The Proposal

Rachel watched as her best friend went to the elevator to go up to their presidential suite. Charlotte's wedding had been held at the hotel and now that it was over, they had gone upstairs.

She looked across the room at her boyfriend, Michael. He was like a brother to Gordon, Charlotte's husband.

Michael and Andrew, their other good friend were laughing about something when she noticed Andrew's girlfriend Cora approach and say something to Andrew. Andrew said goodbye to Michael and left with Cora and Cora's mother.

Michael started walking across the room to join her when she noticed a group of well dressed women eyeing Michael. It was obvious what they were thinking and Rachel admitted it made her jealous.

Charlotte had introduced Rachel to Michael the same week she met Gordon. Now Gordon and Charlotte were married. Granted, they had moved very quickly, but Rachel wondered if one day she would have the opportunity to marry Michael. Or if some woman would draw him away. Michael was the kind of person everyone wanted to be around. He was confident and humorous. He was a success in the business world because of his outstanding personality. He had become CEO of the tech business his father had founded and it flourished under his leadership.

So why was he with her? She was just an accounting assistant at Gordon's company. Charlotte had played matchmaker because he had told Charlotte he was interested in her. But why? Sure, she had a pretty face and figure, but many women equal to his status did as well.

"Rachel." Michael's gentle voice invaded her self deprecating thoughts.

"I have a surprise for you." He said, extending his hand to her. She wordlessly took his hand as he led her to the elevator. That was strange. We're they going to an after party in one of the suites? She thought he'd be dropping her off at home soon.

If only she were more equal to him maybe she wouldn't struggle in their relationship so much, she thought, her mind drifting back to original thoughts.

"Michael, I think I'm going to study for the CPA test." She said suddenly. He blinked in surprise but smiled.

"Will you be coming to work with me then?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

"Do you need another accountant?" She asked, puzzled.

"I was think more along the lines of sexy secretary. I envy Gordon having his wife in his office all day, everyday. I don't think I'd get anything done if that were you." Michael said, his eyes burning as he looked like he wanted to swallow her whole.

"I better not work for you then. I wouldn't want your company to suffer." Rachel said with a small smile.

Suddenly Michael pushed her against the elevator wall and smashed his lips into hers. She was too shocked to protest. She didn't really want to protest.

She felt his hand on her as he moved her knee length dress out of his way. His hand slid up her inner thigh and a moan escaped her mouth. What was happening? To him? To her?

He pulled her legs up around his waist and then cupped her butt with both hands, deepening his already passionate kiss. Her mind had officially checked out.

The elevator opened and he carried her down the hallway in his arms before stopping at a door. The magnetic key card reader flashed and the door opened.

He carried her inside and gently sat her on the bed.

She looked around the magnificent room. There was a hot tub in one corner, and a table set with fine china and candles glowing. The bed was huge and covered in rose petals.

She breathed deeply, very surprised. He had gone through a lot of trouble to plan all of this.

He kissed her again, this time gently.

"Rachel, I planned out all these things I wanted to say, but I forgot everything just now. I just...I was hoping...would you marry me?"


Rachel slowly opened her eyes. She had felt a large weight pressing down on her. She blinked several times and clearly saw Michael on top of her. So that was what woke her.

"Good morning, Future Wife." He smiled down at her.

She yawned. "Good morning, Future Husband."


Charlotte stood atop a step ladder in Gordon's office. She had finally finished the painting he'd commissioned and she was trying to hang it before he returned from his business lunch.

The door opened and Charlotte knew she had run out of time.

"Let me help you!" Gordon rushed to her side.

With one hand, he held the ladder. With the other, he slid up her leg.

Charlotte squealed. Gordon chuckled lowly.

"A little to the left." Gordon said, as he slipped his hand further up to her inner thigh.

"Gordon!" She scolded.

"Too far left. Go right." He instructed.

She sighed and moved it slightly right as she felt her husband's hand slip into her underwear and into her. Her breathing became ragged no matter how hard she fought it.

His finger moved around inside her; moans burst out of her mouth. He went deeper and she gasped.

"G—Gordon!" She gasped.

"Yes?" He asked in an innocent tone while he increased the speed of his fingers moving in and out.

"Help me down!" She moaned. She could hold it back no longer as his movements pushed her over the edge of her control.

"Ahhhhhhhh..." She moaned and screamed. She was extremely thankful that his office was sound proof.

Gordon gently helped her down and held her in his arms as she came down from the high he had given her.

"Gordon Zhou, what do you mean?" She scolded.

"I saw the painting of the mountains and your gorgeous legs and I just thought I would send you to the top of a mountain yourself." His voice and facial expression the picture of innocence.

"Not exactly what I imagined when I painted this." She laughed lightly.

What were you thinking?" He asked, suddenly serious.

"A metaphor I suppose. I hoped it would encourage you as you lead your company to new heights." She said softly.

He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you so, Charlotte." He whispered around the lump in his throat. Why tears pricked his eyes he didn't know, but he was overwhelmed with emotion for his thoughtful wife.