Prologue 2

The king was a kind king. He was wise and brilliant in the stories. He rebelled the old empire and rose to power with the dregs of society at his call, establishing a new reign. His rise led to the development of multiple institutions and welfare. The people loved his charm and his sunny smile.


At this moment, the smile which once resembled the sun was replaced with a vicious and cruel grin, as the tears streamed down the dirty face and created streaks in the dark skin.

"Ernaline, do not look at me with those forced me! You lied when you said I was the only one with enough power to save these people, didn't you?

"But I am not the only are, too!"

The tears continued to flow down his cheeks, but he acted as if he did not feel the wetness. The scene was absurd, insane....yet real.

"You made me an ugly man, Ernaline. You forced me to make the choice. What a cruel woman! You make me hate myself. But this is for the good of everyone, right? You need to die for the sake of everyone here."

The last vestige of light shone through the earth being shovelled into the hole. The black shadows beyond did not stop their activity. Instead, they seem to be filled with vigour, quite unlike the previous lethargy and resignation of impeding death. The air started to die, and the lungs started to burn and constrict. The blood seeped into the earth where no one could see, but it did not beg.

"Ernaline, Ernaline...."

His voice faded as more stones filled the empty space. The purple eyes tried hard to look at the man as its vision was slowly buried.

"Goodbye, Ernaline."


The cave was filled. No one stepped on the bloodied tracks leading to its entrance. Instead, all eyes were on the sandstorm, hoping for hope.

"Your Highness, do we simply remain here? Will the sandstorm really stop as to the Oracle's words?"

One of the guards could not help but doubt if the death of the Oracle is enough insurance for the hundreds of lives waiting in the caves.

The king was absentminded. "The Oracle is always right. Once the sacrifice is completed according to the instructions given, the storm will stop. The Oracle is never wrong."

"But the is still approaching even though it has been some time."

"...The miracle will come when it stops breathing."

He solemnly caressed the gold totem around his neck and kissed it religiously.

Ernaline, I will create the greatest kingdom. Just wait and see.