Kohls First Day.

As I wake up I feel the sheets of my bed, and the breeze of the spring air, coming from my bedroom window. I try to get myself up, but I don't feel like it. I feel as if I get up now the warmth of nothingness will go away. And I don't feel as if it is worth feeling something, but I know that if I want the feeling of nothingness then It has to be while I'm sleeping, although my brain is too active to sleep without dreams of my random thoughts. So I decided to get up from the warmth of the blankets and the Pleasant feeling of nothing, and look around my room. 

              My mirror is next to my bed up on the wall, and a messy desk underneath. on the other side of my room is where I work out, it's filled with dumbbells, yoga mats, and clothes for specific workouts. After checking around my room I feel my bare feet on the red carpet like the feeling of if you had felt that one old lady's Afro hair, only on your feet. After taking in my surroundings I decided to go to the kitchen. As I walk on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor, I shiver. And get to my coffee pot for a cup of coffee. After the loud beep of the coffee machine, I pour it into a glass cup my grandmother gave to me when I was just a wee lad, she was a very quiet person. 

              She always had a book in her nose. And She never gave me less than a smile whenever I talked to her. *I took a drink of my coffee* bitter, but it definitely woke me up. After making another bitter cup of coffee I went to my desk, as I sat in my chair, I sank into a state of relaxation and pulled out my phone. I had several emails, and texts most of them about jobs for modeling, but I had no interest in modeling anymore. I placed my phone on my cold desk. The desk was a very calm color of brown, almost the same color of my Vans. My mother gave me them when it was my 18th birthday. But she died not too long after. So it's one of my prized possessions . But now I have no one to rely on. So I gotta get through life without a pair of crutches. 

              Finally, it was about time to get to school. I went to my closet, I opened my closet and get my jacket. It was also a light brown, and was soft and comforting to wear. Next I get my contacts on my bed, they have a red tint to them so my eyes can see the colors green and red more effectively, I've had trouble seeing the colors ever since I was young. But it also causes unwanted attention, making the color of my eyes a light magenta color. Originally my eyes are a light blue, like the misty clouds in the sky. Or at least that's what my mother said. I reach farther into the closet to get my backpack, it's really nothing to special, just a black backpack with some keychain anime figures, three to be exact. Next I get my socks on, then my Vans. And start walking towards the exit.

               I walk out my apartment door, and feel the cold spring air hit my face. As I close my apartment door, I start to walk to school. It's not that hard to remember really. It's just down two blocks, Cut through the park, and turn right and walk one block down. Unfortunately, on my way to school, the town decided to close one of the roads, due to construction of a bad pipe, that I use to get to school. So I have to take a completely new route. Although it is always nice to do something different in a while, today was a terrible day to take a different route, I bumped into one of the most popular girls at my school. She's very self absorbed, and is very chatty.

              Her name is Jamie, though she's not ugly, she has an ugly attitude toward everyone, but she is one person that doesn't  flirts with me, which I appreciate, because almost everybody likes to "take a shot". It sounds childish, but it'suth. today she is strangely having a normal conversation with me. Then all of a sudden Jamie asks" So we're do you live? Are you living in one of the campus dorms?" Nervelessly, I think "why does she want to know we're I live? Is she going to egg my apartment or something?

    Then I hear Jamie say "I'm having a few problems trying to do my math homework. And I was just wondering if you could help me out?" Oh, so that's why she's being so nice to me, she just wants to use me for her math homework. "Is that it?" I ask. "Yah, are you okay with that?" She asks. I responded with a yes but only if she would leave me alone after. She then quickly responded with, "Well do-do you wanna hang out other than just study later?" I'm starting to get agitated. 

               "What do you want, because I feel like you're just going to use me!" I sturnly state.  (I hear the 3 minute bell for first period) Oh, crap I'm going to be late! I start running toward the school. Leaving Jamie behind. I yell back "Come after school to my house at 7:45 or something." I hear my name called out, but i keep sprinting. As I rush to class I realize that I had switched my first period to math, and Mr. Christiansen is super strict about tartys and you must be in you chair when the bell rings or he won't even let you in the classroom and if your not in your chair when the bell rings then he'll kick you out! I pull out my phone and text my friend Dylan. still sprinting, I text "Open the door as wide as you can and put my chair to the left of my desk." he texted back "why?", "JUST DO IT!!!" I text quickly.

