

Ari- Whatever lets go…

Arriving at the front door of the classroom I spot a young man appearing in his early twenties, with light blue eyes and green hair that is slicked back. He turned to me with a look of excitement, like a child looking at a new toy.

???- Oh? So this is the new Joker? I see you must have a really strong bloodline…

Ari- Joker?

???- Ah! Where are my manners my name is Ajuka Beelzebub. I don't have much time as being a satan is a very busy task but to make a long story short your bloodline is a lot stronger than a low tier devil bloodline. The evil piece recognizes this and transforms your piece into a wild card. All it really means is that while not being a part of a peerage you can participate in rating games for any peerage. Hell, if you wanted to you can switch sides mid game. There have been a few cases of this happening but not many people know about it as it's rare.

A little noise can be heard from his watch.

Ajuka- Well that's my time. I should really be heading back now.

A magic circle envelops his feet and he disappears.He really came and gone but that's not really my concern. I look over at Rias and see that her eyes have lost a little light. While i do feel bad for her (Not really) it is true she saved my life so i do need to repay her somehow.

Rias- Not in my peerage…

Ari- Hey Rias although i'm not in your peerage i am thankful you saved so i will give you three favors of me usable at any time be grateful.

Hmm? Did I just say something weird?

Rias looks over at me shocked and despite sadness still embezzling her face a trace of joy could be seen as well but not giving her a chance to say anything else. I left the room.

Walking down the hall wave of red tints my face.

Ari- But fuck it really is humiliating that a Dragon God of War got killed so easily why am i so weak?

Lina- That's probably because you don't have God of War bloodline yet.

Ari- God of War bloodline?

Lina- Yes i was waiting till you unlocked your mangekyou sharingan because you would be too weak otherwise. And would die taking the trial.

Ari- So How do i get this bloodline.

Lina we will talk about this later first we need to get materials to create your blade for susanoo.