Follow the chicken


A soft yet commanding and domineering voice was heard by the people and they immediately kneeled to her.

Those who has prevented themselves were caught by the sharp pain in the knees and we're made to kneel to the figure in the phoenix clothes.

Butler Tu was surprised as he was a martial arts master and no one was able defeat him in his days, was today defeated by a young girl of the age sixteen.

( a/n : Oldies marry their daughters at an early age... poor girls ... I am also sixteen this year ... If I were there I would have kicked my groom to break the marriage.... Humph )

The surrounding people were angry too as they were made to kneel and pay tgeir respects to a princess from Yanfou , their arch enemies and the country who caused their ancestors to die horrible deaths but they could not voice their thoughts and anger as they were amazed by the beauty and the aura which was being released by the bride.

The Butler hesitated and was not able to stand from his position so understanding the situation , the high and mighty Butler Tu gave his respect to the princess.

" I pay my respect to the new second princess consort." He payed his respect, not to the princess of Yanfou but to the princess consort. He made it clear in his words to both veiled women.

Then a movement of wind was heard and everyone was able to stand back on their feet.


Butler Tu and the guards also stood along with the veiled maid.

"Ahem... Ahem... where is the additional dowry ?" Butler asked to the girl and tried to maintain his composure.

"It is with her highness."

"You highness, please hand over the additional dowry to me so that I could keep it safe in the mansion." He said with respect.

'Of course , you old geezer has to talk to her with respect now that she has made you kneel to her in public. You watch your tongue old geezer her highness has quite a temper.' the veiled girl thought and sneered to see the high and mighty Butler's mightiness to be get ruined.

The bride did not said anything but just shook her hand. Twinkle sound was again heard.

" Oh , the Butler, in our Yanfou the new bride keeps the additional dowry with herself and hands it directly to the husband during the nupital night. Then it is the husband who will decide what to do?"

" What are you saying ?"

" I am trying to say that with the dowry, the bride should also head inside the mansion because if you want to keep the dowry object safe, you have to keep the bride who is her highness safe." She said it in the low voice.

The Butler understood. ' Is there such a tradition or these are fooling me to enter the mansion. What shall I do?' Butler Tu was in a trance.

Seeing Butler Tu like this, the veiled girl formed a pitiful expression and eyed the guard.

The pitiful look again pierced the heart of the guard and he moved forward to help her beloved and to win her heart.

" Sir , there is a ritual in Yanfou like that." He mumbled in the ears of the Butler Tu. Butler Tu eyed the man behind him. His sincere expression made him to believe him moreover he worked under him so why would he lie to him.

' O holy mother, I have taken such a big step , what if there is not any ritual.... my head will be gone?' his mind was crying inside.

Then a voice came.

' Belive in your heart... if your heart says to trust her than do .. because our heart never lies, my child.'

The guard turned his head to see who spoke to him just now but there was no one.He was surprised as from where that voice came.

He turned back his attention to Butler Tu.

' I can not let her enter or the Imperial Consort will punish me ... what to do ? Let me try anything else.' Butler Tu thought.

" I will provide soldiers to the princess to keep her safe along with the additional dowry but the schedule of the mansion will not be broken and the mansion main gate will not be opened ." He said.

Hearing the veiled girl was very angry but before she could say anything the bride spoke.

" Do you know the meaning of this idiom?" The princess asked the Butler. Her voice was as smooth as silk and as juicy as watermelon.

" If you marry the dog , follow the dod.

If you marry the chicken, follow the chicken."

" Yes, of course I know it . The wife should follow the husband." He said with a pride expression to show his knowledge that he was well versed.

" Then tell me does your his highness, the prince follows the schedule of the mansion ?"

She again asked him.

"No .. why will he follow the schedule ?" The Butler replied.

" Then why shall I follow? I am just a wife following her husband. I am not breaking any rule."

This sentence made the Butler and the people watching the free show speechless. He did not have any option now. If he did not allow jer to enter then it would mean that he did not believe in the words he just had said and if allowed her than the imperial consort Kin would punish him .

Finally he chose to keep his face as they were in public and decided to accept the punishment that would be given to him by Consort Kin.

" Open the Mansion gates.. What are you waiting for ? The new bride is here..." He commanded.