•Part 3 -- Jin is getting Jealous!? --

Luna: "...."

Luna: "guess I should go inside and tidy the house then"

when I was about to go inside, I heard a loud bump noise

Luna: "!!!"

I rushed inside and spot Jin laying on the ground in the front of the stairs

Luna: "Jin! why are you on the ground?"

when I touched him, he's so hot. what I mean hot is he got a fever

Luna: "you're burning up!"

Luna: "c'mon let me carry you upstairs..."

I'm carrying him straight into his room really slowly then put him on his bed gently. when he lay on his bed comfortably I rushed out to get some Ice, water, Face towel and a thermometer and rushed back in Jin's room

I placed the cold towel on his forehead and another towel to rub it into his uhhh body...

after i rubbed the towel into him, I helped him change his shirt then after that I was planning on making a soup for him so I stood up but Jin grabbed my right hand and stopped me and then talk

Jin: "don't....l-leave....."

when I look at him he looks like something has bad happened to him or he is having a bad dream or something.... so I stayed at his room and let him sleep and rest so that I can sneak out

when I finally thought he's asleep I'm standing up really slowly so that I won't wake him up but he tighten the hold of his hand to my hand and talk again

Jin: "where are you....going?...."

Luna: "I'll be back...Just need to do something---"

Jin: "no, If you leave me you'll not coming back again...."


Luna: "I'll be back😅 (oh gosh why do I feel like i'm talking to a kid? did not know he's kind of childish when sick)"

Jin: "stay here....let me rest for a bit..."

Luna: "ok ok I'm staying..."

Jin: *smiled* "good..."

Luna: *smile*

Jin: "....Dog"

did he seriously treated me as a dog? after that I was looking at him for a whole 30mins and fell asleep by accident

I felt like something is moving so I opened my eyes up...then saw Jin sitting, while smirking

and looking at me

Jin: "why are you holding my hand?"

wait...I fell asleep while holding his hand??? well of course I guess? because he doesn't want to let go of my hand in the first place! this is so embarrassing but I need to at least say something to ease the embarrassment

Luna: *blush* "you were asleep and y- you grabbed m-my h-hand! and you said don't Leave me...."

Jin: "then why didn't you just go?

Luna: "I was but you tighten the way you hold my hand so...."

Jin: "then breakthrough it..."

Luna: "hey...I did that because I cared for you but you're here and making me angry!"

Jin: "thank you"

Luna: "!!!"

Luna: "what did you say??"

Jin: "I said I'm hungry....can you cook??"

Luna: *pout*

Jin: "I'll repeat what I said If you cook something delicious for me"

Luna: "sure! what do you want?"

Jin: "anything that is Spicy"

Luna: "got it!"

I got up and go straight to the kitchen downstairs and cooked a really spicy ramen noodles

after a minute of cooking I rushed upstairs to give him the noodles then he sit up again and I placed the noodles on the bed table

Jin: "be sure that it taste good or i'll--"

Luna: "just taste it! If you don't like it I'll eat it!"

Jin: *look* "how old are you?"

Luna: "17"

Jin: "do you know how to give respect to the one who's older?"

Luna: "what? didn't I cook you food?"

Jin: *take a sip*

Jin: "didn't know you're quite a cook..."

Luna: "heh"

he continued eating...

after finishing the cup of noodles

Luna: "well?"

Jin: "what?"

Luna: "what were you going to say after me prefer you some food?"

Jin: *smirk*

Luna: "why are you smirking?"

Jin: *look*

Luna: "oh my gosh! i'm going downstairs i'll be washing this dishes"

when I was about to step out of the door he finally say...

Jin: "thank you"

then I kept on walking downstairs... before reaching the ground floor I saw the other members coming in the house and then I just realise that its already morning! so I slept the whole night in Jin's room!?

Jimin: "hey Luna how you two doing?"

V: "how's Jin hyung feeling?"

Luna: "he feels better now...you guys can go upstairs and talk to him..."

