I woke up with this odd, agonizingly distinct feeling that something seriously bad was going to happen. I crawled out of bed with the feeling that all my energy has been drained from my body. I literately had to drag myself to the kitchen. My mom, surprisingly, wasn't up yet. With the help of the chmaber wall, I practically dragged my feet to her bedroom door. I pulled all the energy I could to knock on the door. I didn't hear any movement and that worried me a little, giving me alittle bit of energy back. I knocked on the door a little harder and still no movement. Now I was truly scared and tried to turn the knob on her door. It wouldn't open. I opened the chamber door and screamed for help. A couple of patrol men ran to my aide. I ushered them to my mothers door.
"I've been trying to wake her up, but there isn't any movement in the room," I took me everything from crying, "when we got home last night, she kind of just droped over and went to her room and never came out."
"Ok, miss," the oldest patrolman said, "step aside."
"Ok," I stepped aside and rocked back and forth.
"Ma'am, are you in there?" he rasped on the door, "Ma'am?"
"No answer?' the younger patrolman started pulling out the universal key.
"No," the older one held out his hand, "you sure she didn't go anywhere?"
"Yes, I am normally the first to leave," I started to hold my breath as he started unlocking the door.
"Ok," he flew the door open and my mom was laying on her bed without movement, "get the medics down here now!"
"Oh God!" I couldn't hold in the tears anymore.
"Miss, try to stay calm," he pratically pushed me to the couch, "I'm sure everything will be fine."
I didn't even hear what he said. Oh God! just kept coming out of my mouth as I rocked back and forth. Isabella came running into the chamber. She didn't say anything. She just grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me as she sat down next to me. I reluctantly took it and drank the whole thing before it spilled all over the place because of my shaking. I never felt this amount of fear. Not even when my dad was exiled. I can't lose them both. I can feel my dad around and sometimes I see him, but I couldn't not mentally handle it right now with both. It's to close together. I didn't even notice that the medics had come in and taken my mom out on a gurney. I also didn't realize that I was histerically crying and couldn't stop. Let alone, Isabella was rubbing my back . I couldn't hear, feel, or see anything. I was in complete shock.
"I wouldn't touch her right now," I looked up to see who Isabella was talking to. I didn't even know she wasn't by my side anymore.
"But she is going to be my wife soon," Michael sounded extremely worried, "I should be the one by her side."
"You'll have the rest of your life to do that!" Isabella didn't like that comment.
"Isabella, it's ok," I managed to say in-between histerical sobs, "I'll meet up with you in a bit. Just let me get ready and I'll meet you at the coffee stand."
"Are you sure?" she was really hesitant on leaving my side.
"Yea, go ahead," I forced myself to put a smile on and stop crying.
"Ok," she turned and headed out the door, but not before turning to glare at Michael.
"Come on, lets get you ready," he turned to me after she left, "have you taken a shower yet?"
"No," my head hurt so bad from crying. A shower would probably do me some good.
"Alright, go take a shower as I make you breakfast," he pushed me to the bathroom.
"Thank you," I forced a smile.
"Don't get used to it," he joked trying to make me laugh but went back to a worried expression when my expression didn't change.
I reluctantly went into the bathroom and turned the water on. I didn't even care to close the door. I just felt so drained. I took my pajamas off and stepped into the shower. I just stood there for a few minutes until I couldn't stand anymore and sat down. I sat there in a huddled position and I could smell the breakfast cooking as the water ran down my back. I didn't even realize the time ran out and the water shut off. I sat there and tried with everything I could to stop thinking about this morning and pull myself together, but my mind refused to let go. Maybe this was the really bad feeling I had gotten. I don't know, I can't even separate the feelings I am experiencing right now. I needed something for this agonizing headache before I went to class. Well, at least I don't think I have to worry about the inspection now. It will be noted what happened this morning and they will wait until I am done with my classes.
"Aurora! Come on, babe," he grabbed a towel and shut the water off, "get dried off and come eat."
"Ok, can you find me something for this headache?" I was squinting my eyes in pain as he wrapped the towel around me to help me out of the shower.
"Of course, babe," the sadness and worry was written all over his face.
