45 Hour Show

Hiroshi: Let's go Chizu

Atsushi: what? his not going anywhere are you dumb why would I let you take Chizu…

Chizu: let me go…

Hiroshi: Chizu!! Let him go are you crazy why do you like Chizu for anyways…

Chizu: I did love you Atsushi because you didn't care that I was deaf but you going to far…

Atsushi: I love you too so stay with me...

Chizu: I just stab you why do you still like me!!!

Kidnapper: just close your eye and fall asleep…

Hiroshi: what did you do with Chizu?

Atsushi: 44 hours and 25 minutes I gave him drug you have this amount of time the dose is 3x the size

Hiroshi: he could die

Atsushi: yah that literally the whole point hahaha

Hiroshi: your crazy

Atsushi: yah I know but you should get Ena quick orrr he could die so...

Hiroshi: ( I have to find away to save both of him but judging by him he would not kill Chizu )

Atsushi: and don't think I wouldn't kill him… because I will ( Cut Chizu face ) you don't want this beautiful face go to waste…will you?

Hiroshi: ( I don't think he lying ) I will just take Ena to the hospital met me at the hospital in 2 hours

Atsushi: If you lying I will track you and Ena till your last days…

Hiroshi: Why did you feel in love with him?!! Just leave him alone…

Atsushi: he was the first person to have fallen in love with me I'm doing him a favor everyone who love me will dead but not Ena…

Hiroshi: Why don't you marry Ena than? You are bi…

Atsushi: I don't like Ena like that she was the only one that stay with me even though she know I kill people…

Hiroshi: so you kill more people than Ena family… your sick…

Atsushi: kill another one or two people wouldn't scare me you have last than 2 hours… Dumbass come get Chizu…

Hiroshi: why didn't that cut did kill you?

Atsushi: Chizu isn't strong enough to stab a knife correctly he didn't even go past my white meat…

Hiroshi: why did you act like it hurts?

Atsushi: I never said it didn't hurts … anyways let go are ways you go first…

Hiroshi: Don't kill Chizu!!! ( turn around )

Atsushi: ( pull out his gun and shoots past Hiroshi ) that was a threat if you didn't come to the hospital with Ena you little friend will me my friend called 22 my babe…

Hiroshi: ( I think I got to comfortable what my plan? First, don't act scare ) I will so shut the fuck up ( Turn to Atsushi ) next time it will be me shoot the gun but not a 22 but my Geretta 92 classic gun… bye bye hahaha

Atsushi: do he think we slow he so scared come on and a Geretta 92 that sooo old it 2020…


Birthday: July 24

July 1 - July 30

No updates till further notice Hope ever one have a Good summer even thought the COVID- 19