
It's cold and dark. Merlins' body was asleep but he was awake. It was very cold. The temperature was fine but what Merlin felt was not outside feelings. He was not awake; he could see but not with his eyes, it was very dark. He slowly opened his eyes. It was very blurry; he felt his body moving, he was facing the ground but far from it. Then it was dark blind to the world and feeling nothing; time seemed to carry on forever. Then he opened his eyes; able to see a bit more after having his eyes readjust he could see he was being carried and he could hear the sound of the waterfall, it sounded like boulders falling from a cliff; It was very loud. He could not move, he could only feel. There was a warm presence close to him, it was carrying him. He could move his eyes and looked down, seeing the floor, legs, and a robe. It was dark again, again there was nothing. He could no longer feel the warmth of who was carrying him. He had no idea how long it had been, minutes, hours, days; it did not matter. He was alive, or at least not dead. He woke up again able to move his eyes and see where he was. It didn't matter that he could see because he did not know where he was, with his flashing, blurry eyes he could make out that he was in some sort of cave. There were a few things that were glowing, and a few sheets laying about. Then it was dark, quiet, and cold. Suddenly, after being very cold he could feel a warmth. It was in the middle of his chest, it was very warm in his moment of freezing. He could feel a life back inside of him, he could feel his feet and hands again. He opened his eyes and saw a person. someone was there; it must have been the person that was carrying him. He looked down and the person was holding their hands over his chest with some kind of greenish light shining. He did not know what this light was, but it didn't matter; he knew it was the source of the warmth and wished it would continue forever. But, eventually, the man stopped and the light subsided; Merlin experienced much pain due to his injuries after the man had stopped. The man walked around the cave and grabbed many items. Merlin did not know what they were but allowed the man to take care of the wound, he couldn't do anything about it anyways. He knew he was attacked by a beast, walked back to the waterfall, and collapsed from either exhaustion or loss of blood. He hadn't been trained in medicine besides simple wounds, so he had no idea how to deal with the gash in his chest. Luckily, it seemed like he had no reason to worry. But who is this person, he had no idea who they were or where they came from? He was alone at the waterfall, right? Just then he remembered the man he had seen atop the waterfall. Based on what he could see they looked similar and the man in his house looked identical to who he sees now. He was now filled with curiosity and fear. At first, he thought this man was just some traveler who came across his body and decided to help him. But if this man was the same person from before then he is very strong. He began thinking it didn't matter if he feared the man, he had no choice, he could not move and he was certain he would die if he did. So Merlin decided to do nothing. Before he knew it, he blacked out again. This time it wasn't cold or dark, but instead bright and warm; it was a comforting feeling. One he grew to enjoy for as long as it lasted before abruptly waking up. His heart was racing but he remained calm; looking around he recognized he was in the same place as before. He no longer had the pain in his chest, only short bursts of dulled pain. Shortly after, the man walked into the room. He had a glow around him signifying to Merlin that this was the same man that was in his house. He wasn't afraid anymore because he could run if he needed and if the man wanted to hurt him he easily could have. Merlin sat there and watched the man making something facing away from him. He wore a semi-dark robe covering him from shoulders to the ground and a round hat with a tall point. He turned around, looked at Merlin, and offered him a bowl of food. Merlin quickly accepted this because he was starving and not caring about the bowl's contents. He swiftly emptied the bowl and asked the man who he was. The man smiled, took off his hat, placed it on his chest, and responded with, "I am Alvis Deshik" In a moderate tone. Merlin then asked who he was and if he had been following him. Alvis obliged him and told him that he was a great mage and had been the man he has seen those few times. Merlin tried to ask more but Alvish refused to answer the questions and just told him that he needed to rest. He may have been healed but the blood was still gone. Merlin quickly gave up and decided it was best to allow his body to continue healing. He didn't want to sleep on the bare rock so Alvis gave him a decent bed to sleep on. As Merlin was drifting off to sleep he could hear Alvis saying something about tomorrow or the future and how it would be more different than he could ever imagine. He had no idea what this meant and shrugged it off so that he could get some sleep.