Strong but also... Handsome.

The events that happened early still had me a bit raddled, the old man never came back so I left to head to my sect.

 I was sitting on one of the chairs in the main hall while looking at my stats menu.

 The old man had told me his coffee expanded the mana capacity of mages, which means my mana capacity is now two times bigger than it was; if the system was right.

Looking at the familiar bronze-window I saw:

[Level 0.4]

[Strength 1] +

[Dexterity 1] +

[Vitality 1] +

[Intelligence 1] +

►[Wisdom 3] +

[11 MPS‌ Points]

[3 SP]

[Features Locked]

 Looking at my stats I was ready to start adding them in; I have been thinking about it for a while and have decided to go on the route of a mage for now.

 While being a mage costs more money in reality, it is actually a better profession than cultivating the body.

 Mages have access to more professions such as inscription, medicine making and the like.

 They also have expanded thinking power which I will need to manage the sect!

 A Sect Leader should be able to consider all possible dangers, while a foolish one would be made of brawn and iron and run into danger head-strong.

 While I say this, being a warrior is also not bad. It was just the conclusion of what would best fit being a Sect Leader.

 Also, I cannot use the Limit Sensor on myself; I have no way of knowing what my talent rating is.

 Using my eye to mark the + signs on the stats I entered them in and clicked the confirmation.

[Stats Distributed]

 The moment the system said the words, I could feel my mind changing once again. This time I could feel instead of my mind being stretched it was instead, being refined.

 My thoughts were a jumbled mess and I wasn't even able to process the pain of it.

 After 2 minutes of this, it finally stopped.

 When I started to think again, I could immediately tell the difference.

 This was amazing, my thoughts were on a speed hack!

  Haha! Not only was I able to think more than before I could even see things faster!

 In more detailed words; the eyes that are connected to the brain have a slight delay in what you see, and how long it takes to process.

 This delay is extremely short, however, it is still a delay.

 Just that tiny increase in time would be able to let me see better, it was like throwing out your old 60Hz refresh rate monitor and getting one that was 70Hz.

 While the increase was small, it was still something!

 Reveling in my new super-brain I also felt my fingers and body reacted faster. Not only due to my brain; but also due to my nervous system.

 I looked at my stat page once again at the final result:

[Level 0.4]

[Strength 1]

►[Dexterity 2]

[Vitality 1]

►[Intelligence 3]

[Wisdom 3]

[11 MPS‌ Points]

►[0 SP]

[Features Locked]

 I leveled out my intelligence with my wisdom if my theory was correct; if you went too far down into one specialization it would not be beneficial!

 If you had 50 Wisdom and 1 Intelligence; you would become an idiot!

 If your thoughts had the room to roam around in your mind; it would be as if your thoughts had become a single person on an island!

 Also if you were to get 50 Intelligence your thoughts would be limited by the small space of your mind.

 The need for balance is necessary, one cannot simply specialize in one stat without getting hindered in some way.

 As for why I put the last point in dexterity; I have thought that being able to have a fast reaction time, will increase my survivability by a huge margin.

 Even if a mage can cast huge and destructive spells. What would happen if they were about to be stabbed by an assassin's hidden dagger?

 There are too many situations to think about where it would help, not to mention you would react faster in fights.

 I hope that my choice is not wrong, I will become a fast, strong, and handsome Magician!