Chapter 11: Black Ice 1/2

Author's Note: All properties are the rights of their respective owners, Marvel, Respawn Entertainment etc.

We're finally here folks. This is the effective end of the first story arc with the next chapter serving as the epilogue/transition. The title is the title track from AC/DC's 2008 album. It's a good tune, rough and mean and fitting the brawl like fight I was going for. In the next arc there is only one AC/DC song, so I will prove that I do know other bands.

I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone who's favorited, followed, and offered feedback to this oddball of a story. Hopefully you all continue to enjoy it.

As always feel free to give some feedback, what you like, what you don't, what I need to do better. But first, let's get stuck straight in.

Power Without Question – Chapter 11: Black Ice

Livin' long, livin' long

Sleep all alone, you're gonna take it all

And I'm gonna rip it out

I'll kick, I creep crawl down your street

I'll gouge your eyes out

Black Ice

Cooper pressed himself against the cab, automatic weapons fire peppering the car as he slammed a fresh magazine into his G2 and released the bolt. As soon as he did, he dove away from the car and planted two shots into the chest of one hoodie wearing thug wielding an Uzi before the thug went down in a heap. The Marauder activated his cloak, having to break contact from the pandemonium that was taking place.

It had been nearly an hour since Yuri had called him to tell him that reports of gunfire were starting to come in from the locations found at the architecture firm. Parker had gone on ahead, directed by Black Cat to where the heaviest fighting was taking place. Matthew had deposited MJ and BT at his warehouse before heading to the island.

He didn't expect to find himself smack in the middle of a gang war, two well-armed groups shooting it out, and both sides not hesitating to shoot the SRS Commando when he appeared. Firing his grapple, Cooper scampered up the side of a building and switched to his backup weapon. The Pilot began raining grenades down on the advancing hoodies with the MGL, saturating the street with the deadly explosive rounds until he chewed through the whole belt. "Cat, any idea why the fuck these guys are here?" he asked as he closed the top cover on a fresh belt.

"They want to break into that building, at least that's what they're being told to do" answered the thief as Matt went back to the G2 and began picking off the surviving attackers and any defenders that silhouetted themselves in a window with the semi-auto battle rifle. "But get this, the defenders have a group sent to attack the base of the gang that's hitting the address Spider is at" relayed Hardy.

Cooper stopped firing for a moment, both to reload his rifle and to make sense of what Felecia had just said. "Wait a second…Kingpin armed all these guys, just to send them to war with each other?" he asked as a grenade launchers telltale string of explosions filled the air. The aggressors had regrouped and were about to make another push. "This some fucked up game of musical chairs?"

His exasperation was followed up by more rifle shots, but the tide had turned. Hoodies were flooding into the defender's hideout with Cooper only able to take a few shots at the trailing members before the area was clear and fell silent. "I doubt it, not Fisk's style" replied Felicia coolly. "Decryption is still working on the stored files. I'll let you know when it's done."

With that, the Marauder jumped down, his kit firing to slow his descent as he hit the ground and took cover behind a shot-out truck. Cooper strained to hear anything other than the muted gunshots from inside the gang hideout. When both that and his proximity alert said he was clear, the Pilot activated his cloak and sprinted to the entrance of the building. Slinging the G2 over his shoulder, Matt drew the Smart Pistol and fired his grapple to pull himself up into an open second story window. Creeping forwards, the Marauder swept the hall for any sign of movement but found himself alone. His pace quickened, the MK6 sweeping from side to side as he pushed deeper into the hideout.

The hall was littered with signs of recent fighting, shell casings and bloody bodies were everywhere, bullet holes were in every wall, and the smell of cordite was in the air. The living were notably absent, at least until Cooper's eyes picked up movement, shadows at the end of the hallway. Crouching, the Marauder moved forwards slowly, pistol poised straight ahead. "Yo man, we almost done?" asked one.

"Yeah, almost" responded the other as they finished and turned to head down the hallway at Matt, who cloaked. "Smoke is setting the last of the demo charges, then we get out of here and get our payday, courtesy of the Kingpin himself" said the hooded thug, waving around a sub machine gun excitedly.

