
5 of certain month of Donshun period,

Binhai country,

The streets have been cleared. Flowers are falling like welcoming a great goddess. Surely there is a goddess who has entered the streets but she is considered to be a demon here.

" Whose marriage day it is ?"asked an onlooker.

A man next to him has answered him in a low voice, "Second prince's marriage"

"Oh!The bridal sedan chair is heading towards that prince's mansion, but where is the prince?"He is curius as according to the law the husband escorts his wife to his house but here, no one from the prince's mansion is escorting.

" Shsh!" the shopkeeper tells them to keep quite.

As sedan chair is passing slowly through the street, another group begins to chat about it.

"Humph! This is really rude behaviour of prince's mansion. This is the new princess consort and no one respecting her ?"One of them ask.

" Do you want us to respect a demon?" His friend retorts.

" A demon? What are you saying?" The third one shows interest.

" What else! She is a Yan"He mocks her.

" What! Our great hero has married a Yan??" "Are you sure it is a true news?"

" As authentic as this wine in this bottle..."

Chattering did not affected the movememt of sedan chair.

A gush of wind passed.


The curtain of the chair flies with it in a rythm that can not be ignored.

" Ahhh..." Many gasps are heard.

" Oh"

The figure in the chair has been illuminated under the flowing smooth wind with flowers all around.

The woman in the chair has been vieled but this veil was still not enough to hide her enchating looks and aura.

No one has ever thought that the woman they have been terming as demon, will be appeared like a fairy to them when only her figure will be seen.

They are dazed. Their minds have stopped working.

" Hahaha... they have not yet seen miss completely and are already like this...."

The maid can not help but snicker. She has followed the princess to this nation. She was also wearing a veil and only her eyes can be seen.

The man standing next to her can not help but look at this situation.

He asks the maid out of curiousity, " Have you ever seen what princess looks like?"

' Curiosity kills the cat' she thinks.

In a low voice, she tells, "Never".

" Humph, what! You have never seen the princess ? Stop lying" He laughs.

" I am not..." Before she can say anything the prince's mansion can be seen.

Both of them become silent.

'Why has she never seen what her princess looks like?'

' Why is she wearing a veil when its not her marriage?'

' Instead of worrying about herself and princess in other nation, why is she so carefree?'

' Can she remove her demon name as called by the citizens?'

' Is this princess boon or curse for our Binhai?'

There are many questions and answers has to be found.