
I tug at my skirt as Axel and I walk down the busy street. I push myself closer to him as more eyes land on us.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask, uncertain.

"I hope so," he says, taking my hand, "Though if you're uncontrollable I'll call Max and he can come get us, no problem."

"Aren't Ella and Max on a date? I don't want to interrupt them.."

Axel chuckles and lifts my chin so I'll look him in the eye, "We practically had to drag Ell away from you, she'd gladly drop everything if you were feeling anything but perfect, as would Max and I. So please, if you feel like you can't do this say the word, no rush."

I nod, "I'm fine, better now than never.." I take a deep breath and force myself to look strong. Never show weakness, I remind myself.

"If you say so," Axel sighs, the words themselves are sarcastic but his voice is proud as he says them, proud of me for being strong. A blush creeps across my cheeks at the thought.

We walk for a few more minutes before Axel suddenly turns into a shop, "Where are we?" I ask as the smell of chocolate, strawberries, sugar, and syrup fill my nose and make my mouth water.

"To take you on a proper date, welcome to the best Ice Cream shop in the Continental US, Brahms! " I laugh as Axel lowers his voice like a baseball announcer.

"I love icecream! Ella used to take me all the time." I say, a smile stretched across my face.

Axel smiles, "Shall we order than?" I nod as we walk up to the register. "What would you like, Ev?"

I don't hesitate, "Banana split with all the toppings please!"

He laughs, "Make that two, Beth." He speaks to her like they're old friends which surprises me, saying she doesn't have a name tag.

"Do you know each other?"

"I guess you could say that, it's just, as Alpha I have to know everyone in my pack. Beth here is one of said people." I nod, pretending to understand half of what that meant. I guess it's pretty simple, I've heard several people to Axel as "Alpha" when we were in town, some were even human, but it's all still new to me.

He grabs our orders when they are done and leads me to an empty booth in the back. "Max and I used to come here everyday after school, before our duties caught up with us as Beta and Alpha. I kinda missed it."

"Why can't you come here anymore? Don't you have free time? You've barely left my side since Max found me." I ask, remembering the many, many times he had growled at people for telling him he had work.

A blush finds its way to his ears as he scratches the back of his head, "I do have work to do.. but Max seems to have it under control right now, he understands why I can't leave you. Not even for a second, he went through almost the same thing with El, just less..sever?"

I laugh, "So it's a 'mate' thing?" I ask, testing out the word.

He smirks, "Exactly, a mate thing." He leans across the table and pecks my forehead, causing me to blush.

You're so hopeless, Ev. Don't grow too attached to him! You haven't even met- Snow growls but is cut off by Scar.

Who knows, she might grow go like Axel more than him, nothing we can do. In all its her choice not yours Snow, she says, nonchalant.

What're you two talking about? Isn't Axel my mate? Who else should I choose between? I ask, confusion written on my face.

You'll meet him soon enough, Snow says, his name is Cole. He is what we call our "one and only," isn't that much more romantic than "mate?" That one just sounds like a fu-

That's enough Snow, Scar growls, It's forbidden to tell your human the name of your mate! The Moon Goddess says-

And the Moon Goddess isn't who created me, the Sun God is and he never forbids it, Snow says.

.. what are y'all talking about? I purse my lips, confused.

Scar sighs, So you know about how Axel is your mate right? Who you're would side is supposed to love and cherish for the rest of your life. It's the same for human and tiger spirits, they all have one. And according to whatever forces caused us to exist, since you have both a human, wolf, and a tiger spirit within you, you have a human, wolf, and a tiger soul mate who the Spirit, God, and Goddess chose for us, and since we were originally in different bodies we all had individual soul mates, now that we're all one.. it's complicated. Humans alone have their Love at First Sight, though we don't know who said Sight is for you we do know our Mate and Only. All in all.. we have three people who we will be forced to choose from.. since it is your body we originally thought it was fair to let you love your Sight but.. it's painful for us to stay away from ours.. the pain in Scar's voice is enough to make my chest hurt. The mere fact that this choice would cause one part of my soul to be in pain is enough, the fact that it was his doing is all the worse, even now that we're free.. we'll never be free.

"What's wrong?" Axel's voice drags me from my thoughts and I look up at him through blurry eyes, realizing the reason behind them I furiously wipe at my face.


Axel's face is clouded with concern, "This isn't nothing.. whatever's wrong.. please tell me. I want to help."

I take a shaky breath, "You're- you're not the only one.. Scar told me-" I pause as my voice cracks, I've never felt like this before.. all the torture I've experienced I've never felt this.. deflated.. useless.. helpless.. scared.

Axel looks at me, realization apparent in his eyes, "We only thought it was a theory.. as to why Snow acted the way she did at our first encounter.. I'd hoped.." he puts his head in his hands. "How many? How many choices do you have, other than me?"

I take another breath, "Two more.. one for Snow.. one for Ever.. and you for Scarlett." I shudder, "I don't- I don't want to have to choose.. I've never thought I'd be in this situation.. if I don't meet the others though maybe I won't have to? .. but Snow and Scar made it sound inevitable.." I bite my lip, "Can we go home?"

Without a word to me Axel pulls his phone out and dials Max, tells him to come get me and where we're at, and leaves me there. Alone.

My chest constricts around itself as I hear the door close. My breath barely comes in small gasps and the walls begin to spin.

I hear Scar catch her breath as a small pain fills my chest and begins to grow. NO! She screams, she says more but it's drown out by a buzzing in my head. Loud enough to cause a migraine to pulse around my head like a hammer. Tears stream from my eyes as the pain worsens.. then as quickly as it started the pain is gone.

"Wh- what was that?" I ask, my voice breaking.

He- he tried to reject us.. he couldn't do it but.. he tried to.. would have.. he.. Scar's voice shakes as she talks, pain evident in her as she tried to calm down.

I hear the door to the store open and two sets of feet make their way to me, I smell Ella's familiar scent before her arms are around me.

"Are you okay? Where's Axel.. he called but didn't say much. Just told Max to come get you, that he had something to do.." She pauses when she sees my face, "What's going on?"

"I- i don't kn- know.." I gasp out, "Scar s-said something about- about r- reject? S- something like th- that," I take another gasping breath, trying to regain my composure as I look at Max and Ella's stricken expressions. "Wh-what does i- it mean?"

Ella's face morphs into one of anger in a split second, "HE DID WHAT?!"


Hey y'all! I finally got enough inspiration to get off my arse and update!

First off I want to that all of my Webnovel fans for 168 collections! I never thought if reach this number in my wildest dreams! ^×^

Second off! I'm really sorry to say it might take another few weeks for another burst of inspiration to hit ;-; if you would Please comment what you think will happen in the upcoming chapter please do! Or if you have any questions about ALM for the Q+A please ask so I can work on that.

Anyway! Till next time~

zzzDayDreamingzzz <3