The Game

After Lucy, Charlotte, and Gordon left so abruptly the older generation stared at one another. Finally Anna spoke.

"Do you think Gordon will be able to coax her?"

"His EQ isn't very high even though he's a smart man. I just hope Charlotte is forgiving. I don't know what he'd do if she doesn't. I've never seen him like this about a woman." Stella was worried.

"I know. He came to me Friday and asked for the family jewelry. He wanted her to have it. She had on the lotus blossom hair comb at the ball on Saturday. She really is a lovely girl. She may not have an exceptional background but I don't think that's really important anymore." Anna continued.

"I have a jade ring from your father. Maybe he'd like to give it to her." Stella said thoughtfully.

"Is everyone here blind?" Julia suddenly spoke up. Everyone looked at her.

"This girl, she comes from what? A poor village in the middle of nowhere? Can't any of you see how scheming she is? Gordon is a blank piece of paper when it comes to women. That girl seduced him! He's only known her a week! If she marries him she will become the next hostess of the Zhou family. Does our great family admit just anyone?" Julia cried.

"Silence!" Robert shouted. "Calvin, can you not control your woman? She is in need that someone teach her!" Robert continued.

"How can you say that?!" Julia yelled.

"Do you think I'm a fool? Do you not think I had Charlotte investigated deeply before giving Gordon my blessing? You can't find anything on that girl that is unbecoming. Believe me, I tried. The only thing you can criticize is her ordinary birth, but so what? Her father died providing for his family. She takes care of her sister and sick mother. Did you know her grandfather was a decorated military hero? She is humble but not to be despised.

And besides that, do you realize how many women have tried to get close to Gordon? Not once did he give in. Now he meets her and within a week he's obsessed. I know my son's mind and I trust his judgment."

"Has She seduced you too, brother?!" Julia shouted.

"Enough!" Stella yelled. "Do not slander my granddaughter in such a way! Julia, you are angry because you know that if Gordon marries and has an heir then your son's child will not inherit. You've known for years that Gordon refuses to marry so you hoped the family would continue with Anthony's children. Now you know Gordon will marry and it will pass through him. Don't bring your bitterness to my table!" By now, Stella was shouting and her face was red.

"Mom, please calm down. Your hypertension." Anna said gently.

"We're leaving!" Julia announced.

"That would be for the best." Gordon's cold voice came from behind her. Everyone turned to face him and Charlotte.

"Gordon, how long have you two been there?" Anna asked gently.

"Long enough to know things that shouldn't have been said." Gordon shot a murderous gaze toward Julia.

"I never wanted to bring strife to your family. I think perhaps it's time for me to leave." Charlotte's voice was just above a whisper and her face was pale.

Anna went to Charlotte's side and pulled her to the table. "No, I won't let anyone drive away my daughter. They were just leaving. You stay." Anna insisted.

Gordon's heart was warmed unexpectedly when he heard his mother call her daughter instead of daughter-in-law.

As Calvin and Julia went out, Robert suddenly asked Gordon if he wanted to play chess.

They all moved to the living quarters to find sofas and chairs to watch the father and son challenge one another. After a few rounds of back and forth wins, Charlotte asked, "Could I play the winner?"

Everyone turned in surprise.

"You play?" Gordon asked. His voice gave nothing away but his eyes showed his excitement.

"A little." She replied.

Awhile later and Robert won.

"Charlotte, I won't show mercy even if you are my daughter-in-law!" Robert teases.

"I wouldn't want you to." Charlotte told him. Gordon stood behind her and observed intently. It quickly became obvious to the two men that Charlotte knew more than, "a little." As she captured another piece from Robert, he leaned forward. Sweat beaded on his face. At the last moment she hesitated. She knew she could win but she didn't want Robert to lose face. Robert caught her hesitation. He knew she had him and could see her dilemma.

"Don't hold back. You know what to do." Robert encouraged.

With his consent she she captured the last piece.

"Where did you learn to do that?" Robert asked.

Charlotte smiled. "My grandpa and dad. They played often and taught me. Then I played in high school. I missed my dad a lot and it reminded me of him when I played. Every time I win a match I felt I was honoring him."

Gordon's hands rested on her shoulders. "For you to beat dad is an accomplishment. I'm proud of my woman." He kissed the top of her head.

Robert regarded her seriously. "Anytime you need a father to play chess with, I will oblige you."

"Thank you. I will take you up on it. I've missed playing." Charlotte answered.

Though the day had started with uncomfortable confrontations, it had ended well. Charlotte felt that Gordon's parents and grandmother accepted her as family. She was filled with a sense of peace.