Promise Broken Can It Be Fix? Part 3

Hiroshi: keep it short!!

Ena: I'm talk to you!!

Atsushi: let's go Chizu

Chizu: ok


Chizu: is it ok to keep them outside together?

Atsushi: Ena is just cleaning up a misunderstanding about their past.

Chizu: how do they know each other?

Atsushi: high school best friends

Chizu: it really is a misunderstanding if they was best friends.

Atsushi: anyways I have something to tell you.

Chizu: me too.

Atsushi: you first!!

Chizu: ok what did you say that day when you hit Hiroshi?

Atsushi: oh that it a secret between me and Hiroshi I can't tell you if you didn't see it.

Chizu: why is it a secret if Hiroshi got mad about it why doesn't he tell me he ran after you?



Hiroshi: what do you want Ena?

Ena: I'm cleaning up my misunderstanding before I leave Japan.

Hiroshi: you leaving Japan?!! Why?

Ena: shhh Atsushi doesn't know and why do you care?

Hiroshi: I didn't anyways why didn't you go to college with me?? You lied to me!!

Ena: I didn't mean to lie to you I was going to college!!!

Hiroshi: then why? hu Why?

Ena: it was accident I killed someone ok!!

Hiroshi: killed

Ena: I killed her hahaha

Hiroshi: is that's funny?


Atsushi: is she crying or laughing

Hiroshi: ( busted one the door ) she going crazy!!

Atsushi: Ena what's wrong?

Ena: I killed her hahaha

Chizu: killed who?

Ena: Mom!! Dad!!! Sister!!! Brother!!! I'm sorry forgive me?

Atsushi:( calling Saya) come pick up Ena and don't ask why?

Saya: ok on my way!!

Hiroshi: what she talk about?

Chizu: who did she kill?

Saya: am here Ena are you ok?

Atsushi: you here so fast!!

Saya: I'm was race car driver!!

Atsushi: you didn't get caught!

Saya: am a police officer now!! Hurry up and pick her up!!!

Atsushi: ok ok