chapter 10

Anaya POV:

I don't know how many sleepless nights i spend and how much more I have to spend. My whole day passed away crying.. "I can't live here... I can only do something when I step out of this room.. ..",I walked to the door, luckily it's open. I stepped out of room.... Now what should I do now.

I think I should ran away.... But it's not easy after my last stunt.

I think I should Asim to help me. I searched the phone... "please Asim pick up the phone ...hello... Asim.. It's me... Anaya.. Ahhh", suddenly phone grabbed by someone. It's one of the guard of shehryaar..., he gripped my hairs and dragged me to his office..., he threw me like trash.... "what the fu**  Adam..... "he said while shouted. " sir she tried to call his fiance... ",he said.

Monster looked at me with death glares.... " you bi**ch... You only deserve punishment ",he said .