The Baby

Rachel and Charlotte were having lunch together. Gordon now sent bodyguards with her and they stood a discreet distance away. Rachel raised her eyebrows at this.

"Is Gordon afraid you'll run away again?" She teased.

"No, it's because of the baby. Well, and maybe a little because I disappeared." She admitted ruefully.

"I heard you went back to work this week." Rachel said. Since marrying Michael she no longer worked at Rising Sun, but she had friends who did.

"Yes, everyone's so friendly since I started back." She was still surprised at that.

"Two reasons for that. You are Young Madam Zhou, wife of the great President Zhou; and most importantly, your husband is like a wounded tiger when you aren't there." Rachel said.

"Surely not!" Charlotte said.

"I'm serious! Before you worked there he was as cold as ice. The only time he spoke was when dealing with official business. Then he met you and the ice thawed a bit. He's still terrifying but more polite. But when you took leave, oh my gosh, they said it was bad. Like, people left his office in tears and the business meetings gave some of the men ulcers, bad. Rachel said.

Charlotte couldn't believe it.

"Michael said the night Gordon realized you had left was really bad. Apparently Gordon smashed a ceramic sculpture in his study and yelled at everyone. I'm really glad he found you quickly because I don't want to imagine what would've happened otherwise." Rachel told her. Charlotte was shocked.

"To think, I made such a mess because I thought his brother's fiancée was Gordon's mistress. I'm so foolish." Charlotte said.

"What ever happened with that? Did she bring her daughter back to the Zhou family?" Rachel asked.

"No. She's still very angry at everyone. I've been meaning to talk to Gordon to see if I could meet her alone. She would've been my sister-in-law if James had lived. Surely we have some things in common." Charlotte said.

"That may be a good idea. Hey, I'm going to visit the washroom." Rachel said suddenly. Before she could leave the room, water pooled at her feet.

"Oh Rachel, are you okay?" Charlotte asked.

"I think my water just broke!" Rachel said.

Charlotte looked at the men hired to protect her.

"Call an ambulance. We're going to the hospital!" Charlotte's voice was calm but commanding.

"I think your husband is having an effect on you!" Rachel teased.

"Call Michael So he can meet you there." Charlotte said, ignoring the teasing.

"Ahhhh! Uh, I think you had better call!" Rachel cried out.

"What's wrong?"

"Contractions!" Rachel gasped.


Michael Fu was in an important meeting when his phone vibrated. When he saw Rachel's number he immediately answered the phone in the meeting. Everyone stared at each other. This was irregular.

"I'm on my way now!" Michael said in an urgent voice and rushed from the conference room.

When Michael heard Charlotte's voice telling him Rachel was in labor and on the way to the hospital, his mind went on autopilot. The moment he'd been anticipating was here! His son was coming today!

When he arrived at the hospital he was immediately led to Rachel's room. She was in the middle of a contraction when he came in. She was gripping Charlotte's hand and screaming in agony.

Michael stopped where he was. He had heard giving birth was painful but he'd never witnessed it in person.

Rachel turned toward him with pain filled eyes and stretched out her hand in his direction.

He immediately came to her side and took her other hand. Charlotte backed away.

"Since Michael is here, I'll be leaving first. Let us know your good news when he comes." Charlotte said.

"Thank you, Charlotte." Michael said.


At around 11:00 pm that night Charlotte's phone beeped. She had a WeChat message from Rachel. It was a picture of her holding a tiny baby boy, with the caption: "Welcome Eason Fu."

"Gordon, look!" Charlotte exclaimed, handing him her phone. A rare smile appeared on Gordon's serious face.

"My sworn nephew is here!"

"I wonder if our baby is a boy? Handsome, intelligent, and capable like his father." Charlotte smiled at the thought.

"Or maybe it's a girl. A little princess to spoil and love like her beautiful mother." Gordon said.

"I'm just happy to be having your child." Charlotte said.

Gordon rolled over, putting Charlotte beneath him and kissed her. "I will only allow you to bare my children. Silly woman, I can't believe you thought I had a child with someone else." He said, referring to Bella.

"Do you think Sara will ever bring Bella back to the Zhou family?" Charlotte asked.

"That's hard to guess." Gordon said.

"Could I try meeting with her? Like an impartial party?" Charlotte asked.

"It would be worth a try." Gordon said thoughtfully.