Housekeeping That Easy Or Is It?!!

Atsushi: I finally got a job lalala I don't have to get married nanana I finally got my head out of water papapa!!

Car: bep bep

Atsushi: Ahhhh what the hell man.

Unknown: ( get out car ) did you hear the bep dumbass.

Chizu: Hi Atsushi oh your back for New York Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: who is this ?

Chizu: Atsushi this my bestfriend Hiroshi, Hiroshi this is Atsushi my Housekeeping starting today.

Atsushi: nice to meet you Hiroshi.

Hiroshi: it a pleasure to meet you to Atsushi.

Chizu: come in Atsushi you don't have to start cleaning right away.

Atsushi: It is my job so I would like to start early and leave early.

Chizu: ok

Hiroshi: I'm going to go to the bathroom.

Chizu: ok

Atsushi: ~~I don't wanna be you I don't wanna be you I don't wanna be youuuu anymore ~~

Hiroshi: Hi Atsushi!!

Atsushi: ( take out earphones ) yes can I help you.

Hiroshi: what is y'all relationship ?

Atsushi: me and Chizu.

Hiroshi: yes who else.

Atsushi: i guess he's my boss.

Hiroshi: stop acting dumb my Chizu never had a housekeeper how long have you known each other.

Atsushi: two days

Hiroshi: two days and you already acting like friend with My Chizu.

Atsushi: "My"

Hiroshi: yes My I love him very much and I not going let some ugly pathetic guy take him from me.

Chizu: what are y'all guy taking about?!!

Hiroshi: oh I told him the sink is clogged up.

Chizu: are you ok with cleaning that Atsushi.

Atsushi: that is my job ( hahahaha awkward smile ).

Chizu: then I leave it to you then.

Atsushi: ok

Hiroshi: remember what I said lil bitch.

Chizu: did you say something I didn't see your mouth can you say it again.

Hiroshi: I said Atsushi is a good at his job hahaha.

Chizu: I know right that's why I hired him.

One Hour Later

Hiroshi: Hi Atsushi I accidentally drop my cup of coffee can you clean it up for me.

Atsushi: sure no problem.

Hiroshi: Atsushi can you get me a glass of water.

Atsushi: ok here is your glass of water.

Hiroshi: ( trip him ) look what you did you did it on purpose.

Chizu: Atsushi is it true you did that on purpose.

Atsushi: no I.. I don't do it ..on. purpose!!

Chizu: see Hiroshi he didn't do it on purpose.

Hiroshi: how would you believe that guy you known for two days then your bestfriend!!?

Chizu: you can leave for today Atsushi.

Atsushi: oh..ok