All: "!?!?!?"

Jimin: "what happened to the two of you???"

Luna: "what are you thinking?"

JHope: "let's just ask him c'mon!"

Luna: "oh by the way guys, have you eaten yet?"

Suga: "no"

Luna: "then I'll---"

before I finish my sentence I saw Jungkook glaring at me and it shivers me a bit

Luna: "uh"

Jungkook: "I'll be cooking the breakfast you all go upstairs"

RM: "sure"

then Jungkook walks towards me

Jungkook: "what did I say?"

Luna: "I forgot"

Jungkook: "c'mon let me help you cook"

Luna: "you know how to cook?"

Jungkook: "just a little bit, not like a professional like you"

Luna: "I'm still learning"

Jungkook: "you think a professional knows everything?"

Jungkook: "a professional doesn't know everything and they're sometimes get something wrong or done something bad"

JungKook: "like me and the others even tho' you think of us a professional dancers or singers, we still have something that we can't do as a singer and dancer. so If we perform on stage Its fine If we did something wrong cuz no one in this world is perfect everyone can do a mistake because we are all still learning but there's something in this world that we cannot change and that is.... this world we're living is a judgmental and cruel world...and also very beautiful..."

Luna: "maknae are you ok?"

Luna: "(we were just talking about the meaning of pro and now he just recite a poem? I guess its a poem?)"

Luna: "we should get back to work, oh yeah by the way I have already cooked the japanese egg rolls and the bacon, are you done mincing the garlic?"

Jungkook: "just now"

Luna: "ok good...."

Luna: "(why do I feel like jungkook have something that I can't explain)"

*after a mins*

Luna: "call all of your hyungs"

Jungkook: "hyung's! breakfast are ready!"

JHope: "good! I'm hungry"

RM: "whoa did you cooked all of these Jungkook? it looks so delicious!"

Jungkook: *smile*

Jimin: "let's dig in! come join us Luna!"

Luna: "I'll--"

Jimin: "you'll be eating with us today no excuses"

Luna: "..."

Jimin: "you can't say no..."

Luna: "since its the boss order then ok"

V: "eat up!"

I took a slice of japanese rolls and ate it, while chewing it, everyone were staring at me

Luna: "what?"

Jungkook: "hamster..."

Luna: "can you stop calling me a hamster? MakNae?"

Jungkook: "why call me maknae?"

Luna: "cuz you're the youngest?"

Jungkook: "how old are you?"

Luna: "I'm 17 but I'm not a part of your group!"

Jungkook: "but you're still the youngest in this table"

Luna: "the heck?"

Jin: "we're in the front of the food...can the two of you stop arguing over a small matter?"

All: *shocked*

Jimin: "are you ok Jin hyung? what did you ate?"

Suga: "just got some Idea, you've been calling Luna a hamster quite a while tho' Jungkook...

then that means you already knew about her eating style?"

Jungkook: "yeah"

RM: "the two of you already ate together?"

Jungkook: "yeah I mean we've been eating together every night..."

Them: /// _ ///

Luna: "he SAID "eating together" NOT "eating each other!"

Luna: "what are you all thinking??"

JHope: "Its good that you make it clear..."

Luna: *stands* "If you're all done just call me I still have so much to do"

I walk straight to the living room really embarrassed then starts to tidy

*after a while*

JHope: "Luna c'mon let's eat! dinner is ready!"

Luna: "ok sure"

Suga: "hey V did you noticed that Luna and Jin haven't fight that much today?"

V: "I noticed it too"

Suga: "what do you think had happen when we're gone?"

Luna: "where's Jimin?"

RM: "he's upstairs he wants to stay up tonight...he wants to try to arrange the lyrics himself tonight so we'll not be bothering him"

Luna: "oh"

V: "miss him?"

Luna: "nah that's impossible"

this dinner is so awkward because Jungkook just kept staring at me the whole time and stopped when I'm finally done with my food