Bet with the marchioness


It was quite obvious, the duchess must've had a magic creature and it was most likely that it was still alive.


I was eating breakfast, still trying to figure out what the duchess' magic creature could be. It doesn't necessarily need to be a rabbit, it can be a bird or cat too. As I was eating, the marchioness passed by with a fan in her hand. The design looked quite ugly compared to the ones in Asia, hers had multiple wrong stitches and the material overall looked very cheap. The marchioness caught me staring and gave a glare.

"You find it pretty, don't you? It's quite popular these days, a lowlife like you can't even pay it!" The marchioness sneered, proud of herself. I gave her a smirk, she frowned and walked over to me.

"Let's have a bet, if you can find a fan that's prettier than this, I'll give you fifty percent of the Luvenis' fortune!" I was shook by the bet, but I'd love to see her face if she loses. I had many secrets and I knew how to make a fan, that was something my grandma taught me. "Deal, if I lose, I'll give you fifty percent of the money I'll get from duke Florys" the marchioness was satisfied. "Let's end the bet in two weeks, I'll visit you at the Florys Estate to settle it" I had a frown on my face.

"Why at the Florys Estate, marchioness?" This time the marchioness frowned and said: "The start of Spring is next week, which is when your wedding will be" My mouth dropped, I forgot that it was Fall in my world and that the seasons weren't the same here. The marchioness could guess what I thought and laughed. "You don't even know which season it is! If you wouldn't marry the duke, we would've sold you to a brothel!" The marchioness held her head up high and left the dining room.

"Master, should I kill that wicked woman?" Naralia appeared from under the table with food in her mouth. "No need, we'll get that fifty percent fortune to piss the old man off" I smiled, giving Naralia some vegetables.

"Miss, we should let a tailor take your measurements and bring some wedding dresses" Mary entered with a tea pot and snacks. Naralia was on the table and Mary smiled, she didn't know that Naralia was a magic creature. "The rabbit recovered thanks to your medical skills miss!" Mary said, I gave her a nod and looked at the tea pot.

"After calling the tailor, let someone buy a new teapot" Mary gave me a nod and left again.


The tailor arrived with two carriages, one for herself and the other one was full of wedding dresses. "Nice to meet you lady Celestine, I'm Anne. I'll take your measurements first" I had to remove all my clothes, which already took quite some time. Someone else brought wedding dresses that were my measurements and showcased them for me. A lot of women liked special colours for their wedding gowns, so white ones weren't really popular. They thought that white was too simple and cheap, nothing special about it.

"I only want the white dresses, put other colours away" I said, making the tailors and Mary shook. "As-As you wish lady Celestine" Anne bowed and commanded white dresses to be brought. It took around 10 minutes to gather all the white dresses, there were only 5 of them. I had to change into all the dresses, which took already 3 hours and only one of them was gorgeous. It wasn't too extravagant but it was really elegant looking. Mary bought it and the tailor left, exhausted from all the carrying. Mary went to buy a new tea pot, the marquis was visiting a friend and the marchioness was busy buying all the pretty fans in town.


*Celestine's chamber*

"Naralia, what could I do to stop this boredom?" I was laying on my bed with some snacks and tea. "Don't you have any hobbies, master?" I shook my head. I was always busy with ignoring Elia and the old couple but now I'm alone, there's nothing to do since I didn't have any authority over the Luvenis Mansion. "What are your interests? Hobbies that the ladies here have or more 'manly' ones?" Naralia said while rubbing her head against a pillow. All the things noble ladies do are boring and I can do most things, for more manly things though.... Knowing how to wield a sword would be quite interesting and fun.

I got up and called a guard. "Sir, please prepare a sword for me. Tell the commander to come and teach me how to use a sword" the guard's eyes were full of shock but he still called the commander over.

"Lady Celestine, you called for me?" I gave the commander a nod. "Sir, please teach me how to use a sword" the commander froze, he probably didn't find sword fighting something for women. "Are you sure lady Celestine? Your hands will get bruised and you might get hurt" I gave him a nod, I wasn't the stereotypical 'lady' that lived in this world.

"I want to be someone who can protect herself, so please teach me" The commander gave me a nod and sighed. "I expect you to be on the training ground tomorrow at 9 a.m.. Please rest well". The commander left.