        Running as fast as I can, I see the door. Making a sharp turn into the doorway of the classroom, my shoes squeak and I leap at an angle making sure I don't hit anyone mid air. I land on the desk, slide and fall into my chair. The Bell rings, right after I land into my chair. 

              I made it, Sighing with relief I heard the class starting to clap. Mr. Christiansen says, "very impressive Mr. Matson, how long have you been practicing that with Dylan?" I responded. "Me and Dylan haven't practiced anything." Really!?, because you just jumped 17ft over 3 of my students and landed perfectly, without a scratch on you or my students." he continues "You do realize the world record is 29ft, And you just made over half of that without any training, right?"  realizing what I did, I simply came up with, "well I had a 2 hall, head start." I said enthusiastically.

    Everyone laughed at my comment. "Well class lets get started, We've been talking to much over Mr. Matson's stunt." 

               After about an hour or so later, I decided to take a break from my work. And looked around the classroom. I sat to the left corner of the room, next to the window. The breeze of the wind was no longer cold it was warm now. To my right, sat a girl named McKenna. She was a very quiet person, very skinny and frail. her eyes were Hazel, and her hair was a light dirty blonde. And she had a Japanese styled bag, to carry her School stuff. In front of me was a guy named Dean. He was the star player on are baseball team. 11 home runs, no fouls, and 2 strikes out all in just one game. He use to do track and field, He is an amazing sprinter which explains why he's so fast when he runs to each base. He has red spiky hair, brown eyes and is very muscular, But still has quite a skinny body. I haven't really learned about everyone else around in my classroom except for Anne, the Math wiz and all round best gpa in school. She also has a "great sense of humor" and is one of the most attractive girls in the school. She is 5,4 And has blue eyes, light blonde hair, she has a perfect median body size. And is very athletic, she plays tennis, badminton and volleyball.  I've known her since grade school, but I never really knew her. But something about her feels off, I know for a fact that there is no such thing as perfect, and she's, well perfect. Perfect looks, grades, and a perfect form in all things sports. Like I don't mean to be "that guy", but i really can't Believe it.

       After the Bell rang I went to lunch, most of the people that I usually sat by are part of the swimming club. They're trying really hard to make me join. But no matter how hard they try, they'll never be able to convince me to join. Plus the only reason they even know I can swim is because I went to the public pool every Saturday for my exercise. And I had "perfect form", and a "mega fast speed." But all I care about is staying in shape, so I look good. 

           So instead of going to lunch in School, I go to Subway. I usually go to Subway on days like Monday and Friday. Right as I walk out the school doors I see Anne, and 2 shady guys cornering her against the brick wall of the school. I try to ignore it, and start walking. But then one of the shady guys starts to yank at her shirt. I can't ignore it anymore. I walk up to them, "Hey!, Are these guys bothering you Anne?" The two guys respond with "beat it punk!!" I see Anne, her eyes shut and tears starting to form, she gentle nods her head. "Quit it all ready, she's obviously uncomfortable." I say. One of the guys taps the other ones shoulder "I think he's asking for a fight!" I get closer and say "look guys I'm not asking for a fight, I'm just asking you t-" (one of them goes for a swing to the face) The swing was unexpected but easy to dodge. Grabbing his arm after the swing, I kick his ankle on his left foot. He hunches over , then I rotate my foot to hit the top of his head, and I quickly put him in an arm lock, putting me in a position we're the other guy is behind me. The other guy goes up for attack, I drop to the ground and he punches his buddy in the back of the head. Which easily knocks him out. Once I drop to the ground the guy tries to stomp on back, but I roll fast enough to dodge it. but when I try to get back up on my feet, he gets a hit to my face. After the hit, I stand up quickly, he throws another swing. I dodge and punch his left rib, then round house to his other rib with my right foot. After the two blows, I bring in my right leg and put my hand to the ground to keep balanced, then using the same leg I used to roundhouse kick him, I kick directly up into he bottom of his jaw. He drops to the ground, and holds onto his jaw in pain. And his buddy gets up and both of them start to run away.