The two walked by the cloaked pilot, unaware of his presence as the Marauder stood and approached from behind. In one set of motions he pressed his gloved left hand over the second hoodies mouth and kicked the back of his knee, forcing him to his knees as he triggered the MK6.

The other thug had turned to see what was happening just in time for the bullet to slam into his eye and cause him to drop dead. Cooper tightened his grip on the survivor and pressed the still warm muzzle into his temple as he dragged him into a room. "I'm going to ask some questions before I move my hand. If you do anything other than answer then I'm going to paint that wall with your brains, got it?" he asked calmly, getting a frantic nod that was stifled by his grip. "Good" he growled, "what the hell are you doing here?" he snarled before slowly moving his hand, trying to gauge the reaction until he finally uncovered his mouth.

"Li…lis…listen man" he stammered quietly. "When Kingpin tells you to hit another gang and gives you the shit to do it, you don't ask questions, ya know?" he said before stopping to take several rapid breaths to try to compose himself. "He told us to come here and plant the demo charges, he wants this building turned to rubble. That's all I know" he said. Cooper didn't know either, and now wasn't the time to try and figure it out. "Please man, don't leave me here, we're gonna blow the building any minute now."

It turned out they didn't even have that long, a string of explosions rocked the building, causing Cooper to stumble and release the thug, who ran towards a stairwell. Cursing, the SRS Pilot fired his grapple at the top of the window frame and slingshotted himself out as the building collapsed. He cleared the window, the structure already failing and falling apart as he did so. Coopers relief was short lived however, rubble from the collapsing building clipped him and knocked him out as the structure fell around him.

Watson became distinctly aware of a tapping sound some time before realizing it was her own heel clicking against the concrete floor of the armory at the Marauders hideout. She wasn't happy about effectively being a prisoner in the refurbished warehouse. "Ms. Watson, do not be distressed. The Pilot and Spider-Man have an 81% chance of completing the operation without sustaining serious injury" said the 40 ton mechanical warden. Glaring at the machine, MJ refused to answer, it wasn't what had her wound up to begin with. "Militia medical protocols include several breathing exercises to reduce stress" intoned the Titan, almost sounding concerned as the journalist huffed and turned away.

Peter and the Marauder had both come to her aid just to lock her in a building far away from the action 'for her own safety' while they went and did the hero thing. It was a script she was accustomed to, but not one she liked. At least the Marauder hadn't actually cuffed her to a table like he threatened. If she couldn't explore where the action was happening, then maybe she could at least explore where she was. "BT" she said, causing the blue eye to snap to her and spin inquisitively, "Is there a bathroom around here I could use?" she asked timidly, not sure if the machine could tell the difference.

The eye 'blinked' before one of its arms extended out and pointed to a door. "You may use the facilities in the Pilots private quarters Ms. Watson" replied the machine in the monotone voice. The redhead smiled apologetically and made for the door, making sure to close it behind her.

She found herself in a basic, if comfortable living room across from a small kitchen. Neither area looked like they saw much use, even if an electric guitar sat on the sofa. A disassembled rifle sat on the kitchen counter, the smell coming from it made her hope the Marauder didn't use the same surface for cooking, at least before wiping down the area.

The journalist continued further back when she came to a hallway, the first door on her right was the bathroom. Just beyond was the bedroom, a king sized bed with rumpled sheets at the center, but it was the walls which caught her eye. On either side of the tv in front of the bed was a flag, the Texas state flag on the left and 'Come and Take It' flag on the right. On the far side of the room was a simple framed painting, the Marauder's helmet alongside a black cat.

Watson recognized the style, she had seen a similar painting in Peter's apartment, a gift from his ex. "Marauder and Black Cat huh?" she mused as she saw the way the cat was rubbing against the helmet, "good to see her moving on at least." She then locked her eyes on the flags, "Seems the Marauder is a Texan too, I wonder what Cooper would say?" she said quietly before closing the door and turning to the one on the opposite side of the hallway.

Quietly opening the last room, her jaw dropped as she saw what it was, a garage containing a very familiar shape. The exotic looking, low slung, red and black Dodge Viper. It had to be a coincidence, but as she saw the license plate on the Viper any doubt disappeared. It read 'V8 EATR.' "No way in hell" she said in disbelief as the pieces fell into place.

