chapter 1

Anaya POV:

"Anaya get up from bed right now you lazy head" ,mom yelled from downstairs. I got up from bed lazily and groaned uggghhh... why everyone is always enemy of my beauty sleep. My room is not too big but I find it nice, quiet and most important it gave me peace. I entered my small bathroom attach to my room and did my business. I am not an early bird. "Anaya come down fastly otherwise you must be late for university "mom yelled. I am coming, I'm ready, I said.

I grabbed my bag, ran downstairs and took my breakfast from kitchen counter.

I reached my university in30 min. I am student  of BS physics. I know it's boring  subject but, somehow I feel it challenging. I ran to my first class of mechanics,its really one my boring class ugggghhhh..... I graoned. sometime I regret on my decision, but I am the one who choosed this subject so I have to tolerate. After continuous boring classes, we finally free.... Yaaaaaayyyyy, me and my friend zoya, she is my best friend .i thought what I have done to deserve such a good friend .we went to cafe and after this we spent our remaining time in our favourite spot in university.

My cell phone beeped and I checked the message, it's from my fiancee Asim. I love him a lot. He is handsome, tall and breathtaking cool. Every girl steals the glances toward him and try his best to do flirt with him.  He is practicing Muslim. He respects my every decision and remain cool like  water when I am burning like fire. I am so clumsy  and cherish type girl , not have very fair complexion and have long dark hair with purple tips. Most important I love my chubbiness, but I know "my Asim "love me  a lot and always keep me happy with his romantic and cheesy lines and jokes. I planned my whole fairytale with him, after spending quality time with my friend and fiancee , I took my bus from university to home.

When I reached home, mom gave me water and set the table for lunch. After lunch I took nap until my phone beeped. I checked it,it was message of my friend zoya....

Zoya : Hello,ano...

Me :yes, zoya what happened?

Zoya :meet me in nearby cafe....  ...ummm.... I have to tell you something important .

Me : ( I asked with concern )is everything is alright

Zoya  : unman....  When we meet I will tell you

Me : hhmmm...  OK! 

Zoya : see you later...  Allah Hafiz!

Me : Allah  hafiz!

I offered my zohr prayer, then I went to my mom's room and tell her about my day and asked her for  permission .

Shehryaar POV :

"Yes.... Mr. Hilmoton... I agree with your deal..", shehryaar said on phone call as he entered the cafe meet his best friend who is also his business partner .

He took his seat and started to talk with his  friend on his business deals and mafia related issues,  but suddenly his eyes fell on the  girl, whose smile arose different feelings in him.

After confirming and settling the issues, he standup to leave the cafe and when he about to open the door, he felt as someone bumped into him. As he turn,his gaze fell on same girl. "Hey you girl..... Can't you see where you are going and use your F**KING eyes... " he said rudely as everyone one is afraid of him.

"you are the one who stand here and you rudely blaming me except asking for my forgiveness.... ",she said angrily. After this she leave the cafe and I just stand  there SHOCKED and somewhat angry.  No one try to talk to me in this manner, I think she doesn't know who  I AM...  , however she has to pay for this,as I Smirked.

Oh my god, what he will going to do with anaya .....and how..... ?

Plz vote my story and forgive my grammatical mistakes.....  And comment on my story.... 😍😍😍thank you ...thats all have a nice day my lovely readers