He helped me to my room so I could get dressed and get my school stuff together. I closed the door behind him and grabbed some clothes. I didn't realize how hungry I was when I finished getting dressed. I hurried on getting my stuff together and rushed into the kitchen. I literately stuck my face close to the food and smelled. My stomach made a huge grumbling sound and I just started shoving the food in my mouth. I was surprised to learn that he was a really good cook. Within seconds I was dishing another plate. He just sat there and looked at me with shock on his face. In between bites, he handed me a cup of coffee and dished himself a plate. Water was already poured for the both of us. I was halfway done with my second plate when I started feeling satisfied.
"The coffee should help with the headache," he took another bite, "even though this coffee is nasty."
"It is," I couldn't help but laugh with that comment and smiled with that, "thank you for everything."
"You're going to be my wife and I want to be there for you," he looked so sincere, "come on, we should go if we are going to meet Isabella at the coffee stand."
I didn't even realize what time it was. We had just enough to time to meet up with Isabella, order a coffee, and head straight for class. I didn't even have time to go workout. I grabbed my bag and he grabbed his. He closed the door behind us and grabbed my hand, lacing my fingers with his. It felt so normal, like we've been doing it for years. Honestly, having him around made me feel so much calmer and I could actually organize my thoughts. I didn't realize how much of a gentleman he was and how much he actually cared about me. It was refreshing and extremely helpful. I just don't think Isabella was ready for it though. We've been best friends for long and she has been there for me for everything. This time she wasn't able too. I'm going to have to apologize, but thank her for trying. She has always been and will be like a sister to me. She'll probably be the one standing up with me at my wedding. Nora's weddings requires every inhabitant to be there and witness the union between the two people.
"Hey, sorry about earlier, but thank you for being there," she had my coffee alreaady prepared for me.
"It's ok and you're welcome," she handed me my coffee as Michael ordered his, "he's right."
"Thank you for having my coffee ready for me. I need a good cup of coffee," I smiled at her, "want to work out with us after school?"
"No, I should probably head straight home, but I'll see you for lunch ok?" she walked away.
"Man, I've never seen her that upset," I walked closer to Michael.
"She'll be alright. I'll apologize to her later," he put his arm around me.
"Thank you," I looked up and smiled at him.
"Aurora Daniels, can you please come to the medic bay?" the intercom rang.
"Come on, we'll go together," Michael looked down at me with a slight smile.
"You should go to class. I'll be alright," I started to walk the other way.
"No, we'll go together," he grabbed my hand, "class will still be there."
"Ok," I felt better knowing that he was going with me.
We headed towards the sick bay, but it didn't stop everybody from stairing at me as we walked by. That made me feel so uneasy. It was like going back in time during my dads trials. Everybody just stared. Didn't say a word. Just stared. Some of them would pull their kids closer to them when I would walk by. Surprisingly, they didn't do it this time. They stared and then looked away moments later. It was like it was almost out of pity, which made me slightly angry. I don't like being pitied. I'm sure no one does. Michael pulled me closer. I didn't even realize I started walking away from him. It was perfect timing because it pulled me back to reality. I'm beginning to think what I would do without him. What kind of path would I be going down right now? It's only been a few hours, but he has made a difference in that few hours. It honestly feels like we've been around each other for years, but we haven't. We've known of each other, but never actually met until the other day.
"Ms. Daniels, I'm afraid we have some bad news," we could read the dislike all over his face as we approached him, "it's good thing you had him come with you."
"Just tell me doctor, how is she?" I tightened my grip that was holding Michaels hand.
"Not good at all. I am afraid she doesn't have that much more time," he looked at me in dispair.
"How much time?" I couldn't hold that question in. Michael wrapped his arms around me.
"I would say a couple of months at the most," he touched me shoulder trying to show empathy.
"Can I see her?" I clenched onto Michael like it was life or death.
"Of course, right this way," he turned to his left and started walking away.
Michael and I could've been one person because of the way I was clinging to him as we walked behind the doctor. We passed 4 hospital rooms before he stopped and turned to his right, facing a closed door. We waited for the door to open and the nurse to walk out. It felt like forever. When she walked out, she whispered something to the doctor before turning to look at me before she walked passed us. I didn't like the feeling I was getting and the look I got from the nurse didn't really help matters. She seemed rather rude and gave off a snide look. Almost like she was better than everyone and she knows things that others don't. I wondered how long she would last on the new planet with that attitude. Honestly, people would probably just stay away from her unless they needed medical help. I would anyway. My attention shot back to my mother when we walked into her room and she looked like she was fighting a deadly illness.
