Chapter 27: Family

Yang Feng looked towards the beautiful eyes of Ning Yin "If so then let's depart" and was about walk away but he was stopped by one of the bodyguards who grabbed his hand while others surrounded Yang Feng "You should get the permission of our young miss before you depart"

Yang Feng was no pushover so he grabbed his wrist and looked towards the eye of the bodyguards with hostility "Do I work for your young miss to get her permission??" If they wanted to fight, Yang Feng wouldn't back down and even if he didn't win he would at least make them pay.

Ning Yin raised her hand and the bodyguards stopped surrounding Yang Feng and Yang Feng walked away but glanced towards the bodyguard who grabbed his hand "Tch".

After Yang Feng left a middle-aged man came out from the car and asked: "Ning'er why did you even call a lowly person like him and more than that why did you offer him an S rank token which was gifted to you by me??"

Ning Yin entered the car and said "I don't wanna talk about it, uncle"

The middle-aged man also entered the car and said jokingly "Do you have a crush on him??, well he is quite a handsome young man but compared to him you know nothing is nothing but an ant"

Ning Yin looked at her uncle's eyes with coldness and said "Please don't even mention him.

The middle-aged man laughed and asked "Why do you hate him?? You do know how many girls would want to be in your position just to marry him and here you are who keeps rejecting him orrrrr do you like that young man"

Ning Yin replied casually "You do know we can't be together"

The middle-aged man laughed even more "So you do like him"

Ning Yin ignored him and looked towards the stars and said to the driver "Take us to home"

The middle-aged man stopped laughing and slowly said " You know you shouldn't be too angry with jokes but I am starting to realize you are acting quite strange lately" and kept quiet but after some time he said "But don't worry I will try my best to support you, if you like him"


Yang Feng just got home and realized his parents were sleeping so he went to his bedroom quietly.

He relaxed on the bed and started to think "Why did she offer me an S rank token which is something so precious and furthermore why did she even appear. From the memory of my past life, she didn't even attend the reunion. Is this the so-called butterfly effect??"

He slowly closed his eyes and said "It seems this life would be more exciting than I thought" and slept.

Morning 7'0 clock

A voice of women came "Wake up"

Yang Feng yawned and said "Captain please let me sleep more"

The women pinched Yang Feng and said: "When did your mom become captain huh???"

Yang Feng opened his eyes and saw it was his mother "Ouch Mom please stop I am waking up, I am waking up"

This woman was none other than his mother.

Yang Feng's mom shouted and gave him some money "Go and buy some eggs for me"

Yang Feng took the money and went to buy


When Yang Feng went downstairs he saw his father was busy reading newspaper and drinking tea. He noticed Yang Feng and asked, "Where are you going??"

Yang Feng replied "I am going to buy eggs"

His father said "Hmm be safe and walk carefully" and focused in his newspaper

Yang Feng nodded and went to buy eggs.

While Yang Feng was about leave he realised tears were flowing out from his eyes "I used to miss this time so much" when the reality was devoured the people's life completely changed and Yang Feng never had time to spend with his family and never spent time with his family this was the greatest regret of Yang Feng and he swore never to repeat it again and spend time with his family but then a memory appeared in Yang Feng's mind and his expression turned cold "I should act quickly before it repeats again" and a slipper came flying and hitting Yang Feng's head. The slipper was his mother's.