Matthew Cooper was the Marauder.

"Come on, pick up damnit" growled Yuri as she drove her squad car through Manhattan, cellphone pressed to her ear. The call expired, "Damn" she cursed as she selected another number and dialed again.

"Hey Yuri" said a chipper voice as gunfire could be heard in the background, "kinda busy at the moment, can I get back to you?" asked the Webhead as the sound of punching and kicking took over.

"Not an option" replied Yuri as she approached her destination. "If you're busy then I need to know where the Marauder is. We're getting reports of a massive explosion in the Flatiron district."

Yuri began to slow the car as she heard a grumble on the other end of the call. "That's where the Marauder was, he showed me what he knew. I'm doing what I can to stop the fighting, but these guys are belligerent and numerous."

The Captain was surprised, to hear the two men who had been duking it out a few hours ago were working together. But that shock was nothing compared to the shock she felt as she saw the collapsed building. "We know what they're after, they're trying to destroy opposing gang hideouts. Kingpin's forced a gang war and given them the tools to bring down whole buildings, which is what they just did over here" she exclaimed as she got out of the car, two others coming up behind her, their array of lights struggling to make out much through the dust that covered the street.

"Alright Yuri…wait, it seems like the Reds are abandoning their hideout, I'm going to go take a closer look. Talk to you later Yuri, good luck out there" said the Wallcrawler before the line was cut.

The officers from the other cars came up, flashlights out as they covered their mouths against the dust. "MARAUDER!" she yelled out. "Answer me damnit!"

The other officers gave her an odd look as they pushed forward. Her phone buzzed again as she answered. "Hello again Captain" purred a familiar voice, though there was a faint tinge of distress in it.

"You" hissed Yuri as she directed the others to take the lead and begin searching the area. The cop remembered what happened the last time she listened to this woman. "What is it you want? To lead us into another trap?" sniped Yuri darkly.

There was an uncomfortable silence for a second. "No" murmured the mystery woman. "The Marauder, he was inside the building when it went down. You need to find him and get him out of there" she ordered. Yuri wasn't keen to take orders from the woman, but she agreed, there were four more gunfights going on, every place on the drive he gave her was being hit. He had been right on the money and they would need him in this fight.

The captain waded into the dust and saw the piles of rubble that covered the street, it would take hours if not more for them to search them all, and that was no guarantee they could get him out. Her eye was drawn to something odd, a flashing emanating from one of the piles. It seemed random, but her brain noticed something, it was a pattern, an SOS. "Over here!" she called, getting the others to come to the pile in question. "Marauder, you in there? Answer me" she called as she began digging, one of the officers heading back to get some tools from his squad car.

"You expected someone else?" came a mechanical reply as the light swung around towards her, staying on. "Kingpins ordering gangs to attack each other" he said as the cops began pulling back smaller pieces of rubble. "We also know why they needed those heavy weapons" he added wryly.

The Yuri and the others moved a larger piece to see how the vigilante was stuck. His torso and up was free, but he was unable to move his legs due to the steel beam propped up by a piece of concrete on his right side as he lay on his back. "We do" she agreed as they worked together. "Are you hurt?" asked the oriental woman as they all tried to lift the beam enough to free the vigilante.

They all tried to push the beam off of him. "I'll walk it off" he grunted as they pushed to no avail before his head cocked and he stopped moving. "Shit" he said suddenly, getting the attention of the officers. "We got more bad guys heading this way, y'all can't stay in the open" he ordered. "What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation? MOVE YOUR ASSES!" he snapped.

They all looked to the Captain, who nodded, causing them to run off to get behind rubble or wrecked cars. "The hell are you doing? YOU are still in the open" she said lowly, the implications obvious.

"On my back" he began, the x shaped visor looking directly at her, the words deadly calm. "There's a grenade launcher, take it. When those assholes pull up, you unload all eight shots into 'em. The rounds are magnetic, stick to metal" explained the vigilante as he wrapped his arms around the I beam and pulled himself up, Yuri able to pry the weapon out from under him.