"Please get her out of here," it seemed like it took a lot of energy to say that and she turned away.
"Mrs. Daniels, it's your daughter," the doctor looked concerned, "she's missing school to see you."
"I don't care," she wouldn't even look at me, "I don't want her here."
"Come on, babe," Michael pulled me gently out the door, "lets head to class. The teachers will understand."
"I just don't understand why she doesn't want to see me," I was so hurt with that statement and Michael could tell.
"Don't let it get to you," he put his arm around my shoulders and kissed the side of my head, "she's sick and probably doesn't want you seeing her that way."
"You're probably right," I sighed. He did have a point.
"Come on, lets go," he slightly picked up his pace.
"I don't want to stay in the chamber alone," I was scared to be in that place by myself. I don't know why, but I was.
"I can ask Isabella to stay with you tonight," he was feeling my pain, "only if you want me too."
"I want you to stay," I looked at him to see his expression.
"Ok," he gave me a gentle look.
I honestly felt better and safer with him around. I'm going to have to go through both of my parents things now to see what I want. Michael and I already have a chamber picked out for us, so whatever is left of my parents chambers will either be left or thrown out. Sometimes people will scavage through vacant chambers to see if there was anything they want, but that is rare. Most people already have what they want. I wonder if we can push up the date of our wedding ceremony, but they might see that as an act of desperation due to my mother. I wouldn't blame them. It's rare for people on Nora to live alone. Not with how everything is set up here. Independence is rare here. I don't know if we will ever get that quality back. Here, they see it as an act of defiance. So, they probably let the ceremony happen sooner. In fact, they will probably be the ones to suggest it.
"Can we just go to the gym and do the workout?" I didn't want to go to class.
"Sure, if that's what you want to do?" he gave me an understanding look.
"Yea, I don't want to go to class today," I couldn't look at him after admitting that.
"I don't blaame you," he hugged me closer.
"Let's drop the stuff off at the chamber first," I looked up at him. It hit me on how handsome he was. I mean he was handsome before, but being this close, everything was more pronounced.
"Sounds like a good idea," he looked down at me with a gentle smile.
Before we knew it, we were at the chamber. I was surprised to see the inspection people standing at the door waiting patiently. I guess they did decide to still go through the inspection. The hand that was over my shoulder made its way to my waist. Almost in a protective manner. I was appreciative of that. I welcomed it. I didn't feel comfortable with them being here after everything that had happened this morning. Honestly, I just wanted peace and quiet with Michael and not think about anything else today. My brain couldn't handle anymore today. Oh well, better to get it over with now than wait for them later. At least I won't have to worry about it anymore until Michael and I are married. They will skip us the first time because we will be newly weds, but they will do it after. I hate these inspections with a passion, but I understand it's necessary.
"I understand this doesn't help matters, but we figured it would be better to do it sooner rather than later," the more experienced inspector gave an apologetic smile.
"It's ok. I understand," I opened the door for them to go in.
They walked in in front of us and started in the kitchen. It made me rather uncomfortable with them being here. Exhaustion hit me, but I knew that if I didn't go workout daily, I probably won't do it unless Michael forced me, and I mean literately forced me, to go. That's why I need him around, because it will keep me from going down that path. They started heading to the bathroom and the bedrooms. They literately check for everything: dust, dirt, whatever unsanitary thing. As said before, it's annoying but necessary. I noticed our bags sitting on the couch and motioned for us to grabbed them really fast. We moved them to the kitchen chairs just in the nick of time, because seconds later they came to check on the living room. They looked at everything and then looked at each other. They talked about something for a few minutes before turning around. I was actually curious what they had to say.
"Everything looks splendid, Aurora," I was shocked to hear the youngest speak, "we do have some things to discuss."
"Lets all sit down," the older man gestured as he sat down. Michael and I looked at each other before taking a seat on the couch.
"So, everything is up to you, but the council believes that the wedding should be pushed up," the younger figgeted.
"How soon are we talking here?" Michael seemed a bit irritated.
"Within the next month and we would need a decision by the end of the week," the older man didn't seem to like Michaels tone and to be honest, I didn't either.
"If you don't want to, it's ok," I tried assuring him, but couldn't lift my head, "it doesn't matter."
"Of course we'll let you guys discuss this over," the younger man gave me an apologetic look, "we know you have been through a lot this past year."