           I rub the spot where I got hit and throw my backpack back onto my back. And start to walk to Subway. Suddenly, Anne runs up to me, and hugs me tightly from the back. She starts sobbing all over my jacket. "You saved me, thank you." I couldn't help but pull her off and turn around, seeing her face after makes me blush just a bit. She latches back on to me after I rotate to face her. "Hey, you're hugging me a little to tightly." I say, "Ooh!, Im sorry. (she backs off) I guess I couldn't help myself." "I've been trying to say this for a while, but i really like y-" I interrupt, knowing where this might go, "Sorry, but I was just going to Subway for lunch and we only have forty-two minutes until lunch is over, and I wanted to eat something before my Language Arts class." I start to walk away toward main street. But she grabs my arm. "Khol, why do you always ignore me? there is an awkward silence between the two of us, for a second or two. I can't think of anything to say. then Anne says, "I've been trying to get your attention ever since grade school. And everyone but you pays attention to me." 

I feel super pressured by more than just what she's saying, she's super close, and I'm super uncomfortable. Am I too good for you? Are you too good for me? I just don't understand. (she starts to tear up) I know that if she were to break out in tears, it would get my jacket wetter than it already is. So I try to make her feel better by giving her a hug. She opens her eyes in shock, then hugs me back with a satisfied face. Her body's warm, her skin is soft, like a pillow. And she smells nice. It's weird to think about it but she really is perfect. Then after about seven seconds she backs up and thanks me one more time. Then walks away.

             After going to Subway, I go back to class, once I slide open the doors to the classroom, all the guys are giving me a death stare and all the girls have some weird glare directed toward Anne. After about a second or two, I realize why everyone is acting so weird. It's because of the fight that happened at lunch. I go and talk to Dylan, "Why is everyone being so weird?" Dylan responds with " apparently, you saved Anne from two shady guys, and now, all the girls think your the bravest guy at school, and are jealous of Anne touching you. And then all the guys are mad at you because you had the balls to hug Anne." "Wait who saw me, I swear there wasn't a soul outside!" I say. "I think it was Jamie who told everyone." Dylan said. ugh, I totally forgot, I left her this morning to get to class on time. she must've wanted to get pay back for leaving her behind.

          Later that day, It was about 30 minutes until school got out so I wanted to go and find Jamie. But right then my phone buzzes in my pocket, sense my history teacher won't care if I pull it out. I go and check my notifications. It was Dylan, he texted me "meet me in the parking lot". And so I left the classroom having all of my work done in that class. As I walk down the sidewalk, I wonder why dylan called me out here. As I get to the parking lot, I see Dylan next to his car.  his car is a pretty nice car. it's a 2019 Toyota Hatchback, and it has a white paint job and a cool design in the front of it. which is tiny black triangles that fade from the front of the car and ends a red at the end of the hood. 

           As I walk through the hot parking lot, I see Dylan signaling me to hurry up. As I walk faster, he starts frantically waving his arms, I ran to the car. Once there Dylan pulls my head down. "Dylan what is going on, dude?" Dylan response is almost earth-chilling. He was walking to his class B-12 and while he was walking up the stairway he heard Anne talking to someone on the lower stairs, at first he thought to greet Anne, but once he saw two shady guys he backed up immediately before they could see him. Anne and the two shady guys were talking to each other like they were her best buds,  then Anne handed them something in a bag.

       I didn't believe it, "no, no, no, there is no way she was talking friendly to those douchey perverts." "you have to be joking!" Dylan shook his head slowly, as I was talking. "And you know you could have messed up on who you say, This has to be some kind of mistake or something."  look! Dylan shouted, that's what I saw, and if you are not going to believe me, then that's your choice. "Look all I'm saying is that she might be bad news and you should try to avoid her. I responded, with an okay, still stunned by what Dylan said. I sit on one of the campus benches.

