A Strange Flower Seed

Chu Xiao Xi took care of everything domestically before she busied herself with her business abroad. Before leaving, Shen Qian Yun made plenty of the dishes she loved and drooled over.

"Grandma, how about you come to France with me? I'm not used to their food." Chu Xiao Xi stood by the kitchen door and watched Shen Qian Yun as she worked. She then begged, "Xiao Xiao can cook, but I don't know how."

Over the half a month Shen Qian Yun has been in City B, Chu Xiao Xi has been getting more and more attached to her. She calls her grandma every other second, way more frequently than Gu Xiao Xiao.

"You, girl, has the sweetest mouth." Shen Qian Yun brought over a plate of vegetables and asked her to put it on the table. "After you come back, I'll cook whatever you like."

When all the dishes were on the table, the doorbell rang. Chu Xiao Xi went to open the door and found Chu Yi Chen, who was here for a free meal.