Chapter 51: Two Alliance

Yang Feng laughed and said "Well, I am happy they didn't give the leadership to you otherwise I would have faced hard times fighting against you"

The old man sighed and said "I thought you are just an ignorant young man but it seems I was the ignorant one after all"

Yang Feng asked, "Well can anyone tell me the location of those two villages??"

The old man replied pointing his finger a soldier "He can tell you the location of those two villages"

Yang Feng asked, "Well then may I know your name??"

The old man replied "My name is You Zhong my lord"

Yang Feng nodded and ordered his soldiers to rest. His soldiers were very tired due to their previous battle and marching.

Yang Feng asked You Zhong "How powerful are the other two villages??"

You, Zhong, replied "They are far weaker than you in comparison, they have also faced far more casualties j the battle and they know nothing about combat they even ran away from the battle the moment they knew your soldiers surrounded ours if only their soldiers would follow my orders would have avoided being defeated"

Yang Feng said, "Well it isn't your fault, the game had designed so the soldiers only followed their lord in the game". The early game made NPC absolutely impossible to betray but after the first update, everything changed it was changed.

You, Zhong, sighed and said "Well I guess, you would have been able to make your name known in all China if it weren't for the establishment of Three-headed Dragon and World Domination Alliance"

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment and asked: "What do you mean??"

You, Zhong, was surprised and asked, "Don't you know people are going crazy about the establishment of those two alliance??"

Yang Fang asked, "You mean those two alliance??"

You, Zhong, replied "Well yeah"

Yang Feng laughed and said "I just forgot about them" and face slapped.

The head of the Dragon represented the three topmost powerful families of China, they were Tang family, Ning Family and Zhou family. This alliance was pretty much considered to be the second strongest alliance in the whole world but even gaining the position of second strongest it had many crises because it's opponent the most powerful alliance the world, World Domination Alliance. The World Domination Alliance was made up of Seven top most powerful families of China they were Qing family, Song family, Ming family, Shang Family, Xia family, Yuan family and at last Xin family. Each family alone were fearsome and terrifying enough yet they created alliances with each other making them feared not only on China but also in the whole world.

The Three-Headed Dragon Alliance was led by the Tang family while the World Domination Alliance was led by the Qing Family. As time went on these two groups waged war against each other. The World Domination Alliance was far stronger than the Three-Headed Dragon Alliance yet under they were defeated many times by the Three-Headed Dragon Alliance. The World Domination Alliance wasn't weak but they always eyed for their own interest only creating factions among themselves, which led to defeat after defeat in the battlefield, on the other hand, the Three-Headed Dragon Alliance were far more united than its enemy and Tang Family even proposed marriage alliance with Ning Family creating the bond even stronger.

Without a doubt, if Yang Feng wanted to unite China he would have to defeat those two alliance to accomplish his goal. You Zhong also gave sixteen if his troops to Yang Feng and Yang Feng ordered his soldiers "Now then let's march towards out enemy".

The march towards their enemy continued. After travelling for almost half an hour they finally reached their second enemy, [I love PUBG village]. [I love PUBG village] had already prepared defences for attack and Yang Feng knew they were far weaker than him and less trained so, he immediately ordered an attack on the village.

With most of their soldiers captured or dead they barely had twenty soldiers defending their village and shortly after the village leader surrendered.

{Congratulations!! [I love PUBG village] has surrendered to you. Please choose any one option

1) Conquer

2) Pillage

3) Destroy}

"Choose option one"

{Congratulations for conquering [I love PUBG village]}