          I can't stop thinking about it, a bag!? What!? And she was talking to them like best pals. Wow, I usually don't care about any drama. But that's just, well  a lot of information about one of the A+ students in school. As, I Say goodbye to Dylan. I see McKenna, the one in my B-12 class. She must have just got out of Gym class because she has her uniform on. With her uniform on you can tell that she's not actually as frail as everyone sees her. She's kinda cute. (She jumps in her car and drives away). I don't really don't have a purpose to stay at school so I place my hands in pockets. And I walk on the cold asphalt road back to my apartment. On my way I realize that they did close the road I usually take, and I don't want to run into Jamie, so I take a different route than I did this morning, as I go through I realize that this street is one of those "downs" roads were the strong prey on the weak and the weak try there best to get through life. Almost everyone in this town is homeless. You know those stereo typical shows that homeless people gather around barrels with fire in them, this is what this street is. On my way a see a young man selling some seeds, I'm not sure what they are but I walk over to him very steadily I walk to him with a smile on my face and crouch down and ask him what he's selling, he studders, and shivers as he answers "seeds f-from a t-ree", he's barley able to speak in this cold, I take off my hoodie and give it to him, then also buy a seed from him giving him an extra dollar. "There kid, I hope you make it through this." I get up, and throw my bag onto my back. As I place my left hand in my pocket and my right hand support my backpack. As I walked through those streets I saw over 10 people sleeping in alley ways and the streets. It's honestly a really horrible sight and the mayor should really do something about it. Then taking my other jacket out my bag I put it on it's the one I usually wear when go out to get coffee and I usually put it on to relax.

                 Once i got home i went to unlock my door, but right before i put my key in the lock i realized that it was already unlocked! I never leave my door unlocked and I usually check several times that its completely locked before i go to school. I'm instantly in a defensive mood after opening my door that was for some reason was unlocked. I checked my room and behind every door in my apartment before sitting down on my bed i sat on the side of my edge of my bed thinking about why my apartment was unlocked. But then all of a sudden my bed feels off set. I pull the blanket off the bed, " Peek a boo!!" Anne comes out of the bed and hugs me. " What the hell are you doing in my apartment and how in the world did you get in here anyway!?" Still hugging me tightly Anne looks up and says I'd drop by and say hi! And your door was unlocked and no one was responding, so i though you might of been inside. So I unlocked your door with my bobby pen. But it turned out that no one was actually home so I waited for a bit!" I respond very confused "my door is an electronic lock. So how did you really get in here" Anne responds with "it's a secret" then hugging me more tightly. "Okay Anne, (I slowly push her off of me) what are you doing here and why." "Well I heard from some of Jamie's friends that she needed extra help for some of her studies, and she asked you for that help." Anne says. I start feeling really uncomfortable and strangely excited. How would she know how to get through my lock, and on top of that why did she wait in my bed until I got home?! That's so creepy. And why would she care if Jamies needed help from me. Then it hits me. She has a crush on me!? Now realizing it, i get a smirk on my face and I start giggling, she immediately responds with "whats so funny." I tease her "Are you jealous of Jamie?" She backs up in a blushing shock. "W-what are you talking about?" Still giggling I say "Are you scared that if Jamie came over, that me and her would be spending time together?" "What I'm not jealous of that overconfident loser!" It looks like she's getting a little enticed. The door bell rings, I stand up to get the door but Anne pulls at my shirt, pulling me back on the bed. I fall backwards on my shoulders she slowly lifts her left leg on top of me. Then lowering her breast to my chest. "W-what are you, what are you doing?!" She stutters with a strange blush "I don't want you to open that door, I'm more important, aren't I?" 

          My heart is beating super fast it's all happening to quick, (she pulls her arms around my body) is she actually trying to-  Anne interrupts my thoughts "You don't feel uncomfortable, do you" "I don't want to force anything on you" (she gets up off my chest still sitting on me) I say a quick answer still shocked by the event the only thing I can say is- "I do feel quite uncomfortable, if you want to talk to me you don't need to force me down on a leash so you can." Her face is dead white and her body trembles a bit. My heart is still beating really fast, and then the though of "well she is really cute and she's into me so why not date her… " no, no she just wants attention from me and all I'm doing is giving it to her. Anne gets off of me completely "sorry" she says, and then heads for her purse then the door. I get up off the bed, "wait!" I say. She does a one-eighty and waits for my response. "You'll need a jacket, it's cold out there"  I take off my jacket that I go out for coffee and relax for. while I'm taking off my jacket my shirt gets pulled up with it. Once taking it off I see her face super red and then realizing she saw my stomach and my body, I go a little red to then looking to the side, I start itching my nose and say "here it'll keep you warm while your walking home she has a smile on her face still embarrassed and red faced she looks like the wide eyed emoji blushing, it's kinda funny. She puts on the jacket a little baggy on her and her hand don't even reach through the sleeves. She goes up to me and tries to hug me around my neck seeing what she's trying to do I bend my head down a bit like I was starting to bow, then averting her arms downward she tippy toes and kisses me. Then while I get to the point of realization she stands there for a bit and kind of walks away shyly.

