A traitor in the Florys Estate


"I finally found you.... My lady...."


"Sir, I think you have the wrong person" I definitely couldn't meet him now! What if people will discover him? What if the duke knows about him?

"No, you're definitely lady Geneva! I can recognise your beautiful eyes!" The guard kneeled while crying his eyes out. The crowd of people began to whisper and pointing fingers at the head guard.

"Who does that man think he is? Being so disrespectful to our duchess!" A man whispered, a lot of people agreed with him. I was glad that they thought like that, but sadly the head guard wasn't lying. Everything he said was true, I am the liar here. Although I only received flash backs of Geneva, I can tell that they were really close.

"Sir, please behave yourself and don't appear in my sight again" I said in a harsh tone, I had to if I didn't want him to follow me. The head guard looked sad and heartbroken, which was totally normal in a situation like that. It must've looked like a bad romance schoolplay for the crowd, they all were shocked.

"Duchess, our carriage is ready" Mary saved me out this situation. I quickly left the scene, feeling bad for the head guard.


*Time skip*

*No one's POV*

"The duchess met her lover?" The duke was in his office when he heard the news. He was stressed and afraid that the duchess was going back to her lover's side and leave him alone. He was also worried that the royal family in Yuliven was going to force Celestine back to their country.

"The duchess didn't want to see him and told him to stay out of her sights" Perin's sentence made the duke have hope again. 'Maybe she won't leave me...' The duke's thoughts were turning positive and he felt happier.

"I want more information about that head guard and the activities of the royal family in Yuliven. Also, prepare a carriage for tomorrow, I want to see how our land in the south is doing. Perin gave me a nod.

I felt relieved that Celestine was staying with me longer. My heart went crazy when I thought about her leaving me, I wanted to stay with her and protect her with all costs.


*Celestine's POV*

I just got the news of having to go to the south tomorrow, I felt terrible. Travelling by carriage was awful, the duke never said anything when it's just the two of us. It was so annoying, especially since he always has that pokerface on.

I jumped in my bed, sighing and falling asleep.


*The next morning, 9 a.m.*

I was in the carriage with the duke, it was dead silence. I was pretty awkward, but that might also be because my corset was tied up too tight.... The duke had his eyes open, but it felt like he was sleeping. His eyes didn't blink or move, it was quite weird.

"Duke, there is an obstacle on this road so we're taking another route" Qin said. The duke allowed him to go with us since Qin was from the south and could speak the dialect there properly. Qin was all excited, the duke and I were the only ones that looked dead on the outside.

*Bonk, bonk*

The carriage started to wobble, there was something wrong. The duke noticed it too and looked outside. The road was muddy and the carriage had difficulty moving. 'It didn't rain these days, why is this road so muddy?' I looked out and saw no water nearby, it was most likely planned.

The carriage stopped moving and the duke and I got out, the road was a complete chaos. Trees were dead, the plants were burned and the road was probably the worst. There was no sign of animals, someone has probably planned this carefully.

"Duke, the carriage can't move. We can't ask for another one too" Qin's excitement was gone and he looked pretty down. The coachman was looking for problems with the horse since it was acting pretty up lately.

"Duke, we have a problem....." I said with my eyes falling wide open. There was a huge monster-like creature standing in front of us. The coachman looked like he pooped his pants, he turned pale as a sheet.

"This was definitely planned. We have a traitor in the Florys Estate" The duke drew his sword out. I didn't bring my sword with me since I thought it was unneeded, but I wish I changed my mind back then.

The knights were attacking the monster with the duke, they didn't stand a chance looking at how they tried. I felt helpless, only being able to look from a distance at how they fought.