Calvin and Amy were Stan impasse. They had met with Amy's cardiologist who had confirmed that her pregnancy would be very high risk and Calvin wanted her to terminate the pregnancy for her safety. Amy staunchly refused.
Calvin visited a doctor of Chinese medicine secretly and bought special herbs. He asked Auntie Ellen to prepare them in a tea for Amy.
He felt a pang if guilt but shoved it aside. Amy's health was most important. He took the tea tray upstairs to their bedroom.
Amy was sitting at the table on their balcony, staring off in the distance.
"Amy? I asked Auntie Ellen to make you some relaxing tea. Have some." He coaxed her.
She took the cup he offered her and noticed a strong medicinal smell.
"Calvin, what's in this?" She asked suspiciously.
"Just some herbs. Some for relaxation." He lied without guilt.
She stared at him for a few moments and set the cup on the table.
"No, thank you. I'm not thirsty right now." She said firmly.
"Just try a cup, Amy. It's for your health." He insisted.
"Do the herbs in it happen to induce an abortion?" She was smart. He hesitated.
"I knew it! I knew you were up to something. I won't drink that! How could you?!" She was angry. More angry than she had ever been.
Calvin was desperate. He filled his mouth with the tea and grabbed Amy. He tried to force her lips and teeth open to force her to drink from his mouth. She struggled and fought against him. Finally, she bit down hard on his lip. Calvin covered his moth, shocked to realize he was bleeding. Amy used the opportunity to get away from him.
"How could you! How could you disrespect me in such a way? Your deceit is a slap in the face to my intelligence! You disrespected my body and my choice! It's my baby too! It's my decision to make! I'm leaving you, Calvin! At least until I am ready to give birth. I'm obviously not going to be safe here while pregnant!" She was screaming and crying.
Amy gave the taxi Charlotte and Gordon's address. She didn't trust Calvin's driver to take her where she wanted. Calvin hadn't restricted her from leaving but he had literally begged her not to leave him. He pleaded with her for another chance to be supportive of her decision, but Amy felt deep betrayal and refused to stay. She was afraid he'd try again to use the herbs in her food and drink, and she wasn't willing to take the risk.
She didn't really know where to go, but she knew that Charlotte shared similar personality traits with her. Charlotte was also pregnant. She hoped they'd open their home to her but she was afraid.
It was late evening when she arrived at their home. Uncle Arthur showed her to a sitting room. Not long after, Charlotte and Gordon joined her. They were wearing bathrobes over their pajamas.
"Amy? Are you okay?" Charlotte immediately asked.
Amy burst into tears. Charlotte hugged her and patted her back gently. Gordon sat down and patiently waited. He texted Calvin to ask why Amy was so upset. Calvin texted back that he was thankful Amy had gone to them and he'd be there soon.
Finally, in between sobs, Amy told them that Calvin had tried to trick her into drinking herbs to cause an abortion. She couldn't go back home because she felt her baby wouldn't be safe.
"Oh my gosh!" Charlotte cried.
"You can stay here, Amy. Don't be afraid anymore. You're safe here." Gordon said quietly. He could understand Calvin's fear. He wouldn't want Charlotte carrying a pregnancy to term if her life were threatened either, but he also had the intelligence to recognize that Calvin's method was insulting and disrespectful. Gordon would never be willing to betray Charlotte's trust in such a way. He would fear never regaining it. Calvin had played a dangerous game and lost badly. Amy was afraid of her own husband. Calvin felt sick thinking of Charlotte ever being afraid of himself.
They would shelter Amy and her baby.
Calvin arrived at the Zhou Villa quickly. Gordon led him to his office and motioned for him to sit.
"Where's Amy?" Calvin asked.
"Charlotte and Cora are helping her settle into her room." Gordon told him.
"Her room?!" Calvin exclaimed.
"Did you hide abortive herbs in Amy's tea?" Gordon questioned him.
"Yes, but only because I don't want this pregnancy to hurt her." Calvin insisted.
"I understand that. But if a marriage has no trust between partners what kind of marriage is that? Amy is afraid of you right now. How can you stand that?" Gordon asked.
"I'm your elder. Is it really your business what goes on in our marriage?" Calvin asked sharply.
"It became my business when Amy came here. I will protect those under my care. That includes anyone living in my home." Gordon informed him.
"She's my wife!" Calvin shouted.
"Who made it clear that she doesn't want to see you right now. Her decisions will be respected here. You can visit her in the future on a daily basis if you want, but we will allow her to remain until the baby is born for as long as she wishes." Gordon told him.
"You're our of line!" Calvin shouted.
"No, Uncle. You were out of line." Calvin told him.