Say Cheese!

The once grassy fields north of Auralba were in chaos. The forces of good and evil(Depending on your point of view) clashed there in a bloody battle.

However, as the cannon fodder from both sides met their grizzly end in the middle, the two leaders, the Giant and the King, fought like mad dogs.

Like a giant hairless gorilla going against a living torch, the two were trading blows, seemingly without end!

Or actually, it was the Giant dishing out most of the punishment, pounding King Robart into the ground with ever-increasing intensity and rage.

In his eyes, the human was barely worth his attention, being so small and weak, but he just wouldn't die! The burning body hurt his fists as he struck him over and over, and yet the damned human just kept laughing!

The gall! The insolence!


The Giant expressed his dissatisfaction through angry roars that shook the air and frightened the weak-willed souls.

"This is fucking stupid!" Gerald observed this clown show, considering if he should still escape or lend a helping hand instead. The King was keeping the beast occupied at the moment so it was a perfect opportunity…

But on the other hand, it was extremely dangerous, especially with the enraged Giant lashing around.

"What to do, what to do…" Gerald scratched his head, feeling conflicted. "Aaah! Whatever! I'm never getting a better opportunity than this!" he eventually decided.

"That motherfucker has to die either way, so…" Gerald grinned like some evil mastermind and took out a scroll. He didn't have many left, and it was difficult to acquire due to the rarity of ingredients.

The (not so) famous, Solar Point!

"But first…" He scanned the place, searching for the King's Warhammer. The weapon was definitely something good since it seemed to be the only thing capable of wounding the massive monster.

At least the battleax, and later a greatsword after the former was destroyed, didn't seem to be capable of leaving a mark.

Luckily it wasn't difficult finding it as it was quite distinctively shining with the high Mana density in it. A great magical treasure by any stretch of the imagination.

Gerald was tempted to keep it for himself, but at the moment he really needed a distraction, so his desires had to be pushed aside.

Now he just had to wait for his little volunteer helper to get thrown his way. A requirement that didn't take long to be fulfilled.

Sick of beating up a seemingly indestructible weakling into the ground, the Giant grabbed King Robart III and hurled him towards the city just to get him away from himself.

As the flying man collided with the sturdy wall, a momentary blue barrier was formed around his body, as well as a red one on the solid rock. Bright Runes glowed for a brief moment on the stone of the city fortification, consuming tremendous amounts of Mana and nullifying any damage that might otherwise occur.

"So that's how he isn't smashed into a paste," Gerald exclaimed in realization.

However, he had no time to marvel at the ancient magic armor and quickly flew to intercept the King who was already preparing to throw himself into the fray once more.

"Wait! Here, catch this!" Gerald shouted and tossed the hammer downward.

"My Sacred Hammer, you found it!" Robart exclaimed happily and caught the weapon. "Thank you, I'm in your debt! Now I can finally fight at my full potential!"

"Sure, sure, whatever…" Gerald waved it off and then shouted seriously, "Just make sure to keep the Giant busy for a few minutes, okay? I have a plan that just might work and take him down!"

"Haha, but of course! I can keep him busy for the next twenty minutes! After that, I'll become incredibly weak for a long time. Think you can do it?"

"Heh, it's more than enough," Gerald answered with a grin and flew higher. "Let's begin!"


The two men went to each do their part. The immortal King went to be an annoying bastard and started beating on Giant's toes, this time with great effect. It appeared the giant monster was quite sensitive there since it quickly started roaring and raging in pain.

Despite getting beaten repeatedly, suffering inhuman pain at the same time, King Robart kept his word and annoyed the Giant to no end.

Throwing the attacker away so many times, only to have it come back over and over again like a pest, beating on his toes and shins, sometimes even aiming for the groin, the Giant was bound to have a mental breakdown soon.

At least, his once calm demeanor was now becoming increasingly chaotic and enraged, almost going berserk even.

Gerald made use of this to get close and readied himself. He created an immensely powerful Greater Fireball and tossed it in Giant's face to get his attention. It worked!

The beast immediately locked onto him with its murderous blood-red eyes and released a deep guttural growl, expressing his anger.

"Here, catch this, and don't forget to say cheese!" Gerald shouted and tossed three pieces of parchment in the air towards the Giant. He then quickly turned around and covered his eyes with his hands and did his all to protect his body with magic.

The Giant, on the other hand, focused his attention directly on the tiny specks traveling towards him. The three scrolls disintegrated in an instant as a burning, blinding white light took their place, concentrated and directed towards a single direction.

A roar that shook both the soldiers and the monsters to the core, reverberated across the battlefield, as the blinding light in the Giant's eyes turned to black short three seconds, as the retina and optical nerves in the massive eyes boiled and burned, never to be used again.

In an instant, the Giant went blind. He wasn't the only one, of course. The King lost his sight as well, but under the effects of the Elixir of Life, he almost immediately recovered, so no real harm was done.

A few soldiers and monsters were temporarily blinded as well, the distance of the reflected laser working as a sort of flash grenade for them.

Seeing his plan has worked, Gerald quickly gained altitude, getting ready for part two!