Glossary/ World intro

World intro:

The world is set up in a WW1 like era with oil being non-existent in this world. The nation that the MC, Caspar Hahn, is from, is called Urmach and is part of an HRE (Holy Roman Empire) like confederacy, to the west of the confederacy there is the Republic of Froidan, to the north is the open sea, to the south, there is a large mountain range with a number of industrial city-states, and to the east, there are three nations, Borpiden, Togin, and Ratesnea, who are all vassal states of a larger empire farther east called Oskiuum.

That is all the geopolitical info you need to know at the start of the novel.


Caspar Hahn: MC with black hair and eyes and a slightly above average height, he is also a soldier of Urmacht, and a sergeant of the 23rd infantry.

Lothar Von Elsler: Prince of Urmacht and commander of the Urmacht forces in the northeastern front. He is tall, with brown hair and hazel eyes.

Johann Fritz: commander of the 23rd infantry, colonel and Caspar's Superior, a younger man in his mid-thirties.

Carsten Grau: Middle-aged advisor to the prince and vice commander of the northeastern front.