Listen To The Wedding Bells -Ch.3

Of course you were invited to your moms wedding but so was Lisa, Larry, Sally, Todd, and Ashley so you knew it was going to be fun. Partly to keep you entertained and happy and another because it was going to be literally a HUGE wedding. It was a week before the wedding so your soon to be stepfather, Jakob, was moving all his stuff in. There were boxes in the living room as well as a new brown leather couch. Expensive, you can see why your mom likes this guy. You were pretty sure he was a good guy until you heard he had a daughter he didn't even have custody of, from what your mother told you Jakob used to be an alcoholic and after AA and going to church he became a 'new man'. His daughter's name was Avery and she was 11 or 12, she was going to stay with you for the week before the wedding and leave afterwards so your mom and her new husband could go on their honeymoon. You just hoped she wasn't a total brat or really annoying.


Once you were ready for the day you decided help your mom and Jakob unpack, it only took around an hour and Jakob even gave you $20 for helping. Worth it.

"Your always down at Larry's give Lisa a break!" Exclaimed your mother.

"Tell that to Mr. Addison." You replied in a tone with more attitude then you meant.

The elevator doors open and you see the two crazy metal-heads with an array of instruments. Larry was on the drums and Sally was playing a plastic flute but soon put it down once he saw you.

"Did you guys start a band?"

"Oh no we just do this for fun sometimes, I think I'm actually getting pretty good." Larry replied to you in his raspy voice, probably from smoking.

"You do look like you would be good at drums. What about you Sal what are you thinking about playing?"

"Electric guitar."

"That's a great choice. I played in a band a couple years ago, I was on drums but sometimes I was backup singer."

"You singing?" He asked sarcastically .

"Hahaha I could see that actually." Sal said.

"Oh dang the street lights are on, my mom is gonna want me home." You say getting up and grabbing your bag.

"Okay me and Larry were going to see Megan. You can come with if u want."

"Yeah I'll leave Megan creeps me out." You respond," Bye boys."

Your mom tells you that you have to sleep on the couch tonight because Avery doesn't have a place to sleep you didn't really mind because she was somewhat sweet. "I should have Just slept all night at Larry's place.." You think to yourself before giving into sleep.


You wake up in a scared state, another nightmare. You try to recall it all you remember was that you were being chased by a person in a robe, you can remember them catching you too. But no time to be weirded out by a dream it was your moms wedding you chose not to be in the wedding party so you didn't have to go to rehearsal and could pick your own dress. Your mom left a couple hours ago to go to the church and get dressed. You take your dress out of your closet and laid it on your bed, It was your favorite color with long flowy sleeves and your mom bought you heels for it. The only reason you are wearing them is for pictures.

You put on your outfit and look in the mirror the dress fit you perfect and hugged your body in the best way possible. The heels were a different story but you could power through it. You sat Infront of your mirror and put on your makeup, a soft smokey eye with black eyeliner. You put on a clear gloss and then threw the tiny bottle in your purse and made your way to the basement to get Larry to fix your hair.

You enter the living room and see him on the couch watching some cartoon. He looks over and you can feel the heat on your cheeks. "Oh.. I.. you look really good Y/n." He stuttered on his words. "Thank you! You do too."

Lisa walks out of the kitchen eyes on Larry, "Get in here Larry I want to talk to you."

"Oh no.." you and Larry said at the same time.

"I don't want you goofing around today Jenna said she wants her big day perfect."

"Okay I promise I won't do anything stupid mom!"

"Larry I'm serious about this."

"I am too. I swear."

After the very important talk with Lisa. Larry grabs a hair brush and starts putting you hair in a very pretty half-up half-down look. You loved how his hands felt in your hair.

"Thank you so much Larry. You seriously have a talent for this stuff."

"No problamo."

-a hour later-

Sally gets there and he looks amazing he's wearing a light yellow dress shirt and jeans, a church fit, with his sky blue hair in a neat bun.

"You look amazing, dude." Larry said.

"Omg sally you look so nice!" You exclaim.

"Really it's not to much?"

"No! You look so good!"

"Thanks guys.." He says shyly.

Ashley showed up soon after followed by Todd. Ashley was in a classy purple dress that came down to her knees, Sally couldn't stop staring. Todd showed up in a classic white button down and navy dress pants, he asked Larry if he was going to change telling him it was a black-tie event.

Lisa was kind enough to give you a ride to the church and everyone was jamming out to music on the way there.

-After the Ceremony-

You look over to see Larry dancing with your 5 year old cousin and then he looks at you and mouths "help". You burst out in laughter and sally does too. A slow song comes on and you look at sally questionably only to see Ash grabbing his hands and make their way to the dance floor, or a minute you just watch everyone dance.

You feel an arm intertwine with yours and look up to see Larry, "Finally got away?" You look at him teasingly.

"Yes, finally." He laughs and looks down at you "You wanna dance?"

"Yeah I do." He pulls you onto an empty spot on the floor.

He places his hands on your lower back and you put yours on his shoulders. He pulls you in a little closer and you start to slow dance together. "Wow really? Dancing with Larry Johnson, the most talented artist in Nockfell." You quietly murmur to him.

"Hahaha, well I'm dancing with y/n, the most interesting person here." You dance the rest of the night away, a few dances with Larry and one with Sal, one with Todd and a lot with Ash.

Your grandmother Doris was watching you interact and talk to your friends almost the whole wedding. Doris lives in Kentucky and she has a thick southern accent you hate she was also all together just sorta judgmental. You had think back and make sure you didn't say anything too inappropriate.

At the end of the night your head was pounding from all the music and You were going to stay the night with Ash because why not and no one would be home for a while.