Razor Blades

My feelings are razor blades, they come out sharp. cutting my emotions causing them to bleed out, is this even normal anymore? I cause pain to the people I love, The people I care about, because I cant put those feeling away. I've tried and yet again they explode, like throwing shards of glass at everyone I care about, causing them to feel the pain I have. Its contagious, so contagious to the point everyone's feelings are dying, there isn't hope left to give. We keep going, hoping that things could change, we could change but... we are just spreading it even more, it's so toxic to the point I'm choking from each breath, each step I take and each word I speak, Like I swallowed a hand full of razor blades, cutting my throat so I cant speak. Forcing me to think about all things that could've been different, if I would've just changed the way I think, change the way I speak. I could've prevented this, but things cant change that quickly.