Woah There, Tiger


I literally ate half of all of the food in my pantry before getting back into the game. It was early in the morning and the sun was just coming out over Fury's Den. From a distance, it looks sort of nice. The cool, damp air flowed through my hair and pushed against my loose clothes, nearly making me want to pass out right there.

'Ouff!~ I've wasted too much time.' With haste, I jumped down the tree, using the branches to break my fall.

At the base of the tree, there were some early bird teams killing away. It seems that the game has already gotten everyone hooked (me included). I don't blame them, there is no better feeling than playing this game; growing with your teammates or taking it all on alone, it's all exhilarating.

In the direction of Fury's Den was a nice opening (no players or enemies except for a few smaller ones). After activating [Gale], I was fast enough for them not to care.

Unknowingly, I had attracted some unwanted guests.

"Hey sis! Is that an NPC?"

"Probably. They might be related to a quest, should we….?



I rushed through the forest with a smile on my face. The small gusts of wind circling around me combined with the sweet smell of nature really helped create a grand sense of freedom. Also, something about running at inhuman speeds really was fun.

I ducked, dived, dodged :), bobbed, weaved, jumped, and skidded around the foliage so skillfully that one must think I had done it a thousand times. They would be right (not on this path though). Even if I don't remember most of my time in the game before, forest running wasn't lost.


I felt a slight prickle at around my eyebrow, so I dropped to my knees and slid. Right where my head used to be was the claw of a near colossal green tiger.


"Hoohoooo big boy!~"

|[ Poison Tiger

Lv: 7

Type: Enhanced

Rank: {Rare} Warrior

HP: 15,000

Status: Startled ]|

My surprise turned to elation in a nanosecond, '!!!!!!!! A rare elite! Yes!'

Other players in my situation would obviously turn tail and run. Enhanced Rare Elite monsters of a higher level during this stage of the game are like grim reapers. If you see one, you will die. That is of course assuming you aren't followed around by 50+ people willing to lose a level for your benefit.

Many guilds pulled that sht if they saw anything they thought would benefit them.

This is all irrelevant to someone like me. The more important battles I remember were fought against things almost 10 levels above mine, how much is two levels to me?

'The answer; nothing…


I think.'

With my accumulated skills and my sword, this thing WILL fall.

*Swoosh!~ Swoosh!~ POW!~*

The tiger took another few swipes before kicking a log at me. I dodged both with a short backstep plus a backwards duck and the last using a jump. Noticing that it's attacks weren't working, it used a skill.


The thing spat out a glob of green liquid.



+ [Berserkr (a)] 11% Damage

I intentionally took a nick of damage from the acid for extra damage. Now that I was right up on the tiger, my assault will begin. Using all the strength in my arms, I retrieved the sword and swung.


- 607

A deep gash and a small chunk of flesh were cut out of the neck of the tiger from my destructive slash.

In an instant, I shifted my hands so one supported the handle while the other supported the middle of the blade and spun the sword over me. During this recovery move, I initiated a quick spin and activated [Heavy Slash +] in an upward motion. The cat was still reeling from the first hit giving it no time to respond.

Huge damage of over 800 was dealt (in addition to the bleed). This semi-uppercut sent his head back. I let the sword continue its path till it got over my head. The force nearly brought me off my feet, but I stayed up and activated [Cleave and Crush] on my downward strike.

|[ [Cleave and Crush] has leveled u- ]|


- 923

[Berserkr (b)] Was showing it's worth, slowly increasing my damage as the fight continued. That was if you even considered this a fight. The huge cat was having the sht beat out of it by a massive slab of metal-

*SLAM!!!~ SLAM!!!~~ SLAM!!!!~~~*

Case in point.

I was slowly moving into a trance as I pummeled the poor feline. This state (aka flow state) was a little bit different then what normal people can experience. For me, the rage and killing intent gradually flow out from me, wherein I slowly merge with it. It allows my pure battle instinct to take over without any fears of getting hurt.

During this trance, part of my consciousness was sent into sleep, gaining access to more of my memories.

With each attack, the arcs straitened. Every one becoming more and more slick and connected. My skills were subconsciously being used in junction with the pattern allowing for a seamless and unbreakable combo. Each strike taking it off balance enough to stop it's advances.

The Poison Tiger, however, wasn't done just yet. With only a little less than 2,000hp left, it entered a crazed state, throwing out skills and increasing it's stats.


This knocked me out of the trance forcefully.



- 133

+ 27% Damage

Finally, a direct hit was received on my part, but not to my disadvantage. It forced me back 4 meters before I stuck the sword in the ground. Like lightning I sprung back and charged. With the sword at my side, I appeared in front of the tiger and swung using [Cleave and Crush].

Simultaneously, he swung. His enormous razor-sharp claws were just about to tear my head right off, his was cleaved with one swing.


|[ You killed: Poison Tiger!

+ 8243 EXP (underleveled bonus)

You have leveled up twice! +6 STP +2 STR ]|

"Sigh~" I sat down after collecting the loot:

|[ Rewards:


- Item:

Tiger's Fang

Type: Spear

Class Restriction: Warrior, Shieldsman

Level: 7 (15)

Tier: 1

Rarity: Bronze


Attack: 65-110

Weight: 16kg

+ 3 STR

+ 3 AGI



- [Green Venom] <★★>: (Passive) With every strike of the weapon that pierces the enemy's flesh, an added [Poisoned (Venom)] effect is applied for 3s (only one stack of [Poisoned (Venom)] may be applied at a time from this weapon). [+]


- Item:

Tiger's Claws

Type: Dual Axes

Class Restriction: Warrior

Level: 7 (15)

Tier: 1

Rarity: Iron


Attack: 80-115

Weight: 8kg (each)

+ 4 STR

+ 2 DEX



- [Yellow Venom] <★★>: (Passive) With every strike of the weapon that pierces the enemy's flesh, an added [Slowed (Venom)] effect is applied for 3s (only one stack of [Slowed (Venom)] may be applied at a time from this weapon). [+]


- Item:

Poison Sword

Type: Short Sword

Class Restriction: Assassin, Swordsman, Shieldsman

Level: 7 (15)

Tier: 1

Rarity: Iron


Attack: 60-90

Weight: 7kg

+ 6 DEX

+ 1 AGI

+ 1 INT



- [Poison Spray] <★★>: (Toggle) Spray poison forth with every strike, adding a [Poisoned] effect for 3s (only one stack of [Poisoned] may be applied at a time from this weapon. [+]


- 2 Silver ]|