           Taking the back door, she does a cute little wave as she shuts the door on her way out. The doorbell rings another time. Me still a little surprised I stumble to the door and open the stainless steel doorknob. As to opening the door there stood a reporter with several people with mics and before I can react the reporter says "young man we are channel 12 and we are looking for acts of kindness today we where told that you had given your jacket to a young boy that was freezing!." Me getting back into my normal attitude I respond with "nope" and shut the door. They bang on the door but I'm not going to answer, I jump back on my bed and lay on my back, as they bang away at the door I can't help but to blush and smile after what happened. 

           After Cooling off and the reporters gave up, i getup to get to my workout, I usually take off my shirt with my workouts because it gets hot easily and I'm not a sauna guy that wears a jacket I honestly hate the feeling of my sweat against my clothes, but I don't care if anybody else is a Sauna guy, it's not my body. About 45 mintue's go's by of my workout and I get a three knocks at my door, I'm sure it's the reporters trying to talk to me get me to talk to them again. so in my sweaty state I get up and get a towel to wipe my sweat while walking to the door, I perch the towel on my shoulders and start to wipe my face and then my hair as I open the door, I close my eye look up and say, okay guys, I don't care what you think you saw, and I like my peace and quiet so- (I open my eyes) it's Jamie. She's wearing a salmon colored shirt under a white crop top and a shorty shorts, and salmon earrings  And she is redder then a Radish. Me being the dumbass I am, I stop speaking completely and then just stand there and say nothing but stare at her with the most awkward face ever. (My face go's red a bit) "I-I just came t-o see if you could help me with my homework." She says. My face still in shock i can only manage to say "you c-can come in if you wanna." her still bright red says "oh o-okay" after a while i just sit at the table in my kitchen with her and we just sit there for a while in awkward silence as I haven't even went to get a shirt because I really don't like the feeling of sweat and cloth on me. "So what is it you need help with?" I say "it's just some advance algebra…" she responds "oh that's easy" I scoot over to her without thinking. Showing her the formula for the first equation, I realize her hand is shaking a bit, and ask her what's wrong because she's doing a good job. She studders "well your bare chest is on my shoulder it's a little distracting…" my face goes redder then hers, I back up in a quick motion. "Well I didn't say I didn't like it.." Realizing what she said she and I both turned are face. Me being myself, I feel as if I'm over reacting but I can't help to feel this way, I stumble out of the chair and say "I should go get my shirt, and leave the kitchen. Coming back with one of my favorite shirts, it's one of my old track shirts back in middle school. I sit next to Jamie again and keep helping her with algebra, about thirty minutes into the study session we switch to language arts, and she is still so uncomfortable, I can totally tell. "Why are you so uneasy?" I say. "I put on a shirt" I giggle. She flinches in shock once I ask her. She starts playing with her hair, and says. "Well I-I'm just not used to someone helping me, and being so easy to talk to." Still playing with her hair, her eyes fill up with a sense of lust. She starts to put away her stuff. Why is she putting her stuff away? We still have like two pages of language arts. "Jamie why are you putting away-" I feel a tug at my collar, I feel something soft on my lips, it's Jamie, and she's kissing me?! I instantly try to pull back, but she pulls again. And again, are lips touch. I pull and put space between us by putting my hands on her shoulders. Us both out of breath we both are red. She gets up and says, "tha-nks for the help.." then books it out of the apartment. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? TWO IN ONE DAY!!! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!