

"So I was thinking maybe a water park?" Rose says, flipping through a tourist book, "When was the last time Eve visited one anyway?"

"It's  been years, she was five I think." I purse my lips, "That actually might be a great idea, I've noticed Evey hasn't been the happiest since we were told to leave the pack house for a few weeks."

Rose rolls her eyes, "I still don't know why Axel reacted so hard to the news, didn't you say it was always a possibility that Eve could have more than one mate? Saying we don't even know how she's possible.."

"Yeah I guess it was always a possibility, saying her tiger actually acted as if she already knew who they are was is a surprise for sure, Eve even said she knew the name. Though Goddess forbid she tell anyone." I roll my eyes at the thought, "When I'd asked Ever who it was, simply so we would know who to look for, she had just shrugged it off and said it didn't matter. I guess in her position I would say the same but still.."

Rose snorts and looks over at me, "So it's true, stubbornness and hypocrisy run in the family?"

I smirk, "The finest traits for the finest of lives."

We joke for a few minutes before Max arrived back from the store with groceries, he agreed with me that a water park would be good for us all, but Gods forbid he ever disagree with me, and packed everything we would need, Eve didn't say anything when I told her our plan, though her eyes did give way to her mild excitement.

We soon arrived to the park, it was bigger than I had originally thought it would be. Huge slides dominated most of the area, though other activities that you would find at a carnival had their own places here and there, restaurants along with food vans were littered every few yards to ensure no one go hungry, and water dispensers were found around every ride, all I can hope for now is this works to make Eve less depressed until we can go home.


I have to admit, I was excited when we arrived. My eyes were glued to the heights of the towering slides and my wings itched beneath my baggy shirt, wanting to climb high and let the wind flow through them, saying I'd never used them that may not be the best idea so I ignored it. One slide caught my attention above the others, a winding giant with eight slides in the form of an octopus was placed in the middle of the park, nearly the tallest ride there, and it promised one heck of an adrenaline rush.

"Ell, can we go on that one first?" I asked, tugging on her shirt slightly.

She looked to where I was pointing, "Of course," a grin tugged at my lips in excitement.

The day goes by impossibly fast, when Max tells us it's time to go home the sun has already set, my eyes adjusted fairly well though, given how much the other visitors at the amusement park seemed to see, even with all the annoying, flashing lights of the rides.

I'm skipping ideally behind Ella and Max, Rose only a few feet behind me has been talking to someone on the phone, she's speaking some foreign language I can't understand, when I see him.

A tall man, dressed in ragged clothing, though it's not his appearance that screams out to me, it's his scent. The thick, sharp smell of rust and dirt, the tang of old blood, the scent that all rogues seem to carry, and the slight whiff of the pack that abducted me.

I freeze mid-step, causing Rose to run into me. "What's wrong?" She asks, worried. I can't seem to answer, the air won't leave my lungs so all I can do is point, shaking with the effort it takes to even move.

Rose follows my finger, squinting into the shadows as she tries to make out the shapes. "Max come here a sec," she calls to the group in front of us.

"What is it?" He asks, looking where I'm pointing before sniffing the air and going still, a low growl rumbling in his chest.

"What is it?" Ella asks, walking up beside him, looking at my shaking frame with worry.

"Rogue," Max grows between his teeth.

"What?" Anger and fear battle for dominance on her face and in her voice as she pulls me beside her, keeping her arm wound protectively around my shoulders.

"Rose back me up, keep an eyes on Ella and Eve, if I need help only then leave them." The command in his voice was unmistakable.

I watch, still paralizes as Rose takes a protective stance in front of us, crouching ever so slightly with her teeth bared as Max takes off sprinting twords the man, tackling him with no resistance, the man only laughs as Max uses his jacket to tie the man's hands behind him and yanks him up harshly by the collar.

"Let's go," he says, towing the man behind him. When we reach the car Max shoves him into the backseat on the left, taking the seat across from him. Rose sits in the very middle, Ella leads me into shotgun and takes over driving. We drive for thirty minutes in near silence, the only noise is the rogues laughing, growing more and more frightening by the minuit. Not that the man is familiar, I've seen too many faces in my time in captivity to remember them all, but something about his energy is familiar, the crazed hysteria of his laughter makes me remember the first time I survived a procedure. It was with the wings, I remember everything was a blur for days on end, not even sounds making sense, and everything was painful, the new appendages stabbing into my shoulder bones, for they weren't fully attached by muscle yet, just bone on bone, grating against each other with every painful breath.

I take a deep breath, blocking off the horrid memory as I try to focus on the low music Ella has playing on the radio.

About an hour goes by, only minutes more until we were to reach the pack house, when the man's laughter cuts off and he begins to speak. "You think taking me here will do any good? This is all part of the plan wolfey," he chuckles, "and you think you got the real threat dealt with? Wait until John comes back, he wants her back, back for good this time, he will get her too, just watch." I'm shocked yet again as his words, unable to comprehend much besides the fact that John knows I'm alive, that he's after me, that Ella, or Max, or Rose could get hurt because of that.

"Shut up you mutt!" Max growls at him.

The man starts laughing again, "Evey," he cold up at me, "Ready to go home? I know Noah misses you," I freeze at the words, feel silent tears leak from my eyes at the name, Noah was worse than John in more ways than one, he'd tried on several occasions to force me to make a blood bond with him, torturing me, trying to force me to say the words that would bond us for life, like a string, unable to ever escape the other, as he hurt me again and again. Bonding isn't a wolf instinct, it's different. Noah was a tiger, like Snow, who was forced from his home a long time ago for forcing a bond on another female in his clan.

"I said shut it!" Max growls, yet again, his eyes turning black. Rose joins him, their growling nearly matches the car's engine.

The man laughs hysterically, "As you wish." He starts thrashing his head side to side, up and down, not even stopping when his neck makes a gut retching crack that echos through the claustrophobic space, not until and his body goes limp and blood drips from his nose the corner of his mouth.

"Holy shit.." Rose mutters, her skin grows faintly green as she stares, wide eyes at the dead man.

"Is- is he," Ella can't finish her sentence, a slight sweat breaks out across her hair line and she looks like she's going to pass out.

"Ella, please calm down, dear," Max coos, "Pull over near the woods, I'll drive the rest of the way, you can sit next to Rose." She does as he says, looking away as Max drags the corpse into the woods, double checking for a pulse before whispering, too low for Rose or Ella to dream of hearing, "Sick bastard."

I held my breath through the entire encounter, unable to think, fear and pain rippling through my being at his words, and final action. Rose coos to Ella in the middle row, rubbing circles into her back, Ella's head is in her hands, she's shaking. I find her posture weird, it reminded me of something one would do to hide, or something they would do when scared.

I only realized I was numb when Max asked how I was, I didn't respond to his question, just watched as he drove around a bend, revealing the pack house, the sight both scared me and comforted me.

I was home.

Finnaly! I'm so so sorry for the wait, as you all know I've been changing the entire story line due to some legal issues I encountered awhile back. It's very time consuming and stressful. I hope to update again soon, but until further notice the updates will still be spaced out as I fix the story line to match what I want to happen while avoiding copyright issues.

Anyway as usual feel free to tell me any comment or concerns you may have, thanks so much for all the support!

Till next time~
