Encounter with the ‘boss’


"Please help us! He took our daughter and the other girls as slaves! He's a pervert and he uses them to relieve that filthy hobby of his!" My mouth fell wide open in shock and my heart felt like it got stabbed.


The duke and I agreed to help the town and were thinking of a plan. The knights were keeping watch and would inform us when they saw any movement. The guards went around the houses and asked for more information.

"Judging from the innkeeper, the 'boss' must be someone strong. It should be someone of status, it's probably a noble" The duke looked restless and his dark facial expression didn't fade away.

"It must be the noble that is watching over this land, I think it was the count" The duke nodded in agreement.

"It should be count Ferris, but that wouldn't make sense. He and his wife are in the north to attend a wedding" It was like an unsolvable puzzle, the pieces of information were vague. There was no way that the count would use someone else to kidnap children.

"Someone in the count's house might be doing things without him knowing" I nodded in agreement with the duke, count Ferris' maids and caretakers were known for numerous scandals. It wouldn't be weird if one more scandal was added.

Qin walked into the room. "Duke, there is a family who hid their daughters. We told them that you're coming". The duke and I followed Qin and looked around, it was still so quiet. There were no lights on or people talking.

We arrived at a shabby house on the edge of the city, it looked abandoned but there was a family inside. We saw a guard talking to the parents of the girls, they looked terrified. The girls were sitting on the sofa, it looked like they couldn't understand them.

"These girls.... They haven't gone to school, have they?" I asked the duke, he shook his head. "There are almost no schools in the south. Even worse, schools are boys-only" The duke sighed. The south was really different from the capital and other places, they looked like they never developed.

"Duke! We detected movement! There are horses on their way!" A knight quickly said. Everyone left the shabby house and immediately hid behind bushes, waiting for the 'boss' to arrive.

There were horses passing us, it was too dark and we couldn't see a thing. The moon was our only source of light. Judging by the amount of horses galloping, there were around twenty people coming.

The duke raised his hand and gave the other knights signals. We were going to ambush them when they were vulnerable.




"Go!" The duke whispered, making the knights all go in. They could successfully get the people off their horses. "We need to find their boss" I said. Qin and the duke followed me. There was a figure dressed in black clothing with some tints of gold, it was their leader.

"How dare you ambush us?!" Someone spoke, it was a deep voice. The person turned around, he had a mask on. "You will pay!" He yelled and more people approached us.

"We're outnumbered, duke. We can't escape anymore" Qin said. "Then we will fight until we know where the children went!" I yelled, we couldn't leave this city knowing that children were missing. I summoned Naralia and my spirit weapon.

The leader was escaping and Qin and the duke were busy fighting the leader's underlings. I was the only one who had 'nothing' to do at the moment and quickly ran after the leader.

"Celestine!" The duke yelled, but I could only try to save the people in the city


I followed him to the shabby house where the two not kidnapped girls were. 'Crap, he knows about them!' I had to wait for him until he came out of the house. His horse had injuries on his legs, it looked like cuts made by branches.

The 'boss' finally came out with the two girls, who couldn't understand him. I was looking at him with a burning gaze, he was one of the most cruel people I've met in both my lives!

I jumped out of the bushes and stood in front of his horse. He let out a crazy laugh before his mask turned back to me again.

"You have quite some balls for a lady... Playing with you should be fun!" The man laughed again. The girls looked afraid and only looked down. I gritted my teeth.

"You should know that I'm not going soft on you!" My eyes were burning with fire, this man was going to get his ass kicked by me.