Chapter 2: Hi

Rulia looked out her window as she watched the guards setting up camp. She fiddled with her long dark hair restlessly.

Now that she was outside and on the way to that lame kingdom Siodros, she could not behave like her usual self and throw tantrums at the slow pace of the soldiers. After all, her mother told her that there were Siodrosian soldiers escorting her as well, and she ought to keep up the elegant performance if she did not want to disgrace the Cleridalle House.

Rulia wanted to spit on the ground. Disgrace? Disgrace is marrying your only daughter off to some foreign man just because your King demands it. Disgrace is giving up your only daughter for the nonsensical pride this sacrifice bestows on the family.

Well, she never was close to her mother. The entire family was a cold-hearted shell made of limestone. She never needed care and concern from those people. She will show them what it means to be a Cleridalle.

I looked at how the little girl grit her teeth as she looked out the window. She might have thought that she was looking pretty awesome, silently staring into nothingness, but in my eyes, all that posturing made me blush.

Ah, its good to be young. Guess I will make a contract with her and maybe we can go on to earn karma points and mess up the entire destiny thing about villains.

"Hey, yoz. What's up, man? Whatchoo looking at?" I blatantly said.

It was when she looked around in alarm that I realise I was still in spirit form.

"Who are you! Where are you!" she screamed.

It's getting messy. I spotted a jewel on her neck and quickly entered it. Wow, its a high quality amethyst with magic inside, it will be good for nourishing my soul. A physical presence should soothe her; at least she wouldn't faint if she realise she was talking to a ghost, right?

"Hey, calm down. Tell the guards to go away."

The little girl was still terrified but she still obeyed me. I think it's mainly because she did not want to be seen as insane because she realised that no one responded when I spoke in front of her servants.

"Hey, look, I'm here. In the purple jewel on your chest."

Her scream that night was terrifyingly long. I found it extremely absurd. It was a sensitive spot, sure, but in all honesty, I wasn't near anywhere suspicious.

And I am a century-old spirit, so my conscience is clear.

Is my reasoning wrong?