The weapon was short and stubby, the belt of grenades on the left side flopped around as Watanabe shouldered it. "You better know what you're doing" she scolded before taking off, hoping she wasn't leaving the man to his fate.

Cooper watched the cop walk off before letting out a breath as his mind raced. "Enlighten me, what exactly is the plan here?" asked Hardy over the radio, the thief sounded worried and intrigued.

Killing his helmet light and dimming his visor, the Pilot drew his smart pistol and steeled himself. "Thought I'd try shooting my way out" he drawled calmly as he saw the headlights of the approaching SUVs. "Mix things up a little" he finished. There was a mirthful, feminine laugh in response over the line as the Marauder narrowed his eyes, he could see several shadowy figures approaching. Thermal gave him some idea of their silhouettes, but he couldn't distinguish them. "That's a big bastard" he commented wryly as he saw a group move away from their vehicles and towards the trapped Marauder.

Biding his time, Matthew switched back to normal vision as he watched a group of them stay closer to their vehicles while the other group began to search the rubble, flashlights attached to rifles. "Marauder is here" declared a heavily Russian accented voice. "When we find him, he is mine."

More out of hope than any belief it would actually work, Cooper fruitlessly tried the beam again,

and it still didn't budge. Resigned to his situation, Matt lay in wait as the big Russian got closer, it almost looked like he was sniffing the air like a dog. He took aim with the smart pistol at some of the help, waiting for the weapon to lock on before he squeezed the trigger and three of the goons dropped dead. The action didn't go unnoticed as the weapon shifted to the three on the other side before he triggered the weapon again.

Despite the muffled report of the weapon, the Russian came right at him, and was on top of him before Cooper could register it. His foot clamping down on the Pilot's hand before prying away the MK6. "You are Marauder, da?" asked the Russian, who Cooper could now see was clothed in animal skins, a necklace made of various teeth around his neck. Now that stealth was of no use, the x shaped visor came back to life, looking up into the imposing figure. He jabbed a finger into his chest, "I am Kraven. Kingpin paid large sum for me to hunt you" he said casually as he looked down at the trapped SRS Pilot. "He promised a seems he was mistaken" said the Hunter with a chuckle.

"Sorry to…sorry to disappoint" replied Cooper as he tried to work his hand free to no avail. "I tell you what, get me out of here and I'll give you the fight of your life" he taunted, hoping the bastard wasn't just going to take the easy money.

To his surprise, the Russian released his hand and moved to the end of the beam and cracked his knuckles before putting his hands under the beam. The Pilot prepared to pull out a firestar and hurl it at the Russian, but before he could, the man pushed on the beam and Cooper felt it give.

Thoughts of reprisal were replaced with him adding his own exo enhanced strength to Kraven's efforts as the beam lifted up first a half inch, then full inch, and then half a foot, allowing the pilot to scamper free, though he did have to leave his rifle behind. His breathing unrestricted, Cooper took in deep breaths, his helmet filtering out the dust before he was knocked on his ass, the Hunter standing above him.

"It's on now" snarled the Pilot as he fired his jump kit, shooting him backwards and opening the distance as he got back to his feet. Before the battle could begin, Cooper heard the familiar 'chink chink' of the MGL before the SUVs exploded in a brilliant display. With that, Cooper attacked, breaking into a dead sprint and jumping through the dust as he came down at the Russian.

Quicker than he had any right to, Kraven shot forwards on all fours causing the Marauder to miss and hit the ground in a slide before he kept running, jumping up onto a wall before leaping off back into the fray. The police had engaged the other thugs while Kraven kept his eyes locked on the Pilot as Cooper bore down on him, axe now drawn. The Russian tried to dodge again, but Matt fried his grapple across his body and was able to get a slash and run attack in, the axe head ripping open the Hunter's side through his tiger skin vest. Matthew fired his grapple again to slingshot himself around a still standing lamppost and come back on the attack.

But Kraven was ready, he leapt up at the Marauder, taking Matt by surprise. Cooper tried to bring the axe down, but one of the Russians big hands had wrapped around his wrist, stopping the tomahawk. At the same time, the wind was knocked out of the Pilot as the Hunter rammed his knee into the armor-plated gut of Cooper. Matt thrashed as he tried to recover, the combat axe fell from his hand before he caught sight of the wound he had inflicted earlier. As the two fell towards the street, the Marauder began to pound on it with his free hand, not stopping even after the pair came back to earth. The Renegade Pilot became vaguely aware that Kraven was trying to pry his helmet off, but paid no heed as they rolled across the street.