"Of course," the older man changed his tone, "I don't mean to sound insensitive, but you know what needs to be done."
I just nodded my head in agreement and understanding.
"Alright then, we'll leave you guys and try to enjoy the rest of your day," the younger man got up.
"Thank you," still not lifting my head.
"I'll show you out," Michael got up and walked behind them and shut the door.
He turned around and sat next to me, giving a very concerned look, "Are you ok?"
"I'll be fine," I managed to get that out.
"We are going to be married, whether it is sooner or later," he cleared his throat, "so please don't hide how you feel from me."
"I can just tell that what they suggested really bothered you," I took a deep breath, "I'm ok with it, but if you're not that we don't have to."
"It's not about that," he sighed, "it felt more like an ultimatum to me and I didn't like that. I have no problem marrying you sooner, but I want it to be our decision and not the decision of the council."
"I understand that," I finally looked up, "let's go to the gym before I decide not to and we can discuss this when we get back. Does that sound ok?"
"Sounds like a great plan to me," he put his hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him.
When I got up, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me the most loving and comforting manner that made me break down and start crying. He turned me around to face him and hugged me even tighter as I soaked his shirt in my tears and snot. He didn't once act like it was disgusting or say anything. He just held me. It was like he already knew what I needed. I finally pulled away and started apologizing and crying more once I saw his shirt. He just wrapped himself around me again, not letting me go until he knew I was done crying. Once he knew I was ok, he let go and went to the bathroom, bringing back some toilet paper so I can blow my nose. I really got lucky when the council pre-arranged our marriage. I knew I was going to be ok. Maybe not right now, but all-in-all, I will be just fine in the long run.
He brushed his hand along my cheek before going to grab me a glass of water. I drank the whole thing in one sitting. I didn't realize how dehydrating crying does to you. He kindly grabbed another one for me and didn't complain when I gulped that one down too. I didn't let him take the glass from me this time and went to put the cup in the sink. I smiled at him to let him know that I am ok at the moment and headed to the door. I turned to look if he was behind me, I don't know why because he was. It's going to take sometime to get used to that, but truthfully, I don't ever want to. I want to feel the way I do now knowing that no matter what he will always be behind me and I don't want to just get used to that feeling. I can't explain it, you'll just have to experience it for yourself.
Thankfully, we walked hand in hand to the gym without saying a word to each other. Our presence was enough for each other. When we walked into the gym, he kissed me on the cheek, making me blush, before walking into the guys locker room. I smiled and let out a quiet giggle and walked into the girls locker room. We didn't even bother each other when we were working out. Just kept looking at each other. I know for him was to make sure that I was still of stable mind and not about to break down in the middle of the gym. That would be rather embarrassing. For me, he looked so sexy working out. The sweat forming on his chest, back, arms, and face. To me, there is nothing sexier than a man who takes care of themselves. I mean, yes, they have to here in order to live, but I guess I still holdd some of the old traits.
We must have been working out for hours because people came and go. By the time we were done, the both of us were drentched in sweat. I didn't even think about what was going on once through the whole workout. It honestly made me feel a whole lot better. When we went back into the locker rooms to change, I realized that I was starving. I drank some water to quench the hunger a little before walking out of the locker room. Sure enough he was waiting at the entrance for me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. The look on his face was priceless and made me give out a slight laugh. Next thing I know, he grabs my face and just gives me the most longing kiss. Like, he was wanting to do it forever. After a couple minutes, with everyone staring at us, we stood there in each others arms with his lips sitting between my eyes.
The feeling I was getting from his was of pure love and affection for me and I welcomed it. No matter how much I loved my father and how muched my father loved me, he was never like with me. So I never got that kind of affection by a male and it was definitely different. We smiled with each other and without saying a word, walked out of the gym and back to the chamber. Once again, my stomach grumbled at me forcing me to thin about dinner. He said he loves pasta too, so I guess I will make some chicken alfredo. Oh the thought of that made my stomach go wild with excitement and hunger. I felt like a weirdo because I couldn't stop looking at him, but this time I caught him looking at him. I took a step closer to him.
"I'm going to make some dinner when we get back," that comment forcing me to hold my stomach.
"Sounds good," he smiled at me in endearment, "what do you plan on making?"
"Chicken alfreado," my mouth watering now.
