The Ball

Charlotte was in awe as the Aston Martin they traveled in pulled up in front of The Peninsula Hotel. There was a red carpet, people dressed in the finest evening wear, and lots of press. Gordon's driver opened the door. Gordon exited the carriage and extended his hand to Charlotte. She swallowed her nerves and took his hand. As she walked the red carpet with him cameras flashed in all directions.

She outwardly exuded grace and elegance. Inwardly she was terrified. Gordon had wrapped his arm possessively around her waist and the reporters noticed right away.

"Mr. Zhou! You've never attended a public event with a woman before. Could you tell us about your lovely companion tonight?" A reporter running forward shouted.

Normally Gordon didn't give interviews but tonight was an exception.

"I'm honored to be accompanied tonight by Charlotte Xia." Gordon answered.

"And What is the nature of your relationship with her, Mr. Zhou?" Another reporter asked.

"She's my girlfriend." He proudly stated. Charlotte smiled gently upon hearing his response.

"Mr. Zhou, this is the first time you've ever publicly announced being in a relationship. Is Miss Xia the one?" The first reporter asked.

"Yes. I will never love anyone else but her." He answered confidently.

"That's wonderful news, Mr. Zhou! And you, Miss Xia, how do you feel about Mr. Zhou?" The reporter turned to her.

Charlotte blushed becomingly and smiled wider.

"Gordon is a wonderful man. I love and respect him very much." Charlotte said honestly. In that moment, Gordon turned closer to her and gently kissed her lips. The camera flashes nearly blinded her.

"Wow! Congratulations to both of you!" The reporter said.

Gordon led her inside the hotel with no further comment. They made their way to the ballroom where Gordon greeted many people and introduced Charlotte as his girlfriend.

The crowd parted as a regal and dignified older couple approached them.

"Father, Mother, this is Charlotte." Gordon said with pride. Charlotte swallowed her nervousness and bowed respectfully.

"Uncle, Aunt. I'm honored to meet both of you." Charlotte said softly.

His mother, Anna, was the first to respond.

"Charlotte, I am so happy to meet the woman who has finally managed to capture my son's heart. Please call me Mother." Anna said with genuine joy on her face.

Gordon's father, Robert, was more reserved but he was kind as well.

"Our son speaks well of you. We are pleased to meet you." He said kindly, though his face retained a similar aloof look that Gordon often had.

Charlotte smiled, having no idea how truly graceful she appeared.

"I'm going to take her to dance now." Gordon announced, gently pulling Charlotte away.

"Did I do okay?" Charlotte whispered as they joined others on the dance floor.

"You do me proud, Charlotte." He said in her ear.

"Oh good, because I felt like I was going to be sick I was so nervous." She admitted.

Gordon gave a low chuckle as he wrapped one arm around her waist and took her soft hand in his. He began to lead her in a waltz around the floor.

"Don't be nervous. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine." Gordon encouraged her.

Charlotte placed her free hand on the back of his neck and gently stroked his hair. She leaned her face against his cheek.

Gordon's heart began to race and his breathing became ragged.

They danced several songs and noticed Michael and Rachel among those dancing. Charlotte and Rachel smiled at each other.

Suddenly a middle aged man tapped Gordon's shoulder.

"May I cut in and have a dance with this beauty?" He asked in a loud, jovial voice.

"No one dances with my woman but me." Gordon said in a frightening tone.

Unfortunately the man didn't catch Gordon's undertone.

"Beauty, he doesn't speak for you does he?" The man tried again by addressing Charlotte, stretching his hand in her direction. Gordon quickly pulled Charlotte back against him.

"Whichever of your hands touches her, I will personally cut it off. Do you dare?" Gordon's voice reached freezing point and his face was grave and intimidating.

The man quickly retracted his hand but didn't leave. Charlotte realized the situation was about to reach a critical point so she spoke up.

"I'm sorry, but the only man I want to dance with is Mr. Zhou. I'm terribly obsessed with him you know." Charlotte reached up and gently stroked Gordon's cheek, hoping her actions would calm him. She then spoke to Gordon where the other man could hear, "Darling, let's go find something to drink. I'm a bit thirsty after all the dancing."


Gordon led her through the crowd to a banquet table with glasses of champagne. Charlotte frowned.

"Is there anything besides Champagne? I don't hold my alcohol very well." She told him.

Gordon signaled a waiter and a bottle of mineral water soon appeared.

"Thank you!" Charlotte breathed.

"Gordon! Gordon, is that you?" A sultry female voice called. Charlotte and Gordon turned to see a stunning woman approaching. She wore a hot pink evening gown that showed off her curves and cleavage. Charlotte frowned.

"It is you, Gordon! Oh, how wonderful to see you. Won't you dance with me?" The woman purred as she placed her hands on Gordon's arm.

Gordon frowned and jerked his arm away from her. He hated being touched. Unless it was Charlotte.

"Lora." He greeted in an icy tone, his face hard and unapproachable.

"Darling, let's have a dance together for old times' sake." She cooed, again reaching for his arm.

Before Gordon could respond Charlotte pulled Gordon's arm away from Lora.

"Gordon is my boyfriend. The only one who will call him darling from this point forward is me. Good evening, Miss." Charlotte spoke in an authoritative voice as she pulled Gordon away.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Gordon asked very pleased.

"Of course I am. Gordon I am not a wallflower. I won't be silent when some tart flirts with you, in front of me no less!" Charlotte exclaimed.

Gordon grabbed her and turned her to face him. Charlotte wasn't finished.

"If you expect me to tolerate that behavior from her or anyone else then I am not the right woman for you. I am poor and come from nothing but I refuse to be disrespected." She scolded.

"Good!" Gordon proclaimed.

"What? Aren't you angry that I insulted your friend?" Charlotte asked.

"She's an old acquaintance that gives me a massive headache whenever I see her. I am glad you spoke up. It makes me very pleased that you don't allow other woman to approach me in that manner, my little spitfire." Gordon praised her.

"Spitfire?" Charlotte growled.

"You're very cute when you're jealous." Gordon said before passionately kissing her.