Broken Heart Both Mentality and Deadly

Hiroshi: Let me the fuck in!!!

Atsushi: go!! Go!!! Didn't you say you was going to Ena?

Hiroshi: you bitch what in the hell did we do to you huh?!!

Atsushi: I'm so sick of been nice if Ena is in the coma I …

Hiroshi: (stop him from talking) what will you do hahaha? You can't do nothing!!!

Atsushi: what can't I do is the question you should think about…

Hiroshi: huh…

Atsushi: (in Hiroshi ear) **********************

Hiroshi: What?!!

Atsushi:( in Hiroshi ear) you can keep this a secret this is are second time keep secrets but if you tell Chizu it will ********* and then I going to tell him I like him then I will **** *** do you get…

Hiroshi: you crazy stay away from me and Chizu!!!

Atsushi: stay away from Ena!!!

Hiroshi: ok ok but let me see Ena once more please

Atsushi: open the door

Hiroshi: Ena Ena

Atsushi: I didn't tell you to go in you said see

Hiroshi: ok I'm leaving know


Nurse: Are you the family of Mr.Chizu you have to pay for the bill…

Hiroshi: ok wait he left?

Nurse: just I minute ago…

Hiroshi: ok ok


Nurse: Doctor the patient is awake!!!

Atsushi: Ena you awake how you feel ?

Ena: who are you?!!

Atsushi: doctor what wrong with Ena?

Doctor: she probably just in shock… in couple day she will be back in time… it normal

Atsushi: ok … Ena I'm your best friend Atsushi…

Ena: my best friend is Hiroshi not Atsushi.!!

Atsushi: I'm your best friend!!! Sorry for getting mad but I'm your best friend ok…

Ena: where my phone?

Atsushi: here

Ena: hello Hiroshi help me!!!

Atsushi:( grab the phone in hangs up) guys don't let her out!!!


Hiroshi: are y'all ready

Doctor: stop fighting call Atsushi tell him someone is taking Ena!!!

Doctors: ok

Atsushi: Hiroshi that bitch I told him not to get involved hahaha ( calling ) Plan B

Unknown: are you sure?

Atsushi: yeah proceed with it


Chizu: help someone kidnapping me!!!!

Kidnapper: hi stop yelling you giving me a headache you son of a bitch!! I see why Atsushi want to kill you!!!

Other Kidnapper: you dumb his deaf so why are you taking to him!!!

Chizu: ( I show him say Atsushi it can't be)

Atsushi: what a big catch?!! Good job...

Kidnappers: Boss

Chizu: Atsushi !!!!

Atsushi: where you phone Chizu? Found it!!

( calling Hiroshi ) hello old friend!!! Hahaha

Hiroshi: why do you have Chizu phone?!!

Atsushi: hahaha didn't I tell you if you take or talk to Ena I will kidnap Chizu and kill him…

Chizu: why are you doing this?!!

Atsushi: you here that hahaha you want to talk to him before you die? Here

Chizu: why Hiroshi why didn't you tell me that Atsushi like me too…

Hiroshi: you know !!!

Atsushi: ( hangs up ) you know than this will be easyer than I imagine then... untie him than leave

Kidnapper: ok

Chizu: stop coming closer to me.!!!

Atsushi: don't you like me too what the problem then…

Chizu: ( slap him)

Atsushi: ok kill him