"Mmmmm sounds good," he closed his eyes and licked his lips, "serious question though, where am I sleeping so I know to prepare myself?"
"In my bed with me," I gave a mischevious smile, "if you want to."
"We'll see how good your bed feels," he gave me a playful smile back.
I put my arm around his waist as he put his arm around my shoulders. It felt like we have been doing this forever. I don't think us getting married sooner will change anything. I think he feels the same, but we'll talk about it over dinner. I will ease into it, but I understand how he felt the way he did when the inspection people brought it up earlier. My mind was in a different place when they started talking about that while his was able to ccomprehend any tone or demeanor on the subject. I don't want to bring that up with him though. I have a feeling it will only upset him again and I don't want to do that. Especially, with the way things are going between us right now. I also don't want to be the submissive and not express myself type. I never want to feel like I can't be myself. Just like I don't want him to feel that way either. When that happens you end up losing yourself and who you truly are.
The chamber and the gyms isn't that far away, but you still have to go halfway around the station to get there. If you were living on Earth, it's like walking from your house to the store that is a little over a mile away from your house. Which, depending on how fast you walk, can either be no time at alll or it can take awhile. We were going at a relatively slow pace. Not slow enough to be in someones way, but slow enough that we could enjoy the walk. Along the halls of the station, there are windows evenly spaced 50 feet apart that you can occasionally stop and look out. Once you have seen space several times it's not as exciting anymore, but we stopped time to time to look out and see the planets revolving around us. They are actually rather beautiful, we just can't live on them. They don't have the necessity or requirements we need to survive on a planet.
Needless to say that it took us a while to get to the chamber. I've never just taken my time to get to the chamber. It was always need to get here and there. It was nice to just take our time. I guess I needed it. When we got to the chamber, he grabbed our book bags and put them by the table so we could study together when we were done eating. It was then that it hit me that I hadn't even thought of school all day. It was the first time since my dad that I missed school. When it comes to family, it's normally excused, but I still don't like missing class for any means necessary. My dream is that I can find the planet we can inhabit and make a home there. I don't want to spend anymore time on the Nora then I have too. I mean, but at the same time, who does. I'm pretty sure Michael feels the same way.
I decided to try and come up with some cutesy name for him, but I loved the name Michael to much. Besides, isn't cutesy kind of overrated except the obvious, like: honey, sweetie, etc. Those have been around forever though. It's not so common to say those anymore, but you do hear it from time to time. Truthfully, I'm surprised we still speak and not use some type of electronic to permanently speak to each other. Oddly enough, the prediction of losing our pinky toe was true. It's rare for someone to have it anymore. Just like surgery is rare anymore, they have special electronics to heal someone without invading the body anymore. I guess that helped get ride of the needle phobia people used to have. Then again, you have to replace the old with something new. I don't know what replaced that. Maybe the fear of metal. To me, that's something funny to be afraid of considering of where and how we live anymore.
I didn't realize that I had dinner pretty much done and Michael had already set the table. I feel like there should be a place for my mom, but then I remembered where she was. Maybe this is how my life was supposed to end up. No family, just Michael and his family. Honestly, I am ok with that. A start of something new. A fresh start. I wouldn't blame someone for having that thought. Especially when they are about to lose their last living relative. This weekend I am going to go through both their things and see what I should keep or throw away. Honestly, I don't think there is much I am going to keep. We don't really have photos/photo albums or anything like that now-a-days. It's all like a hologram type thing that will project our entire lives. I feel like it's unnecessary for someone to know our entire lives. Especially our descendants after us. I can understand the important things like weddings, birthdays, etc. A lot of people say that I don't have this time period of thinking though. They might be right.
"It tastes delicious, babe," he was getting a second plate.
"Thank you," I smiled as my thoughts were coming back to reality.
"So, I was thinking of doing a little school work before bed," he got a little serious, "I'm going to explain to my teacher why I missed class today."
"I'm sorry," I felt bad, "you didn't have to, but I appreciate you did for me."
"No, no, no," he waved his hand, "I didn't mean it like that. I just never missed class before and I'm sure he is wondering why, but I'm sure he will understand."
"I get that," I kind of did anyway, "if it helps, I will go with you to explain."
"No, you don't need to do that," he sighed.
"Ok," it was like he read my mind, "will you get out our books as I clean up?"
"Of course," he didn't even hesitate.