Then he felt the helmet budge, and his senses bombarded by the dust and smell of the battleground as his mind raced for a way to free himself from the larger Hunter. Ignoring the smell and the dust through the broken seal, the Texan's free hand fumbled for his data knife before he buried that implement into the Russian's wound. That finally drew a reaction, a scream of pain pierced the night as Cooper twisted the blade before ripping it out and plunging it back in again and again. The Russian removed his hand from the Pilot's chest to stop him, Cooper taking the opening to bash his helmet into the man's nose, getting a satisfying crunch in return. He kicked and ripped his arms free as his jump kit fired, pushing him away as he resealed his helmet and activated his cloak, disappearing into the dust as he took cover in an attempt to disengage from Kraven and help the Cops with the last of the gangsters.

He made his way to the burning SUVs, one thug was holding down a flank with bursts of accurate fire from a machine gun, unaware of the Marauder approaching him from behind. Cooper shoved him out of cover and reengaged his cloak as the man spun around to find what looked like empty air. Matt took some small piece of satisfaction from the shocked look on the man's face as he decloaked, the data knife mere inches from his face before he jammed it in and pulled it out just as quickly.

Before he could gather his thoughts, Cooper was picked up and slammed against the smoldering vehicle by the snarling Russian, one massive hand around the Pilot's throat, his side bleeding profusely, and his nose crooked. None of that worried Cooper, the twisted evil grin did. Matt brought his legs up to try and push him away to no avail as the hand around his neck squeezed tighter. "I want to look you in eye as I squeeze life from you" boasted the Russian as he wrapped his other big paw on the top of the MCOR helmet and took it off and tossed it aside.

With the helmet gone, the link with his exo and jumpkit was severed. His strength fell further, and he now had to fight against the added weight of his gear. It felt almost like being paralyzed, he panicked as the equipment he had become accustomed to now served to hasten his demise. Cooper's breathing became labored and the edges of his vision darkened, attempting to fight back, he punched the man's elbow, but his tired blows accomplished nothing. As a reward for his efforts, Kraven used his free hand to snatch up both wrists and Cooper found his arms pinned over his head by the Hunter. He was vaguely aware of movement to his right, and his addled mind registered a gunshot.

It was Yuri, and her round had been aimed at Kraven's head, but missed, hitting the man's arm, causing him to release Cooper's as the Pilot poured everything he had left into moving his arms and breaking them free, his left coming out in a half punch at Kravens broken nose before he tried to press his fingers into the Hunters eyes. But that was only a distraction, his right grabbed a Firestar, and with a savage grunt, buried the incendiary into Kraven's face. Both of the man's hands came to his face as he ripped the shuriken like weapon out of his cheek, causing the remaining thermite to cover his hands and body as Cooper dropped to the ground and rolled away.

Kraven the Hunter writhed in pain; the crackling of the thermite matched the flickering flames that marked his suffering as Cooper watched the display with no remorse. "Fry you son of a bitch" he snarled as he slowly pushed himself onto all fours, only to be shaken from his stupor by the sound of his helmet hitting the ground next to him. He quickly slipped it on and waited for the filters to cycle before taking deep breaths and looking up at Captain Watanabe, her hand extended. He took it and got to his feet, exhausted despite all the STIMS, and ached through all the pain killers. "How bad?" he asked simply as the x shaped visor scanned the scene, burning cars, bodies, rubble and all.

"Last I checked? Every place on that list had been hit" she answered. Cooper nodded and walked over to retrieve his lost weapons, the Captain in tow. "We can't be everywhere, not after last night, we don't have the manpower" she explained as he nodded and put the last of his lost weapons back, his rifle still gone and MGL in police hands.

"Cat, you still there?" he asked tentatively as he followed Yuri to where the police cruisers were parked. "What's going on?" he asked as he pulled out a fresh dose of STIMS and injected them, his mind becoming more alert instantly.